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Don't compare yourself with any one in this world.

If you compare, you are insulting yourself.

No one will manufacture a lock without a key.

Similarly God won't give problems without solutions.

Life laughs at you when you are unhappy...

Life smiles at you when you are happy... Life salutes you when you make others happy...

Every successful person has a painful story. Every painful story has a successful ending.

Accept the pain and get ready for success.

Easy is to judge the mistakes of others. Difficult is to recognize our own mistakes.

It is easier to protect your feet with slippers than to cover the earth with carpet.

No one can go back and change a bad beginning;

But anyone can start now and create a successful ending.

If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it.

If a problem cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

If you miss an opportunity don't fill the eyes with tears.

It will hide another better opportunity in front of you

"Changing the Face" can change nothing. But "Facing the Change" can change everything.

Don't complain about others; Change yourself if you want peace.

Mistakes are painful when they happen.

But year's later collection of mistakes is called experience, which leads to success.

Be bold when you loose and be calm when you win.

Suresh.s Just love problem

Heated gold becomes ornament. Beaten copper becomes wires. Depleted stone becomes statue. So the more pain you get in life you become more valuable.

Transaction Analysis
by S.Suresh A.Vijaya bharghavi

What is Transactional Analysis ? 1. A theory of personality as well as a systematic psychotherapy for personal growth and personal change. 2. Among psychological approaches, it is outstanding in the depth of its theory

and the wide variety of its applications.

3. It is finding wide application in organizations and education.

Transactional Basis
Id Pleasure Principle Ego- Realistic Principle(irrational) Super-Ego- Ethical Principle(mind)
By Fred Luthans

Transactional Analysis

Transactional Analysis was Founded by Eric Berne. During the late 1950s.


Clinical, organizational and personal development. Encompassing communications. Management, personality. Relationships and behavior.

Transactional Analysis

Transactional Analysis is effectively a language within a language; A language of true meaning, feeling and motive.

It helps us in 3 ways:

To understand more clearly what is going on. Secondly, we give ourselves choices of what ego states to adopt. Which signals to send, and where to send them.

Parent Ego Stage-

Behaviors, thoughts and feelings copied from parent or parent figures.

Adult Ego StageBehaviors, thoughts and feelings which are direct responses to the here and now.

Child Ego StageBehaviors, thoughts and feelings replayed from childhood.

Typical Behaviors
PARENT Advising ADULT Fact Finding Questioning Analyzing Problem Solving Helping Cooperating Planning Coordinating Scheduling Thinking

Laughing Crying Sulking Being Frightened Playing Enjoying Dancing Curiosity Obeying Dependent

Ordering Telling Fault Finding Moralizing Scolding Nurturing Caring Loving

"I'm OK - You're OK

Life LifePositions Positions

Ego EgoStates States

Regulating Regulating PARENT PARENT
Nurturing Nurturing ADULT ADULT
Adaptive Adaptive Reactive CHILD CHILD Reactive Creative Creative

ImOK, OK, ImNot NotOK, OK, Im Basic BasicNeeds Needs Im Youre YoureNot Not Youre Yourenot not OK OK OK OK

Im ImOK OK Youre YoureOK OK

Im ImNot Not OK, OK, Youre YoureOK OK

Love, Love, Care Care

Normative Indifferent Indifferent Prescriptive Normative Traditional Traditional Prescriptive

Power Power

Over Over Indulgent Indulgent

Rescuing Rescuing

Supportive Supportive Ingratiating Ingratiating

Rationality Rationality Cynical Cynical

Approval, Approval, Safety Safety

Task Task Problem Problem Obsessive Obsessive Solving Solving

Complaining Complaining

OverOverwhelming whelming

Sulking Sulking

Dependent Resilient Resilient Dependent

Aggression Aggression Withdrawn Withdrawn

Intropunitive Aggressive Aggressive Confronting Confronting Intropunitive

Creativity Creativity

Bohemian Humorous Humorous Bohemian

Satirical Innovative Innovative Satirical

Aim of Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy Aim of Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy

1. To help a person to choose to be in a particular inner state, instead of just allowing the current ego-state to dominate feelings, attitudes and behavior. 2. Changing the Life Script 3. Replacing organizational or societal scripting with cooperative non-violent behavior is the aim of other applications of Transactional Analysis.

Complementary Crossed


Complementary transactions
A complementary transaction occurs when a message, sent from a specific ego state, gets the predicted response from a specific ego state in the other person. For example, if a wife who is grieving her lost friend is comforted by a sympathetic husband, her momentary dependency is answered appropriately.


Crossed Transactions

A crossed transaction occurs when an unexpected response is made to the stimulus. An inappropriate ego state is activated, and the lines of communication between people are crossed. At this point people tend to withdraw, turn away from each other or switch the conversation in another direction. For example, Agent's Adult: "Do you know where my cuff links are?" (note that this stimuli is directed at the Respondents Adult). Respondent's Child: "You always blame me for everything!"

Crossed transactions are a frequent source of pain between people

Ulterior Transactions
Ulterior transactions are the most complex. They differ from complementary and crossed transactions in that they always involve two or more ego states. Only one ego state controls the body; but another ego state is operating in the background. If a car salesman says to his customer, "This is our finest sports car...but maybe too racy for you," he is sending a message that can be heard by either the customers adult or child ego state. If the customers Adult hears, the response may be... "yes, youre right, considering the requirements of my job." If the customers Child hears, the response may be "Ill take it. Its just what I want."

Thus ulterior transactions help us to get the desired response from the respondent.

The original three Parent Adult Child components were sub-divided by Wagner, Joines and Mountain to form seven element model.

Traditional Transactional Analysis

Modern Transactional Analysis

Original 3 parental adult child components

Modified into 7 elements.

Modern TA established 2 parental elements:




* Nurturing (positive) * Spoiling (negative)

* Structuring (positive) * Critical (negative)


Represents an Adult remains as a 'accounting' single entity function or mode Which can draw on The resources of both Parent and Child.


Child is now commonly represented as circle with four quadrants:

Adapted - Co-operative (positive) and Compliant/Resistant (negative). Free - Spontaneous (positive) and Immature (negative).


Transactional analysis is a rational and easy-tounderstand method of clarifying and managing human relationships and behaviors.

Thank you

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