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Recruitment & Selection Lecture 5 Part One

Lecturer: Sara Aslam Fall 2011 Kinnaird College For Women

What is Recruitment?
Process of Attracting the best qualified individuals to apply for a given Job

Human Resource Management Instructor: Sara Aslam

Stages of Recruitment Process

Identify and define the requirements (Job descriptions, job specifications)

Attract potential employees through Advert

Use selection Methods to identify the best candidate

(Followed by induction training)
Human Resource Management Instructor: Sara Aslam

Rationale(grounds) for Recruitment & Selection

1. Staff departures (e.g. retirements, sackings, resignations) 2. Changes in business requirements (e.g. new products, markets expanded operations) 3. Changes in business location (a relocation often triggers the need for substantial recruitment) 4. Promotions
Human Resource Management Instructor: Sara Aslam

Recruitment Methods
1. Internal Recruitment This refers to the filling of job vacancies from within the business - where existing employees are selected rather than employing someone from outside. A business might decide that it already has the right people with the right skills to do the job, particularly if its training and development programme has been effective.
Human Resource Management Instructor: Sara Aslam

How is it done?
Internal vacancies are usually advertised within the business via a variety of media: Job-postings through Staff notice boards, Intranets in-house magazines / newsletters.

Skill inventories (HR Audit)

Human Resource Management Instructor: Sara Aslam

Advantages of Internal Recruitment

1. Gives existing employees greater opportunity to advance their careers in the business. 2. May help to retain staff who might otherwise leave. 3. Requires a short induction training period. 4. A reduced risk of selecting an inappropriate candidate 5. Usually quicker and less expensive than recruiting from outside

Disadvantages of Internal Recruitment

1. Limits the number of potential applicants for a job 2. External candidates might be better suited / qualified for the job 3. Another vacancy will be created that has to be filled 4. Existing staff may feel they have the automatic right to be promoted, whether or not they are competent. Human Resource Management
Instructor: Sara Aslam

2. External Recruitment
This refers to the filling of job vacancies from outside the business (contrast with internal recruitment). Most businesses engage in external recruitment fairly frequently, particularly those that are growing strongly, or that operate in industries with high staff turnover

Human Resource Management Instructor: Sara Aslam

Ways of looking for staff outside the Business

1- School and College Recruiting:

- A usual practice adopted by the organisations for entry level or internal training level jobs. - HR manager is sometimes selective about the institution.
Human Resource Management Instructor: Sara Aslam

2- Recruitment


- These businesses specialize in recruitment and selection. - They often specialize in recruitment for specific sectors (e.g., finance, travel, secretarial). -They usually provide a shortlist of candidates based on the people registered with the agency. - They also supply temporary or interim employees. The main advantages with using an agency are: The specialist skills they bring and the speed with which they normally provide candidates. They also reduce the administrative burden of recruitment.
Human Resource Management Instructor: Sara Aslam

3- Head-hunters/ Recruitment consultancies

(Rozee Pk) "Up market" recruitment agents who provide a more specialized approach to the recruitment of key employees and/or senior management. They tend to "approach" individuals with a good reputation rather than rely on long lists of registered applicants - often using privileged industry contacts to draw up a short list. The cost of using a headhunter or recruitment consultant is high.
Human Resource Management Instructor: Sara Aslam

4- Job centers Government run agency - good for identifying local candidates for relatively straightforward jobs. The job centre service is free to employers and is most useful for advertising semi-skilled, clerical and manual jobs. Government Funded Training Schemes The advantage of these schemes is that government funding lowers the cost of employment. However, relatively few employment requirements are covered by these schemes.
Human Resource Management Instructor: Sara Aslam

5- Advertising - Probably the most common method. Advertising Allows the employer to reach a wider audience. The choice of advertising media (e.g. national newspaper, internet, specialist magazine etc) depends on the requirement for the advert to reach a particular audience and, crucially, the advertising budget.
Human Resource Management Instructor: Sara Aslam

Advert Characteristics
1. Accurate - describes the job and its requirements accurately 2. Short - not too long-winded; covers just the important ground 3. Honest - does not make claims about the job or the business that will later prove false to applicants 4. Positive - gives the potential applicant a positive feel about joining the business 5. Relevant - provides details that prospective applicants need to know at the application stage (shift- working required; Skill/ qualifications required)
Human Resource Management Instructor: Sara Aslam

Choice of medium
What kind of advertising medium should be chosen? The following factors are relevant while choosing an advert medium: Type of job: senior management jobs merit adverts in the national newspapers and/or specialist management magazines (e.g. the Economist, Business Week). Many semi-skilled jobs need only be advertised locally to attract sufficient good quality candidates Cost of advertising: National newspapers and television costs are significantly more than local newspapers etc Readership and circulation: how many relevant people does the medium reach? How frequently (e.g. weekly, monthly, annually) Is the target audience actually only a small fraction of the total readership or Viewer ship? Frequency: how often does the business want to advertise the post.
Human Resource Management Instructor: Sara Aslam

Advantages of External recruitment

These are mainly the opposite of the disadvantages of internal recruitment. The main one being that a wider audience can be reached which increases the chance that the business will be able to recruit the skills it needs

Human Resource Management Instructor: Sara Aslam

Revolutionary Methods
Internal referral program: employees refer their friends and relatives for a job. Results: Reduces costs

Human Resource Management Instructor: Sara Aslam

E- recruitment
Advancement in technology has caused recruitment and selection process to be faster and easier. E- mails have replaced ordinary post Electronic CVs has expedite the process by optical character recognition (OCR) Online recruitment sites include job sites, agency sites and different media sites Job postings on the company website
Human Resource Management Instructor: Sara Aslam

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