SAP Workflow Course: Section 6-1: Organizational Structure

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SAP Workflow Course

Section 6-1: Organizational Structure

November, 2001

Organizational Structure

Contents: Organizational Management HR Set Up Simple Maintenance


SAP Workflow Course Section 06-1: Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure: Unit Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to: Set up an Organization Plan Connect the Organization Plan to a workflow

SAP Workflow Course Section 06-1: Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure: Business Scenario

You have explored the functionality of a SAP workflow You must look for options on how to relate each step to your organization HR has created a current organizational structure of your company

You must build the connection from this organizational structure to your workflow

SAP Workflow Course Section 06-1: Organizational Structure

Organizational Plan
Newspaper Example for SAP HR Terminology
Anchorage Times, Job Market

Smith consulting company has 3 openings for SAP-FI consultants with AR exp. in - Credit Management - Cash Application
Smith Consulting Company Sales department in Hawaii FI department in Anchorage Supervisor position Holder: Heinz AR consultant position one AR consultant position two AR consultant position three
SAP Workflow Course Section 06-1: Organizational Structure

Positions to be filled




Task-List Job - Credit Management - Cash Application - Invoice Verification - ...

Integration of Organizational Management

Integration of organizational management Task distribution according to responsibility : Linking tasks with possible agents on description level oriented to jobs Dynamic task distribution at runtime : Determination of recipients based on information from the context of the workflow and the objects processed Active determination of the correct recipients and providing them with the information required High degree of transparency of business processes and their responsibilities

SAP Workflow Course Section 06-1: Organizational Structure

Engineering Change Workflow


Marketing Manager Determine objects

Electr. Electr. Product Project Quality Profit Engineer Manager Ctr Mgr Manager Engineer Manager
Check feasibility of whole Feasibility check Send change to do Electrical changes Check change



Release change

Eng. Change Request

Eng. Change Order


T e m p l a t e

Eng.Change Open

Engineering Change Management


SAP Workflow Course Section 06-1: Organizational Structure

Example for an Organizational Chart

company structure FI-department AP-unit positions AR-unit positions Controlling department District A positions District B positions ..

Special Unit for the Purchase requisition Business PositionProcess for Controller of Plant A Position for Controller of Plant B

Special Unit for the Accounts Payable Business Process Position for Approver in company I

Position for Approver in company II

SAP Workflow Course Section 06-1: Organizational Structure

Use of Organizational Management

Workflow refers to the current organization Automatic routing adjustments are made for employee changes or reassignments High flexibility with regard to organizational changes




Special Tasks

SAP Workflow Course Section 06-1: Organizational Structure

Essential HR Set Up for Workflow

In Organizational Management, Simple Maintenance enables you to quickly create your initial organizational plan:
Org. Unit

Create only the basic objects and their relationships


SAP Workflow Course Section 06-1: Organizational Structure

Features of Simple Maintenance

3 main functions
Organization and Staffing (Workflow) Create


Create Organizational Unit Create Position


and Staffing

and Staffing


SAP Business Workflow users

Human resource users

SAP Workflow Course Section 06-1: Organizational Structure


Creating an Organizational Plan in Simple Maintenance (Release 4.6C)

Executive Board Step 1: Create the root organizational unit Step 4: Create jobs


Mexico Sales Region

Step 2: Create additional organizational units Step 3: Create positions

Administrative Assistant, Sales Mexico

Administrative Assistant

Step 5: Assign tasks

February 1, 1996 Mr. Bob Simmons General Tech Incorporated Los Angeles, CA 56167 Dear Mr. Simmons: We have recently scheduled a training meeting to develop course material for next year. Please compile a list of possible topics by February 15th. I will be creating a priority listing for these

Step 6: Assign holders

Tasks: Word Processing, Scheduling Meetings, Answering Phones

SAP Workflow Course Section 06-1: Organizational Structure

Lisa Thompson

Creating an Organizational Plan in Simple Maintenance (earlier release)

Executive Board Step 1: Create the root organizational unit Administrative Assistant, Sales Mexico Step 4: Create positions

