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A presentation on


Muhammad Zia
Ali Zada
S.Afroz Qaseem

q An emotion is a mental and
physiological state.
Ø It is associated with a wide variety
of feelings, thoughts, and behavior.
ØEmotions are subjective experiences.
ØEmotion is often associated with
mood, temperament, personality, and
ØThe word 'emotion' is derived from the
French word émouvoir. This is based on
the Latin emovere,
ØE- (variant of ex-) means 'out' and
movere means 'move'.The related term
"motivation" is also derived from
Anger is an emotional state that may
range from minor irritation to intense
ØSome view anger as part of the fight or
flight brain response to the perceived
threat of pain.
Øthis is an action that is taken to
immediately stop the threatening
behavior of another outside force.
ØModern psychologists view anger as a
primary, natural, and mature emotion
ØUncontrolled anger can however negatively
Øaffect personal or social well-being.
ØAccording to moderan psychologists
ØDisplays of anger can be used as a
manipulation strategy for social influence.
ØThree types of anger are recognized by
6. hasty and sudden anger" by Joseph
7. Settled and deliberate" anger and is a
reaction to perceived deliberate harm
or unfair treatment by others.
8. dispositional and is related more to
character traits than to instincts or
ØAnxiety is a psychological and
physiological state characterized by
cognitive, somatic, emotional, and
behavioral components.
ØAnxiety is a generalized mood state
that occurs without an identifiable
triggering stimulus.
Øanxiety is the result of threats that are
perceived to be uncontrollable or
ØAnxiety is a normal reaction to stress. It
may help a person to deal with a difficult
ØBoredom is an emotional state experien-
Ced during periods lacking activity or inter-
estless activities surrounding us.
Øboredom arises not from a lack of things to
do but from the inability to latch onto any
specific activity.
ØThere are three types of boredom, all of
which involve problems of engagement of
Øthese include times when we are
prevented from engaging in something,
when we are forced to engage in some
unwanted activity, or when we are simply
unable, for no apparent reason, to maintain
ØCuriosity is an emotion that causes
natural inquisitive behavior such as
exploration, investigation, and learning,
evident by observation in human and
many animal species.
Øthis emotion represents a drive to know
new things, curiosity is the fuel of science
and all other disciplines of human study.
ØCuriosity is common to human beings at
all ages from infancy to old age.
ØDesire is a sense of longing for a person
or object or hoping for an outcome.
When a person desires something or
someone, their sense of longing is
excited by the enjoyment or the thought
of the item or person, and they want to
take actions to obtain their goal.
Øhuman desire is the fundamental
motivation of all human action.
ØFear is an emotional response to
threats and danger.
ØFear can be described with different
terms in relation to the degree of fear that
is experienced.
ØIt varies from mild caution to extreme
phobia and paranoia.
ØFear is related to a number of additional
cognitive and emotional states including
worry, anxiety, terror, horror, panic, and
ØTerror is an acute and pronounced form
of fear.
ØParanoia is a term used to describe a
ØFrustration is an emotional response
to circumstances where one is
obstructed from arriving at a personal
ØThe more important the goal, the
greater the frustration.
ØIt is comparable to anger and
Ø Sources of frustration may be internal
or external.
Hope is a belief in a positive
outcome related to events and
circumstances in one's life.
ØTo hope is to wish for something
with the expectation of the wish being
ØHopefulness is somewhat different
from optimism in that hope is an
emotional state, whereas optimism is a
conclusion reached through a deliberate
thought pattern that leads to a positive
ØRegret is an intelligent (and/or
emotional) dislike for personal past
Acts and behaviors.
ØRegret is often felt when someone feels
sadness, shame, embarrassment,
depression or guilt after committing an
ØRegret is distinct from guilt, which is a
deeply emotional form of regret.
ØRegret can describe not only the dislike
for an action that has been committed,
but also, importantly, regret of inaction.
Ø Wonder is an emotion comparable
to surprise that people feel when
perceiving something rare or unex-
ØWonder is also often compared to
the emotion of awe but awe implies fear
or respect rather than joy.
Øawe is often associated with the
miracles and supernatural occurrences.

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