6-Pack Angle Defense

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Shawn Cutright and Phill Joseph

Division I High School (~1100 Boys) in Cincinnati, OH 13 Consecutive Greater Miami Conference Titles Playoff Qualifier 12 of the past 13 seasons 66 All-Ohio Players Multiple Division I College Players 12 Ohio AP Top 10 Finishes 2004 Ohio State Champions 149-17 since 2000 Defensive Averages Since 2005: 87 Rush Yds. Per Game 102 Pass Yds.

Running the 50 Defense

Angle vs. 6-pack

Angle Defense Vs. 6-pack
o Positions Needs
o Defensive Calls o Defensive Techniques


Lack of size on the line Advantageous to our players speed Difficult to get a pre-snap read Easy to adjust to power and spread Flexibility to change players Ability to run multiple coverages Keeps offense off balance with ability to angle
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Angle is base defense to stop run 6-pack is our blitz package Alignment varies form one to the other Angles changes for linemen Alignment changes for outside linebackers Calls are opposite
5 Colerain High School 10/2/2013

Run/pass.reads guards to tackle

Angles fast
Ability redirect quickly Plays flat on the line of scrimmage

Takes up blockers so linebackers can run free

Straight tackle sets the edge Angle tackle is a b-gap defender Tackles line-up head up on tackles Nose lines-up head up on center
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o Modified linebacker stance (4 point) o Hands barely touching the ground o Heels in the dirt o Feet
Parallel Under arms Weight on balls of feet

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Angle tackle
o First step should be a 45 degree angle step with the inside foot

through guards neck to centers shoulder

o Rips through the offensive person with opposite arm

o First step should be a 45 degree angle step with the inside foot

through guards neck to inside knee of tackle

o Rips through the offensive person with opposite arm

Straight tackle
o First step is a 6 in. movement straight ahead w outside foot
o He sits the edge as a contain type player
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Frequently utilize this into a package Reduce angles and press up field more Move to 3-point stance Nose alignment is still over center Tackles
o move to outside shade or completely outside the offensive

o Outside foot up, so power step is inside to reduce space

If guard gives you his face cross it, if he gives you his hip you push up field

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Run/pass..reads guards to tackles Acts as quarterback on defense for front 7 Play fast and fill gaps Mesh well with defensive line Bench linebacker plays isolation more effective than sweep Field linebacker runs down plays and defends the pass
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Bench linebacker
o Better at blitzing and filling isolation o Must be aware of the TE and possible route combinations o Align outside shade of guards o Eyes on keys o Feet
Parallel Under arms Weight on balls of feet Hands off knees

Field linebacker
o Better at coverage and running down outside zone/sweeps o Same as above
12 Colerain High School 10/2/2013

Pass/Run..reads guards to tackles Disrupt pass routes and collision receivers

Has to identify who they are hot on, dictated by coverage and type of blitz
Hook to curl player, gives a go call when they get to curl to OLB or SS QB breaks contain ILB to that side goes after him
13 Colerain High School 10/2/2013

Run/Passreads through tackle to QB Most athletic and versatile athlete

Lines up on LOS
Lines up on TE almost all the time

Tough enough to take on power runs

Knowledgeable about alignment and formations
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Strong side linebacker

o Lines up over TE o Eyes on keys o Plays better to power side o Alignment (Feet)
Splits crouch with inside foot Inside foot forward Weight on balls of feet Hands in a good defensive position

o Steps
Inside foot jab step into TE

Do not stand up, stay low

Engage TE shoving him inside to close gap and keep outside leverage
15 Colerain High School 10/2/2013

Weak side linebacker

o Lines up in space usually apex of #1 and #2 receiver o Eyes on keys

o Plays better in space

o Alignment (Feet)
Parallel stance on LOS Weight on balls of feet

Hands in a good defensive position

o Chase/Tuck
Rush linebacker chases down plays away when he has an angle tackle Off linebacker tucks when he has straight tackle on plays away
16 Colerain High School 10/2/2013

Pass/Run..reads through tackle to QB Must cover well in space Alignment varies for most formations
o 5 yards of ball

