Our American Heritage

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Our American Heritage

The Bible and Religious Freedom

The greatest legacy of America was to bring Bible and religious freedom to the Philippines. During the Spanish era, only the Catholic religion was allowed in the colony. But under the Americans, the Filipinos became free to choose their own religion, and especially to have ant to read the Bible. The other Christian churches were allowed Methodists, Baptist, Episcopalians, Pentecostals, etc. Isabelo delos Reyes and Gregorio Aglipay started their own Christian denomination- the Philippine Independent Church ( or the Aglipayanism, for short ) Even non-Christians were allowed to freely choose their own religion, without being arrested or persecuted by the government. The Muslims and mountain tribes were no longer treated as enemies, but as friends and true Filipinos also. Some of Filipinos started new religions and cults, but these did not believe in Jesus as both God and man. In 1914,Felix Manalo founded the Iglesia ni Cristo which used the name of Christ but did not believe in Jesus as God. But the most important religious change during the American era was the open distribution and reading of the Bible, Gospel tracts, and Christian literature. The Bible could now be read freely by anybody. American evangelists, missionaries, and pastors came to share Gods Word and the Gospel of the Lord Jesus with the Filipinos. The Bible was translated into Filipino dialects and widely distributed to all provinces.

Training in Democracy
Americas next greatest legacy was to train the Filipinos for democracy. Democracy means government of the people, by the people and for the people. The Americans did not really give us democracy, as they said, The truth is that they stopped us from becoming democratic in 1898. We were already on our way under the short-lived First Philippine Republic (1898-1901).

Free Education
For the first time in Philippine history, education was no longer the privilege of just a few rich families. During the American era, all children could study in schools. The brightest children from poor families could go as far as university. Many of them became doctors, nurses, lawyers, engineers, and teachers. Also, boys and girls could study together in the schools and colleges. Coeducation was not allowed during the Spanish era. The first American teachers were the soldiers. In their free time, these kind American soldiers set aside their rifles and taught Filipino children their words in English. Soon after the fall of Manila in August,1898, seven schools were open in the city. It was run entirely by American soldiers. In 1901, the first batch of professional teachers came from the US on board the US Army ship Thomas. These first teachers were called the Thomasites. Hundreds of Filipino scholars were sent to US on free government pensions. The pensionados suited in America colleges and universities. Many of them became outstanding professionals and government officials later on.

Better Health
During the American era, the Philippines led other Asian nation in health and sanitation. The Filipinos enjoyed better health and hygiene then. The epidemics of cholera, smallpox and plague were wiped out. Tuberculosis, malaria,typhoid,leprosy and other diseases were also reduced. The death rate fell and the population grew. The government built free Philippine General Hospital in Manila and other free hospitals in provinces. The Americans introduced the use of the flushed toilet. Thus, the Philippines became the healthiest in Asia then.

English Language

Under the Americans the Filipino learned the English language, the most important language today. In all schools then, the subjects were taught in English only. English became the official language of the government and business.

Free Press
At first, the Filipinos were not allowed to campaign for independence or say anything against American officials. But starting in 1902, we began to enjoy more and more freedom. By the 1903s the Philippines had the free press in Asia. Filipino journalist championed independence and respond freely about the government. Other western colonies and Asian countries could not do this.

Diet and Dress

The Americanization of the Filipinos influenced our diet and dress. The Americans brought new types of foodscornflakes,oat meal, ham and egg sandwiches, hamburgers and hotdogs, pan Americano, tomato catsup,mayonnaise, beefsteak, apple pie, ice cream and chewing gum. Filipinos began to wear trousers with belt and suspenders, polo shirts, and tennis shoes. The older generation was shocked because womens hemlines become shorter. Women dressed in fancy hats, shirt and blouse, high-heeled shoes, silk stockings and put on make-ups.

Democratic Family Life and Social Classes

During the American era began the more democratic family and social life in the Philippines, gone were the old customs of the addressing the elders with po,ate,kuya or kissing the hands of the parents and the elders(mano po). Instead of good morning or good evening people greeted each other with the short hi. People prayed the rosary and the angelus Jess. It was no longer fashionable to go home when the church bells pealed at 6 p.m. Young people could now go out without a chaperon.

