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Nanotechnology is the engineering
of functional systems at the
molecular scale. This covers both
current work and concepts that are
more advanced. In its original sense,
'nanotechnology' refers to the projected
ability to construct items from the
bottom up, using techniques and tools
being developed today to make
complete, high performance products.
Nanotech Facts
Think small. Think really, really small—smaller
than anything you ever saw through a microscope
at school. Think atoms and molecules, and now
you’re there. You’re down at the Nanoscale,
where scientists are learning about these
fundamental components of matter and are
putting them to use in beneficial ways.

It’s a relatively new area of science that has

generated excitement worldwide. Working at the
Nanoscale, scientists today are creating new
tools, products and technology to address some
of the world’s biggest challenges, including

• Clean, secure affordable energy

• Stronger, lighter, more durable materials
• Low-cost filters to provide clean drinking water
to Use
Now researchers have a much clearer picture of
how to create nanoscale materials with properties
never envisioned before.
Products using nanoscale materials now

• Anti-bacterial wound dressings use nanoscale silver.

• Cosmetics and food producers are “nano-sizing” some
ingredients, claiming that improves their effectiveness.
• Sunscreens containing nanoscale titanium dioxide or zinc
oxide are transparent and reflect ultraviolet (UV) light to
prevent sunburns.
• Scratch- and glare-resistant coatings are being applied to
eye glasses, windows, and car mirrors.
Drug-Delivery Techniques

Dendrimers are a type of nanostructure

that can be precisely designed and
manufactured for a wide variety of
applications, including treatment of cancer
and other diseases. Dendrimers carrying
different materials on their branches can
do several things at one time, such as
recognizing diseased cells, diagnosing
disease states (including cell death), drug
delivery, reporting location , and reporting
outcomes of therapy.
Water-Filtration Techniques

Researchers are experimenting with carbon

nanotube-based membranes for water
desalination and nanoscale sensors to identify
contaminants in water systems. Other nanoscale
materials that have great potential to filter and
purify water include nanoscale titanium dioxide,
which is used in sunscreens and which has been
shown to neutralize bacteria, including E. coli, in
Society & Safety
Responsible development of nanotechnology
entails research toward understanding the public
health and safety and environmental implications
of nanotechnology, as well as research toward
promising, highly beneficial uses of the
technology. Such an approach recognizes the
value of supporting basic research to develop
nanotechnology as well as research to address
environmental, health, and safety concerns
related to the use of nanotechnology.
Funding Opportunities

• Large industry currently supports about half of

the R&D in nanotechnology in the U.S.—about $2
billion per year. The other half comes from small
business and investors, as well as Federal, state
and local governments.

• Federal research grants are defined and awarded

by individual government departments and
agencies, in accordance with their respective
Research Centers
The centre enables science and industry by
providing essential measurement method,
instrumentation and standards to support all
faces of nano technology development from
discovery to production.

What we do?

• Staff directory.
• Publication and many more.
Research centre for
functional and nano
Nanotech Centre For
NanoScale Science And


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