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By Francesca Wenn and Tayla Debenham-Scott

A young girl, who has been left alone in her house for the week as her parents are on holiday. Little does she know she is being watched by an unknown male. She arranges with her friends to meet at the local park, but never arrives. Within this time, the unknown male has found her, tied her up and taken her in his van. The young girl is scared and frightened as she doesn'tt know who has taken her. Her friends start to worry as she never turns up at the park.

Has he killed her? Or is he just keeping her for himself?

Rogue Pictures
As seen in the table to the left, Rogue Pictures has produced many successful horror movies such as The Strangers which made $82.3 million at the box office worldwide. Rogue Pictures has been one of the most successful subsidiaries in the Universal Conglomerate in producing Horror Films.

We believe that you at Rogue would be able to produce a high quality, action, horror film with our storyline Snapped which is exactly why we chose you. We hope you will be able to help us produce something which has never been seen at box office before whilst smashing sales targets.

Our budget for the production of the film is $5million dollars, as we plan to save money by using volunteers as actors, and using props from our own recourses. With your help we plan to make $50 million at the box office world wide within the first week. If you help us reach this target the profits will be split 60/40 to you allowing you to make profit.

After planning and researching into the similar products that Rogue Pictures produced, we believe that this horror film follows all the typical conventions used in previous films you have produced. Some of these conventions are; fast paced editing, screams, night footage, children and it is also based around a protagonist and antagonist.

Will it relate to target audience?

Now the big question is, will it relate to the correct target audience? The answer to that question is Yes, and now we shall explain why. We have created our main protagonist as a young girl, aged 16, which relates to a large proportion of our target audience. Also, as the plot states she is left home as her parents are on holiday, this gives her a sense of independence, which most girls at this age want. Having a teenager girl appeals to our male audience as it gives the film the sex appeal. The use of an everyday location is a typical convention for the horror film genre. The beginning of the films welcomes the audience into the girls as having a normal average life style, which our target audience can relate to. Also, the use of the antagonist is an important aspect of the horror genre as after research it shows that our target audience likes scenes that have the mysterious factor and unknown answers. Overall, our film trailer is very conventional to the target audience as it meets all the correct conventions of a film trailer.

Is it conventional?
Our film is conventional for the horror genre because it relates to everyday life making it feel realistic for the audience. For example, having a teenage girl who has been left home alone for the weekend. The beginning of the trailer shows a normal teenage girl hanging out with her friends, meaning the audience will be able to relate to her. Snapped is also conventional for a horror movie because it uses fast paced editing. This is conventional because it creates tension for the audience as they watch and allows them to see small snippets of the film whilst not giving too much away. Lastly, Snapped has an anonymous character, this is conventional for the horror genre because it creates a sense of mystery leaving the audience guessing and wanting more.


From looking at the audience feedback results on the previous slide, you can clearly see that our target audience are in favour of our plot which we are pitching to you.

I would go and see it because I would want to know what happens This quote from one of the respondents shows that our trailer gives the audience enough to understand the storyline however it leaves unanswered questions in their mind to allow them to want to watch the full film on its release date.
From reading the plot I can see that it is going to be a tense, action filled film which is VERY conventional for a horror film. This quote shows that our plot appeals to the target audience by meeting the conventions of a typical horror film.

Thank you for listening to our pitch. We really hope you like our ideas and accept our offer.

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