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Kuliah Manajemen Proyek Industri Dr.

Sri Bramantoro Abdinagoro Departemen Metalurgi & Material Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia


Misi & Visi Perusahaan

Misi : menjawab what is our business?
Visi : menjawab pertanyaan What we do become?

Pernyataan Misi yang baik mampu menggambarkan tujuan organisasi, pelanggan, produk atau jasa, pasar, filosofi, dan teknologi

Contoh Visi dan Misi

PT Astra Honda Motor, perusahaan yang menjalankan fungsi produksi, penjualan dan pelayanan purna jual yang lengkap untuk kepuasan pelanggan dan memiliki: Visi To Be Number One Market Driven Trend-setter motorcycle Company in Indonesia in term of customer satisfaction the empowered human capital guided by shared values. Misi To provide mobility solution which exceed customer expectation with the best value motorcycle & Its related products, thru empowered human capital for the benefit of all stakeholders.

Misi & Visi Apple

Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork, and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and has recently introduced its magical iPad which is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices.

Mission Statement the Body Shop

Dedicate our business to the pursuit of social and environmental

change. Creatively balance the financial and human needs of our stakeholders: employees, customers, franchisees, suppliers and shareholders. Courageously ensure that our business is ecologically sustainable, meeting the needs of the present without compromising the future. Meaningfully contribute to local, national and international communities in which we trade by adopting a code of conduct that ensures care, honesty, fairness and respect. Passionately campaign for the protection of the environment, human and civil rights, and against animal testing within the cosmetics industry. Tirelessly work to narrow the gap between principle and practice, whilst making fun, passion and care, part of our daily lives.

Fungsi-fungsi Bisnis
Sumberdaya Manusia
Penjualan dan Pemasaran Riset dan Pengembangan Produksi/Operasi Layanan Pelanggan Keuangan dan Akuntansi Administrasi dan Teknologi Informasi

Sumberdaya Manusia
Penerimaan dan Pensiun
Deskripsi Pekerjaan Spesifikasi Personal

Motivasi Pengembangan dan Pelatihan Professional Kondisi Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja Perwakilan dengan Serikat Pekerja

Penjualan dan Pemasaran

Riset Pasar
Strategi Promosi Strategi Harga

Strategi Penjulan
Tim Penjualan Produk memberi masukan pada pengembangan

produk baru, peningkatan produk, strategi perluasan pasar, pasar target

Riset dan Pengembangan

Pengembangan Produk Baru
Peningkatan Produk Keunggulan bersaing Nilai tambah Pengujian Produk Keuntungan efisiensi Penghematan biaya

Keuangan dan Akuntansi

Arus Kas (Cash flow)
Memonitor pendapatan/penerimaan Memonitor pengeluaran

Menyiapkan akun Memperoleh keuangan

Saham Pinjaman

Berhubungan dengan semua daerah fungsional lainnya

Mendapatkan sumberdaya Merencanakan keluaran pekerja, modal, tanah Memonitor biaya-biaya Memroyeksi keluaran di masa depan Metode-metode produksi
Batch Flow Job Cell


Layanan Pelanggan
Memonitor distribusi
After-sales service Menangani pesanan pelanggan Memberikan masukan bagi pelanggan Menangani komplain pelanggan Publisitas dan humas

Administrasi dan TI
Managing estates cleaning, health and safety, maintenance, security
Reception Clerical work reporting, recording, record keeping, communication Overview of quality control Use of IT systems

Organisasi Bisnis
Organisasi berdasarkan jenis Global businesses complex organisation structures National organisation possibly stretches throughout the country Regional could be through a county or wider area (North West, South East, etc.) Local small organisations serving local area or community

Organisasi Bisnis
Authority the right to make decisions and carry out tasks Span of control the number of people a superior

is responsible for Chain of Command the relationship between different levels of authority in the business Hierarchy shows the line management in the business and who has specific responsibilities Delegation authority to carry out actions passed from superior to subordinate Empowerment giving responsibilities to people at all levels of the business to make decisions

Bagan Organisasi
Pyramidal Structure

MD Senior Management Middle Management


Model Organisasi Hirarki

Managing Director
Product A Manager Personal and Finance Product B Manager R&D Marketing Production R&D Marketing Production

(1) A Simplified Product Organizaiton

Managing Director

Division A Director

Division B Director

Division C Director

Marketing Director

Production Director

R&D Director

Finance Director

Personnel Director

(2) Part of A Divisional Structure

Model Organisasi Matriks

Geographic Area
Director Country A Director Country B Director Country C Director Country D

Corporate functions R&D

Central Marketing Corporate Finance

Supply Chain

(3) A matrix structure where the country managers have more power than the corporate functions

Struktur Organisasi Terpusat/Entrepreneural






Organisational Chart
Changes to business structures Linked to new thinking on leadership and

management Less hierarchical Emphasis on communication and collaboration between sections Global businesses more complex structures

Strategi dan Struktur Organisasi

What do we want to achieve? - cost leadership or new product innovation or global branding or domination of local country markets etc.

Processes, Systems, Behavior

What key business process must we be good at? What behaviors must our people exhibit? What information do they need to manage these business processes?


What structure and organizational linkage will best support our people, so they can build the contracts and networks to hel them with their work? And how can we stop the structure getting in peopless way?


Nokia Siemens Networks

Our mission

by improving efficiency and experience We have built value by addressing efficiency, and we continue to do that. But we also need to address the customers need for a better experience, because its experience that builds relationships, and relationships that build value

Our Vision

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