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Organization Change Management

Software Configuration Management
Submitted by: Qasim Khan07-0839 Usman Ahmad  08-0861  
Change Management Process
 Generally, Change Management Process can be
defined as the set of activities involved in :
 (1) Defining and incorporating new values, attitudes,
norms, and behaviors within an organization that
support new ways of doing work and overcome
resistance to change.
 (2) Building consensus among customers, stakeholders
and employees on specific changes designed to better
meet their needs.
 (3) Planning, testing, and implementing all aspects of
the transition from one organizational structure or
business process to another.
Phases of Change Management Process
Organization Change Management
 Concept of organizational change is in regard to
organization-wide change, as opposed to smaller
changes such as adding a new person, modifying
a program, etc. Examples of organization-wide
change might include :
 A change in mission
 Restructuring operations (e.g., restructuring to
self-managed teams, layoffs, etc.)
 New technologies, re-engineering
 Mergers, major collaborations, etc.
Lack of Organization Change Management
 The lack of management can be observed by:
 Poor executive sponsorship or senior
management support
 Poor project management skills
 Hope rested on a one-dimensional solution
 Poorly defined organizational objectives
 Frequent change in teams diverted to other
Understanding the Organization
 Vision
 Members of the organization often have some image in their minds
about how the organization should be working, how it should appear
when things are going well.
 Mission
 An organization operates according to an overall purpose, or
 Values
 All organizations operate according to overall values, or priorities in
the nature of how they carry out their activities.
 Strategic Goals
 Organizations members often work to achieve several overall
 Strategies
 Organizations usually follow several overall general approaches to
reach their goals.
 Systems and Processes Aligned With Achieving the Goals
 Organizations have major subsystems, such as departments,
programs, divisions, teams. Each of these subsystems has a way of
doing things to, along with other subsystems; achieve the overall
goals of the organization.
Professionalism for Organization Change
 About the Field of Organization Development
 The field of Organization Development is focused on
improving the effectiveness of organizations and the
people in those organizations
 Understanding Yourself as an Instrument of
 It is critical that you have a good understanding of
yourself, including your biases, how you manage
feedback and conflict, how you like to make decisions
and solve problems.
 Consulting -- Professionalism and Ethics
 It's vital that change agents work from a strong set of
principles to ensure they operate in a highly effective
and ethical manner
 Group and Individual Human Relations
 Focus should be on helping members of the
Key Roles during Organizational Change
 Change Initiator
 It is conventional wisdom among organizational
development consultants that successful change is
often provoked by a deep “hurt” or crisis in the
organization, someone inside the organization reacts
to that deep hurt and suggests the need for a major
change effort
 Change Agent
 The change agent is the person responsible for
organizing and coordinating the overall change effort.
 Champion for Change
 Change efforts often require a person or group who
continues to build and sustain strong enthusiasm
about the change
 Sponsor of Change
 Usually, there is a one key internal person or
department that is officially the “sponsor,” or official
role responsible for coordinating the change process
e.g. department, such as Human Resources, Strategic
Planning or Information Technology.
Software Configuration Management
 A system can be defined as a collection of
components organized to accomplish a specific
function or set of functions.
 The configuration of a system is the functional
and/or physical characteristics of hardware,
firmware, or software, or a combination of these,
as set forth in technical documentation and
achieved in a product
 Software configuration management (SCM) is a
critical element of software engineering.
 Software configuration management (SCM) is a
supporting software life cycle process which
benefits project management, development and
maintenance activities, assurance activities, and
Software Configuration Management (Cont.)
 SCM is closely related to the software quality
assurance (SQA) activity. SQA processes
provide assurance that the software products
and processes in the project life cycle conform
to their specified requirements by planning,
enacting, and performing a set of activities to
provide adequate confidence that quality is
being built into the software. SCM activities
help in accomplishing these SQA goals
Software Configuration Management (Cont.)
Software Configuration Management (Cont.)
 Management of the SCM processes
 Organizational Context of SCM
 Constraints and gaudiness for SCM
 Planning for SCM
 Resource responsibilities and schedules
 Tool Selection and Implementation
 SCM Plan
 Surveillance of Software Configuration Management
 Software Configuration and Identification
 Identify Items to be controlled
 Software Configuration
 Software Configuration Items
 Software Configuration Item Relationship
 Software Version
 Software Library
Software Configuration Management (Cont.)
 Software Configuration Control
 Requesting, Evaluating and approving software changes
 Software Configuration Control Board
 Software Change Request Process
 Implementing Software Changes
 Deviations and Waivers
 Software Configuration Status Accounting
 Software Configuration Status Information
 Software Configuration Status Reporting
 Software Configuration Auditing
 Software Functional Configuration Auditing
 Software Physical Configuration Auditing
 Software Release Management and Delivery
 Software building
 Software Release Management
 Finally, based on the study, we can say that any
Change Management Processes can be outlined in
these set of activities:
 Developing a deep and thorough understanding of the
change that is required
 Ensuring benefits are owned within the business
 Creating a change program that is easily
communicated and has the acceptance of your key
 Using tools and techniques that can be modified to
meet the needs of your organization
 Training your people in delivering new ways of working
to ensure that any change is sustainable after we leave
 Delivering benefits and establishing mechanisms for
tracking progress

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