Womens Rights

During the America, Filipino women made history. Unlike in Asia, Latin America, and Europe, the Filipino women enjoyed greater rights. They were free to work in an office, study with men in co-ed schools and date without chaperons. Women became doctors, lawyers, and scientist. The first Asian women to vote and hold public office were the Filipinas. In 1937, they won the right to vote and hold public office. The first woman councillor of Manila was Carmen Planas in 1937. Mrs. Elisa R. Ochoa of Butuan became the first congresswoman in 1941.


The sports minded Americans made our people more conscious of physical fitness and active recreation. Outdoor sports became popular like baseball, football, volleyball and calisthenics. Physical education became the part of the school curriculum. Boxing was introduced. Pancho Villa became the first Filipino to win the flyweight boxing championship of the world. Basketball is now the nayional sport because of the Americans. Indoors, The Filipinos played the new games of bowling,billiards,pokeramd bridge. We listened to the radio and went to carnivals. The Manila Carnival, starting in 1908, became a national event.

Movies and Vaudeville

The first moviehouse, Cine Rizal, was built in 1903 at Tondo. Later, the Roces brothers pioneered other moviehouse, especially the Cine Ideal, at Rizal Avenue. An American army surgeon, Edward Meyer Gross, made the first local film in 1912, La Vida de Dr.Rizal it was an instant hit. Filipinos began to enjoy going to moviehouses regularly. The first talking American movie came in 1929, one year after it was shown in the US.

Music and Dance

The radios and movies helped to spread Americans songs and dances in the Philippines. Filipinos learned to croon popular hit songs from America, to play American jazz, and to dance the charleston, boogie-woogie, and fox trot.


The Americans brought new types of houses and constructions. Many accessories (small apartments) catered for workers who flocked to the cities. New bungalows, chalets, two-storey concrete houses and earthquake-proof buildings were built. Many of these American building are still standing like the Manila Post Office Building , the Philippine General Hospital, and the Philippine Normal College.

Before, the rich Spaniards and Filipinos wanted artists to paint religious works and portraits of famous men and women. But during the American era, rural landscapes and scenes from ordinary life became the new styles. This was because American soldiers and workers did not always have cameras, but wanted to take home souvenirs of Philippine scenes, so they bought paintings showing ordinary life in the country. The famous painters of the era were Fabian de la Rosa , Fernando Amorsolo, Emilio Alvero, and Victorio C. Edades. The most famous sculpture then was Guillermo Tolentino. He made the huge Bonifacio Monument at the Grace Park, Caloocan.

The Americans introduced modern science in the Philippines and trained the Filipinos to become good scientist, this was different from the Spanish era, when the scientist were Spanish priest only. Various scientific organizations were established by the government, Filipino scholars were sent to America to train in modern science. Among the Filipinos who contributed to the advancement of science were Dr. Angel Arguelles, first Filipino Director of the Bureau of Science; Dr. Eliodoro Merado, noted surgeon; Dra. Honoria Acosta, first woman doctor; Dr. Eduardo Quisumbing, orchidologist; Dr. Joaquin Maralon, botanist; Dr. Hilario A. Roxas, zoologist.

American Blood
Many Americans married Filipino women, and Filipinos married American women. The children of these marriages looked taller, fairer in complexion, and were more energetic, practical and progressive.

Historical Values
These were the cultural legacies of America: 1. We got training in democracy under the protection of the US. This made sure the Filipinos worked together peacefully, even though they came from different regions, religions and opinions. 2. The widespread use of the Bible and religious freedom caused a religious revival in the Philippines. This helped to improve the society. 3. Free education also helped the country because it enabled bright but poor students to become professionals and leaders. 4. Knowledge of the English language kept us up-to-date because it became the most important language in the world. 5. A free press, equal rights for women, and better health and hygiene were signs of our progress and maturity as a nation. 6. Americanization of our diet, dress, family life, recreation, art, science, and popular culture enriched our life. 7. Many Filipinos have American ancestors and many Americans have Filipino blood. Filipinos who live, work or study abroad prefer to go to US because of our American heritage. 8. We developed a liking for imported things like household appliances, tools, clothes, books, toys, games and foods. Sometimes, we even though anything imported, or made in the US., was better than goods made in the Philippines. This bad attitude is called colonial mentality. It shows a lack of patriotism.

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