Solid Environment

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Solid Environment

Group 7

Solid Waste
All wastes arising from human and animal activities that are normally solid and that discarded as useless or unwanted.

Three General Categories

1.) Municipal 2.) Industrial 3.) Hazardous

Solid Environment

Municipal Solid Waste


waste or garbage Rubbish: paper, cardboard, plastic, textiles, rubber, leather, wood, glass, cans, metals Ashes and Residues: materials remaining from the burning of wood, coal and other combustible wastes Demolition and Construction: stone, concrete, brick, lumber, plumbing, heating and electrical parts Special: street sweepings, roadside litter, dead animals, abandoned vehicles, discarded appliances

Solid Environment

Industrial Waste
Waste arising from industrial activities and typically include rubbish, ashes, demolition and construction wastes, special wastes, and hazardous wastes

Can include treatment plant wastes

Solid Environment

Hazardous Waste
Wastes that pose a substantial danger immediately or over a period of time to human, plant, and animal life Wastes that exhibit any of the following: Ignitability Corrosivity Reactivity Toxicity
Solid Environment

Types and Sources of Solid Waste

Household wastes

Commercial and Industrial wastes Farm and Agricultural wastes Institutional wastes Miscellaneous and Special wastes: Sludge from water and wastewater treatment plants, ash from incinerators, street sweepings, demolition, constructions
Solid Environment

The Situation

associated with waste disposal:

Pollution of water and food resources Burning solid waste destroys the fertility of the soil

Exposure to smoke and fumes from burning waste increases the risk of developing respiratory diseases Solid wastes become breeding grounds of disease vectors

Solid Environment

Solid Waste Management Definition:

Interrelated system of appropriate technologies and mechanisms involved in the generation, collection, storage, and processing, transfer and transport, and disposal of solid wastes at the lowest possible cost and risk to the health of the people and their environment

Solid Environment

National Solid Waste Management System Framework:

Policy Objectives

1.) Reduction of wastes generated at the source 2.) Reduction of wastes to extend the serviceability of final disposal sites 3.) Improvement of collection efficiency 4.) The provision of safe, environmentally friendly and acceptable way of disposing waste collected from source
Solid Environment


Waste Hierarchy

Refers to an ordered sequence of initiatives that can be used to identify steps in addressing the amount of waste produced by society Waste avoidance --> Reuse --> Recovery -> Recycling --> Disposal

Solid Environment

Functional Elements of Solid Waste Management

Waste generation On - site handling, storage, and processing Collection Transfer and transport Processing and recovery Disposal

Solid Environment

Solid Waste Generation

Definition: refers to the act or process of producing waste Source reduction: reduction of solid waste before it enters the solid waste stream 3R's Reduce avoid wasteful consumption of goods and minimize waste Reuse recovering materials intended for the same or different purpose without altering its physical properties Recycle solid waste materials are transformed into new materials
Solid Environment

On Site Storage
Containers for on site storage should always meet the following requirements: Provided with fitting covers to prevent access to flies and rodents Sufficient in size or number to store all the wastes between collection Made of water proof material Small enough to be carried easily when filled with wastes Accessible to the collector, not subject to flooding and located away from food storage
Solid Environment

Refuse Collection
Important points to consider in solid waste collection: Regular collection is necessary in order to avoid problems of storage Vehicles transporting refuse should be properly covered to prevent foul odors, eye sores, access to flies and scattering of waste materials in the streets The route to the final destination site should be as direct as possible from the point of origin, avoiding busy streets along the way
Solid Environment

Transfer and Transport

Refers to the means and facilities used to effect the transfer of wastes from relatively small to larger vehicles and to transport them to processing centers or disposal sites
Solid Environment

Processing Techniques
Mechanical Volume Reduction Compaction Balling of papers for recycling Used to increase landfill life Thermal Volume Reduction Incineration can reduce the volume of wastes by more than 90% Generation of toxic air pollutants: dioxins and furans
Solid Environment

Processing Techniques
Manual Component Separation Can be accomplished at the source, transfer stations, centralized processing stations or disposal sites Materials to be sorted or salvaged Cardboard and high quality paper Newsprint Aluminum Cans Glass or even Iron Metals
Solid Environment

Resource Recovery
Collection, extraction, or sorting of recyclable materials from the waste stream for purpose of recycling , generating energy or production of a product for beneficial use The recyclable items are brought by manufacturing plants for processing to produce goods

Solid Environment

Disposal of Solid Waste

In homes, particularly rural areas, solid wastes may be disposed of in the following ways Burial deposit solid wastes in pits and covered with soil The pit should be at least 25 meters away from any source of water supply Open burning
Solid Environment

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