FS 1 Episode 2

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The Learner Characteristics and Needs

Learner Characteristics

Physical Characteristic Intellectual Characteristic Emotional Characteristic Social Characteristic Moral Characteristic

Learner Needs
Cognitive Social Affective Psychomotor

The Learner Characteristics and Needs

Learner Characteristics
The traits, such as reading level, possessed by learners that could affect their ability to learn.

Learner Needs
Can be determined by identifying what is and what should be. Once the needs are identified that you must prioritize ay competing needs according to who has been identified as your primary target learner group


Leaner Characteristics
Physical Characteristic- Features of a substance that are
primarily sensory (physical) and generally measurable, such as area, hardness, smoothness, shape, color, weight, volume, etc. See also functional characteristics

Example: Growth patterns may be different for girls and boys. Awkwardness may be exhibited but coordination is improving. There is an inherent need to move.

Intellectual Characteristic-A person who primarily uses intelligence in either a professional or an individual capacity
Example: There is a tendency to be curious and to ask many questions. Attention span is increasing. There is an increasing ability to use language and reasoning skills for self-expression. They are often pre-occupied with thoughts of sexual development.


Emotional Characteristic - is the ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself, of others, and of groups.
Example: They are becoming less egocentric. They are becoming more independent. They become discouraged easily and there is a need to feel successful.

Social Characteristic - It always refers to the interaction of organisms with other organisms and to their collective coexistence, irrespective of whether they are aware of it or not, and irrespective of whether the interaction is voluntary or involuntary.
Example: They seek attention and approval. There is a tendency to form cohesive social groups and exclude some peers.


Moral Characteristic- is an evaluation of a particular individual's stable moral qualities.

Example: There is a tendency to choose behaviours in order to avoid censure. Internal standards of right and wrong are beginning to develop.


Learner Needs
Example: To recognize good questions To ask good questions To get help from experts To practice problem solving To think independently To create work products To process new information To use learning resources

Example: To communicate with peers To give and receive support To experience external motivation To make a difference To interact while problem solving To explore and challenge conventions To grow with friends To manage time and tasks


Learner Needs
Affective - refers to the experience of feeling or emotion
Example: Attain goals Nurture positive attitudes Be open to feedback from others Have time for reflection and self-assessment Possess well-founded self- confidence Define and respond to locus of control Have a sense of belonging Understand motivations of others

Psychomotor - Of or relating to the origination of movement in conscious mental activity

Example: Be in a comfortable setting Have transportation Have child care Get enough sleep Have good diet/ adequate energy level


We Hope you learned
Presented by: Baluyo, Marian Catherine Esmiralda, Angelica Pasno, Janelle Danabar, Sharmine Hilles, Abegail N. Gava, Agnes Angelyn B. Agao, Demmie Ann

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