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Old Testament

Week 5: Enoch

Hurricane Utah Adult Religion Class

Enoch in the JST

Moses 6:267:69.
112 verses. Joseph Smiths new translation of the Bible. December 1830.

Enoch in the Bible

Genesis 5:1819 (mentioned); 5:2124.
Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.

Luke 3:37 (mentioned). Hebrews 11:5.

Enoch was translated that he should not see death.

Jude 1:1415.
Quote from the Book of Enoch.

Enoch in pseudepigrapha
Book of Enoch (1 Enoch).
Written 4th century1st century B.C.

Known to, quoted by NT authors. Lost until 17th century A.D. English publications: 1821 (Laurence), 1893 (Charles).

Enoch in the Book of Enoch

Super-prophet. The sons of the heavens (1 Enoch 6:2; 13:8; 71:1). Judgment by the Son of Man against sinners and those who have led the world astray (1 Enoch 69:2629).

Enoch in the Book of Moses

Super-prophet (Moses 6:3536). Enoch sees everything:
God revealing himself to Adam (Moses 6:5168). The wicked people in Enochs time (7:411). The coming great flood (7:2053). The Son of Man killed and resurrected (7:54 57). The end of the world and final judgment (7:5867).

Who was Enoch?

Hebrew ( hnk), to introduce, to initiate. A wilderness prophet. A reluctant prophet. A reviled prophet.

Enoch, the perfect realization

Seth Enos Cainan Mahalaleel Jared Enoch








Enoch, a priesthood holder

Ordained and blessed by Adam; saw and walked with the Lord (D&C 107:4849a). Blessed again by Adam at Adam-ondiAhman (D&C 107:53). Melchizedek priesthood after the order of Enoch (D&C 76:57).

Foreteller & forth-teller

A careful study of the etymology of the word [prophet] and of the lives, works and character of the prophets of old makes clear the fact that a prophet was, and is, one called to act as Gods messenger. He is to teach men the character of God, and define and make known to the people, his will. He is to denounce sin, and declare the punishment of transgression. He is to be above all else a preacher of righteousness, and when the people depart from the path which he has marked out for them to follow, is to call them back to the true faith. He is an interpreter of the scripture, and declares its meaning and application. When future events are to be declared he predicts them, but his direct, and most important calling is to be a forth-teller, or director of present policy, rather than a foreteller of that which is to come. President Anthony W. Ivins, October 1925

Enoch, the forth-teller

Greek (prophetes) = interpreter or spokesman for God.
Pro = before / phanai = to speak.

Hebrew ( nabiy)= spokesman or speaker. Whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same (D&C 1:38). Enochs first message: Moses 6:5759, 62.

Enoch, revealer of Gods character

Characteristics of God (Moses 7:2835):
Emotionally affected by human behavior. Holy and eternal. Just, merciful, kind. A God of peace, justice, truth. Given us knowledge, agency, commandments. Has names that reflect his character.

Characteristics of the Holy Ghost (Moses 6:61):

Record of heaven. Comforter. Peaceable things of immortal glory. Truth of all things. Quickeneth all things Knoweth all things, and hath all power.


Enoch, founder of the city of Zion

Hebrew ( tsiyyn), protection, fortress, shield (see D&C 115:6). Righteous dwell in peace and safety (Moses 7:1319). Unity of heart and mind, economic equality (Moses 7:18). Zion taken into heaven (Moses 7:69), but it will return (Moses 7:6264).

Enochs people, the ideal

Encyclopedia of Mormonism 4:45859


In two weeks:

Moses 8; Genesis 611

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