Coverage curl/flat
Hold curl until ILB gives GO call
Lines up on TE in single width and sometimes when TE is #2 receiver

Is in motion and timing up blitzes to hit LOS full speed

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o In a perfect world, both safeties are capable of

playing both SS & FS

o Safeties need to be physical, athletic players capable

of making plays in space

o One of these players must be capable of making all

coverage checks and communicating with the rest of the defense

o Safety alignment and technique rarely changes in

angle vs. 6 Pack defense

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Free/Boundary Safety
o Athletic player who can cover the deep middle 1/3rd,

including 4 verticals
o Is also responsible for cleaning up mistakes made by the

front 7 (Live to play another play!)

o Aligns @ 12 yards between the boundary upright and the

hash depending on formation. Should never align outside hash.

o Pedals into zone on snap (Middle or deep ) o Cover 3 reads through guards to quarterback for

run/pass & direction, flows & fits accordingly

o Cover 2 drops into deep favoring #2 WR. Eyes read

#2 to #1
19 Colerain High School 10/2/2013

Strong/ Field Safety

o Physical player who can be effective vs. the run
o Most common coverage responsibility is curl to flat, must

collision vertical routes

o Will align on inside shoulder of #2 receiver (unless #2 is

o On snap will creep to 7/8 yds., reads through tackle to QB

Pass = Hot on #2, C/F defender Run to = Attack and become force player Run Away = Flow for cutback
o Also often included in run blitzes
20 Colerain High School 10/2/2013

o Primarily a Cover 3 team, which means our corners must be athletic enough

to defend 1/3rd of the field

o Must be effective tacklers to prevent big plays o Corners will usually flip sides based on ability & game plan, best coverage

guy goes where they throw (Best WR, Trips side, single WR, etc.) Varies week to week.
o Align 6/7 yards off the ball, inside shoulder of #1 o @ snap Corners will take 3 slow pedal read steps, reading through the

Tackle to QB
Hot on all 3 step routes (High ball/low ball from QB), in Cover 3 rally & make tackle Non 3-Step pass = Get deeper than deepest threat in your zone! Stay in pedal as long as possible. Run read Run to = take on & defeat stalk block to support runRun away Take angle & pursue

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Tight to the tight end or strong side of the formation with no tight end Split away from right end or weak side of the formation with no tight end Field only call on hash

Bench only call on hash

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o Nose and tackle away from the call angles o Tackle to the angle call plays straight

o Aggressive angle of two gaps o Tackle has A gap and outside linebacker has B gap

o Inside linebacker has contain if the ball is run that way

o Never run split crash
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o Stunt where angle tackle and OLB switch


Double Crash
o Short yardage call o Nose plays straight

Double Bird
o Nose plays straight

o Angle both sides o Nose plays straight
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Field corner Bench / split lightning

Field / tight smoke

Tight / field go Split / bench shoot
26 Colerain High School 10/2/2013

Pressures are designed to maximize pass coverage while not allowing the QB to have enough time to be comfortable. All Hot Routes should be accounted for as you have 4 or 5 players in the underneath zones. Blitzes will involve bringing any 1 of the 4 linebackers or any member of the secondary. The 3-4 scheme allows a 4 man pass rush to be effective because the offense does not know where the 4th man is coming from 4 Man Pressures allow for more options in coverage
27 Colerain High School 10/2/2013








Extension of our Angle 50, End simply rushes upfield, Tackle away from call is other contain
- Both

tackles are now contain rushers, End and Tackle to blitz call switch jobs
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ILB opposite call through opp. A Gap. Both Tackles contain, both Ends drop.

ILB to the blitz call through the A Gap. Both tackles are contain rushers, Ends drop.
29 GE Title or job number 10/2/2013

Pressures are designed to overload the offensive line and get to the quarterback quickly Blitzes will involve bringing any combination of our 4 man pressures, with some additional options We will expect the ball to be thrown quickly from a QB under pressure, this creates multiple opportunities for turnovers We must rally to any completed Hot routes, never allowing them to turn into a big play Most of these are played using a 3 deep concept You must also be aware of vulnerabilities to certain formations such as 3x1 or Empty & be willing to adjust
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