Fundamentals of Project Management

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Fundamentals of Project Management

The Blind Men/Women and the Elephant

Strong opinions Each is partly right All were wrong Not one of them saw the elephant The moral of the story from a project management perspective
Many experience or read about an aspect or element of project management and think they know it ALL Accidental Project Managers are out there in great numbers

Basic concepts
What is project and project management Key terms and concepts Reasons for project failure/success

What is a project?
A specific, finite task to be accomplished Can be of a long or short term duration Can be large or small task

Projects Vary in Size and Scope

NASA shuttle launch Building a boat Building a hospital Building renovation and & space modification Planning a party or wedding Organizing the Olympic games Developing a new software program Getting a university degree Company mergers

Project Characteristics
Constant communication across organizational boundaries Many people involved, across several functional areas Sequenced events Goal oriented Has an end product or service Multiple priorities Complex and numerous activities Unique, one-time set of events Deadlines Start and end dates Identifiable stakeholders Limited resources and budget

When is a Project a Project?

A task or set of work assignments may be done by one or more persons using a simple to do list A task become a project when the characteristics of a project begin to dominate and overwhelm individuals
Unable to meet deadlines, budgets and corporate expectations

Project Management
Project management is a method and/or set of techniques based on the accepted principles of management used for planning, estimating and controlling work activities to reach a desired result on time, within budget, and according to the project specifications



What is Project Management?

Tools/techniques Processes and methodology More than time, cost and scope Hard and soft skills A discipline evolving towards a profession


Business and Social Aspects of Project Management

Hard and soft skills
Technical aspects of project management Interpersonal skills
Influence Politicking Negotiation


Project Management
Projects and project management are about people and teamwork
Who does what? Who takes what risk? Who else is involved or interested/affected?


Project Management Challenges

Lack of a common understanding on the question What is project management???
Managing stakeholders, expectations, teams, projects, uncertainty Measuring project management results Methodology issues


Value of Project Management (Why are we doing this?)

Improve project/program/firm performance as measured by efficiency, effectiveness Competitive advantage through competency Be more Successful


Value of Project Management (Why are we doing this?)

Proactive vs. reactive Root out ill-conceived, directionless projects Increase visibility by providing roadmaps


Project Management Team

Project Sponsor(s)
Decision maker, funder, champion

Project Manager
Manages the big picture

Project Leads
Manage parts of a project


Project Management Team

Project Team
Work on specific tasks

Vested interests Many of them Keep them happy


Major Causes of Project Failure

Projects fail for the following reasons:
The project is a solution in search of a problem Only the project team is interested in the result No one is in charge There is no project structure The plan lacks detail


Major Causes of Project Failure

Projects fail for the following reasons:
The project has insufficient budget and/or resources Lack of team communication Straying from original goal The project is not tracked against the plan


Major Causes of Project Success

Stakeholders are identified Stakeholders expectations are known and met Senior Management support There is a clearly stated purpose and a sound plan
Goal and objectives are understood and communicated


Major Causes of Project Success

A constructive goal-oriented culture Technically competent team Effective (and committed) team Excellent communication Trust


Project Management Knowledge Areas

Scope Time Cost Human Resources Communication Procurement Quality Risk Management Integration


Knowledge Areas and Key Terms

A project manager juggles 9 + balls (knowledge areas) and many tools and techniques


Scope Management
Initiate the project
Feasibility, market, customer or business need Environmental analysis, business case Project selection practices and management decision practices Project link to the firms strategy or corporate goals


Scope Management
Initiate the project
Identify the project manager Develop a charter
Formally recognize the existence of the project Include the business need and product description, constraints and assumptions Approval to proceed
Funding, authority, sponsor


Manage the Project

Successful project management is delivering a quality product that meets the customers requirements within time, scope, and budget.

PM Triple Constraints

Time Cost Scope

A Project Manager has to manage - juggle the triple constraints! Time Cost Scope

Manage these or they will manage you!

A teacher A magician

A good project manager needs to be a juggler

A parent A policeman

A quote from PMBOK -- An under-qualified project manager can destroy a contract as effectively as an underqualified engineer


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