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A mixed gender team sport, with similarities to netball and basketball Team consists of eight players
4 female 4 male

What is Korfball?

Discovered by Nico Broekhuysen in 1902


Broekhuysen was introduced to the Swedish game ringboll

Players shoot a ball through a ring attached to a 3-meter pole Field was divided into 3 zones Players could not leave their respective zones


Broekhuysen was inspired by ringboll and decided to teach it to his students back in America, but decided to replace a ring with a basket to make it easier to see if the ball went through it


Korfball was then born


Controversy about the mixed players Korfball was accused of being immoral
Women players wore clothing that showed their knees and ankles

Korfball is a monster that spreads its claws to all sides

Newspaper article


International Korfball Federation was founded in 1933 Korfball is now being played in 57 countries, including the Philippines Korfball has been a part of the World Games since 1985 IKF World Championships have been held every four years since 1978



Team A
Defense Group
2 females, 2 males Defends the ring

Team B
Defense Group
2 females, 2 males Defends the ring

Attack group
2 females, 2 males Shoots the ball

Attack group
2 females, 2 males Shoots the ball

Every team has their own coach, who can switch players during a match, negotiate with the referee, create the formation for the match and keep up the teams spirit.

Rules ; Divisions

Playing area consists of two large squares joined along the center line, Each square has a korf Divisions swap roles after 2 goals gave have been made

Rules ; Play

No running with the ball No dribbling No deliberate physical contact

Rules; Three Key Points

Goals can only be scored when a player is not being defended by other players Goals while being defended will not be counted and ball will be given to the other team

Rules ; Goals

Defends by facing the attacker and putting one arm up to block a shot Defenders cant defend the other sex
Person defended will be given a penalty shot

Rules ; Defending

Attacker must be free of a defender Running-in-Shot

Taking a pass from a teammate and shooting on the run

Long / Distance Shot

Shooting over the defender

Rules ; Shooting

Occurs after an infringement Players must stand 2.5 meters from the player taking the free pass and the pass Must be taken within four seconds of the referees whistle Free passes after a ball is out are taken from the point the ball left the playing area At the beginning of the game, at half time and after a goal is scored a free pass is taken to restart the game from halfway A goal may not be scored directly from a free pass

Rules ; Free Pass

Awarded when an infringement prevents a scoring chance Penalty taker must stand 2.5 meters from the korf to take the penalty All other players must stand 2.5 metres from both the korf and the penalty-taker

Rules ; Penalty

Pass Just as in everyday conversation, a pass in korfball means an attempt to pull another player Shot This means the same as Pass, beginners often use the same technique for both Attacker Someone on the pull Defender Someone unwilling to be pulled Defended Shot Occurs where a person prevents a shot from being successful by claiming to already have a partner Rebound Defense When it is impossible to defend a shot, players may instead employ rebound defense where they claim to be on the rebound and thus not willing to be pulled. This is a risky tactic and many attackers will consider the rebound defense to be vulnerable to a good shot


Running-in shot casual encounter which is usually over before the defender has even worked out whats going on Veering-shot hardest of all, the act of taking a shot from the pavilion end Goal The referee will award this for a shot that scores Blam extreme rejection of a shot Contact usually happens at the post where a player uses untoward physical presence to gain an advantage in collecting


Out-of-hands knocking over someones pint. Free-pint awarded to the opposition Travelling being a bit too obvious about cruising the pitch looking for a shooting chance Solo-play Inevitable result of too many failed passes. Try to avoid this as the ref will award a free-pass to the opposition and your team-mates will laugh at you Loose Commonly used term, when this is called out it means that a defenders reputation suggests that s/he may be vulnerable to a good shot


Tight Here the reverse is true; the defender is likely to defend a shot. However, the defender may be vulnerable to a running-in shot Party When this is called, it is a sign for all the defenders to have a party in which they can make passes at the attackers. Incoming Warning shout to your team-mates of the overly hopeful approach of a traveller

Consists of two periods of 30 minutes, with a break of 10 minutes in between periods Two divisions go to each zone, divisions cant switch places until the end of the period Division with their own korf in it is the defending zone Players cant step on the line in between the zone

Korfball ; Match

Each team tries to score using tactics Blocking, tackling and holding are not allowed, nor are kicking or punching the ball

Korfball ; Match

Played within a rectangular field of play (40 x 20 meters) Court is divided into 2 zones In each zone is a 3.5m (11.5ft) tall post with a basket at the top Ball is similar to a soccer ball

Korfball ; Equipment

Court Size

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