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THE fourth five year plan did not start soon after the third five year plan due to some political reasons . It started 1969. annual plan were made having the same objectives from 1966 to 1969.

The main aim then of this plan was to strengthen primary health centre network in the rural areas for undertaking preventive, curative and family planning services & take over the maintenance phase of communicable diseases.

The priorities area for the fourth five plan were as follows: Family planning programe. Stengthing primary health center. Stengthing of subdivisional &district hospitals to provide effective refferal support to primary health centres Intensification of control programmes. Expansion of medical nursing education tranning of paramedical personnel to meet the minimum technical manpower requirement.


Health outlay of the total outlay of rs.16,774 crores on the entire development plan, rs.840 crores were allocated to health and rs.315 crores to family planning.

The major development during period were as below :YEAR 1969 The nutritional research laboratory was expanded to national institution of nutrition. The central birth and death registration act 1969 was promulgated. The teaching & training programe should be able to prepare basic doctor who are able to deal with basic health problems of rural and urban communities and who are able to provide preventive &curative service effectively.

YEAR 1970
The population council was set-up. All India hospital family planning programe was launched. Registration act of the birth & death came into force 1969. Cemtenary of late shri. Chiranjan das on 5th november. The drug (price control) order was promulgated.

YEAR 1971
1. The family pension scheme for industrial worker was introduced. 2. The medical termination of pregnancy bill 1969 was passed by the parliament .

3. A committee was set up to draft legislation on air pollution.

YEAR 1972
The MTP was implemented. The national nutrition monitoring bureau was set up by the ICMR at national institute of nutrition at Hyderabad. Regional units were also established in the states. The national service bill to compel medical personnel below 30yr to work in the village was passed.

YEAR 1973
The national programme of minimum need programme (MNP)was formulated . A scheme of setting 30 bedded rural hospital serving four primary health centers was conceptualised . The katar singh committee submitted its report. The salient recommendation are given below :1. To have multipurpose health workers both male and female for providing integrated basic health service.

2. To start with worker from only four programme malaria, smallpox, trachoma & MCH and family planning to be included in the multipurpose concept. 3. To designate these member as health workers both male & female the later would be existing ANM. 4. To have two such workers one male & female in a sub-center .

5. To have one PHC for 50,000 population &to have 16 sub center under one PHC. 6. The concept of integration must extend to higher level and therefore recommended to:a. Have chief medical officer in-charge of district health who should be assisted by deputy chief medical officer.

b. Have director of medical & health service and who would be assisted by additional / joint / deputy director. c. The recommendation of kartar singh committee were considerd i& implemented in its modified form by government of india in successive five year plans.

I this topic I had discussed aims, priorities,
health out lay & major development taken place from yr 1969-1973

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