How To Teach Writing

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How to Teach Writing

By Porntip Bodeepongse

What is writing?
A productive skill that involves producing language or communicating a message. Ss need to be able to form letters and words, and join these together to make sentences that link together to communicate the message.

Different text types involve different kinds of writing: Single words only Short/ long sentences Special layouts Different ways of ordering information Level of formality However, ..

All written text types have 2 things in common:

1. They are written to communicate a particular message. 2. They are written to communicate to somebody.
These two influence what and how we write.

What sub-skills does writing involve?

Spelling correctly Forming letters correctly Writing legibly Punctuating correctly Using the right vocabulary Using grammar correctly Using paragraph correctly

Writing isnt just about accuracy;-)

Its about having a message and communicating it successfully.
Enough ideas Good organization of the ideas Express the ideas in an appropriate style

Stages of writing
Brainstorming Making notes Planning (organising ideas) Writing a draft Editing Producing another draft Proof-reading

Teaching & Learning

Get students to plan Encourage students to draft and revise (edit) Respond to students writing
Compare Ss version with Ts Peer response Brainstorming Guided tasks

Writing in the Language Class

Writing for learning
Reinforcement writing Preparation writing Activity writing

Writing for writing

To help students to become better writers

Teachers task in writing

Demonstrating Motivating and provoking Supporting Responding Evaluating
Teaching or Testing?

What to teach (YL)

Handwriting Spelling Punctuation Sentence production Paragraph construction Text construction

What students need

Information & task information Language Ideas Patterns & schemes

Harmer, J (2004) How to Teach Writing, Pearson Education Limited, England

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