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Presented By: Bhargawi Tiwari Prachi Tiwari Deepika Verma Ritu Nema Sujeet Pandit Priyanka Sahu


When individual aiming together have some common goal. If the goal perceived as unshareable and can be attained by one party. The two may compete (fight) for the goal. Both competition and collaboration an tribute to a person effectiveness.

Functional and dysfunctional cooperation and competition

Both are effective or ineffective Direct and indirect realization of goal It is used to achieve excellence Define tendency of the person In terms of negative collaboration Social loafing It can be conceived and complimentary behavior

Function of competition and cooperation

Competition develops
Sense of identity Sense of responsibility Internal standards Excellence Individual creativity

Collaboration develops
Mutually Alternative idea &

Individual autonomy

solutions Mutual support & reinforcement Synergy Collective action Expansion of resources

Bases of cooperation

Collaborative motivation Group norms Higher pay-off Subordinate goals Perceived power Mutual trust

Types (area) of competition

Economic and business Law Politics Sports Education Literature Consumer competition etc.

Cooperation as function of shareable goal, perceived power and trust.

Both competition and collaboration contribute to a persons effectiveness. competition and collaboration have several functions . it can be both functional and dysfunctional. There are bases of collaboration like collaborative motive, group norms etc. Both structural and process interventions are used to develop collaboration.

Thank You

Case study:

This small and basic case on hr.. hope it helps in

some brainstorming..

Mr. Toppo had just graduated from Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad, and joined his family's small business, which employs 25 semi-skilled workers. After observing Toppo during the first week on the job his father called him in and said, "Toppo, I have a chance to observe your working with the men and women for the past two days and although I hate to say something but I must. You are just too nice to people. I know they taught you human relations stuff at the IIM but it just does not work here. I remember when the Hawthorne Studies were first reported and everybody in the academic field got all excited about them, but believe me, there is more to managing people than just being nice to them".
Questions 1; Do you think Toppo's father understood and interpreted the Hawthorne Studies correctly? 2; How would you react to your father's comments if you were Toppo?


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