Mexico Sales Region Step 2: Create additional organizational units Manufacturing

Step 3: Create jobs

Administrative Assistant

Step 5: Assign tasks

February 1, 1996 Mr. Bob Simmons General Tech Incorporated Los Angeles, CA 56167 Dear Mr. Simmons: We have recently scheduled a training meeting to develop course material for next year. Please compile a list of possible topics by February 15th. I will be creating a priority listing for these

Step 6: Assign holders

Tasks: Word Processing, Scheduling Meetings, Answering Phones

SAP Workflow Course Section 06-1: Organizational Structure

Lisa Thompson

Navigation Overview
Settings and commands

Search Area
Locate objects

Overview Area
Display / maintain object environment (structures)

Selection Area
Select objects

Detail Area
Display / maintain object characteristics

SAP Workflow Course Section 06-1: Organizational Structure


Search Area

Look for objects

Use the search area to locate objects. Search also via relationships with other objects and store results as favorite variants.

SAP Workflow Course Section 06-1: Organizational Structure


Selection Area

Results of search appear here for selection. Double-click desired object to bring it into Overview Area.


SAP Workflow Course Section 06-1: Organizational Structure


Overview Area

See the big picture

See overview in either list mode or as a tree structure. Double-click to reach further object characteristics in Detail Area.

In the Overview area you can switch between the oganizational structure and the staffing plan of one organizational unit.

SAP Workflow Course Section 06-1: Organizational Structure


Detail Area
Characteristics of the object in Overview Area can be maintained here. Tab strips identify and group similar data.

Basic Data

SAP Workflow Course Section 06-1: Organizational Structure


Undo changes by choosing Redo changes by choosing

Changes made in the Organization and Staffing Interface can be UN-DONE and RE-DONE provided the work has not yet been saved.

SAP Workflow Course Section 06-1: Organizational Structure


Task: Approve Vacation Request

Positions are specific to your organization. Multiple positions may perform similar job tasks. Each position typically represents one employee, but may be partially filled by more than one.

Job: Supervisor

Position: Supervisor - Europe

Position: Supervisor - West Region

Position: Supervisor - East Region

SAP Workflow Course Section 06-1: Organizational Structure

Release 4.6B: Creating a Position (1)

ICON Go to Choose Staff assignments (structure)

SAP Workflow Course Section 06-1: Organizational Structure

Release 4.6B: Creating a New Position (2)

Choose Create and from the popup choose link double click the line Incorporates
SAP Workflow Course Section 06-1: Organizational Structure

Position --> create the new position


Release 4.6B: Creating a New Job (1)

Select Task assignment (second choice)

SAP Workflow Course Section 06-1: Organizational Structure


Release 4.6B: Creating a Job (2)

Choose Create and from the popup choose link double click the line Is described by
SAP Workflow Course Section 06-1: Organizational Structure

Job --> create the new job


Release 4.6B: Creating a Job (3)

SAP Workflow Course Section 06-1: Organizational Structure


Release 4.6B: Assigning a User (1)

Select the org. unit and choose icon go to, choose staff assignment structure
SAP Workflow Course Section 06-1: Organizational Structure

Release 4.6B: Assigning a User (2)

SAP Workflow Course Section 06-1: Organizational Structure


Task Profile
Organizational unit: FI department Manager-Job

Tasks:1, 2

Task: 3

Position: FI dept. head

Task: 4
Position: secretary

Job for secretary

Tasks:2, 5

Position: FI administrator-1 Job for FI- clerk


Position: FI administrator-2
SAP Workflow Course Section 06-1: Organizational Structure

Tasks:4, 6


Organizational Structure: Unit Summary

Integration of organizational Management into SAP Business Workflow Transparency of business processes and their responsibilities

Dynamic task distribution at runtime

High flexibility with regard to organizational changes

SAP Workflow Course Section 06-1: Organizational Structure


SAP Workflow Course

PwC ConsultingTM refers to the management consulting services businesses of the member firms of the worldwide PricewaterhouseCoopers organisation. 2001 PricewaterhouseCoopers. All rights reserved.

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