Sales Strategies

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The Sales Strategies

by Anoop Kumar Gupta MAIT


What is a sales strategy?


A sales strategy sets out in detail how you will get your product or service in front of people who need it.

What is a sales strategy? A sales strategy is to be based on your business and marketing plans. n It looks at how you will deliver objectives set out in your marketing plan.

Elements of a sales strategy

Elements of a sales strategy are: Account targeting strategy Relationship strategy Selling strategy Sales channel strategy

The Sales Strategy Framework

Buying Situation Buying Center

Account Targeting Strategy Relationship Strategy

Organizational Buyer Behavior



Sales Strategy

Buying Process

Sales Channel Strategy

Buying Needs
Module 3: Organizational Strategies and the Sales Function


Formulation of Sales Strategy


Sales strategy
Territory analysis / Account targeting

Relationship strategy Sales channel strategy
Direct Marketing Channel Sales (thru intermediary) Multi-level Marketing Personal Selling

Selling Strategy

Components of Sales Strategy

Account targeting strategy

Marketing strategy defines target market and each customer in the target segment is different with different needs and different profit potential (may classify customers into high, medium, low sales & profit potentials) Account targeting strategy provides the foundation for all other elements of the sales strategy.


Sales Strategy: Account-Targeting Strategy

The classification of accounts within a target market into categories for the purpose of developing strategic approaches for selling to each account or account group.


Target Account Strategy



Undifferentiated Account Approach Click to edit the outline text format

Second Outline Level

Third Outline Level Fourth Outline Level

Target Account Strategy

Account Account 1 2 Account Account 3 4


Account Approach Click toSegmentation edit the outline text format

Key Account Second Outline Level Profitability Size Third Outline Level Potential

Fourth Outline Level

Components of Sales Strategy

Relationship strategy
It is a determination of the type of relationship to be developed with different account groups. It ranges from a Transactional relationship based on selling standardized products Solutions relationship that emphasizes on solving customers problems Partnership relationship represents a preferred supplier position over the long term Collaborative relationship in which the buyers and sellers work together for the benefit of both SDM-Ch.3 businesses. 11

Sales Strategy: Relationship Strategy

A determination of the type of relationship to be developed with different account groups.



Components of Sales Strategy

Relationship strategy

As a sales organization moves from transactional to collaborative relationship, the time frame becomes longer, the focus changes from selling to creating value The products offered move from simple and standardized to more complex and customized. The movement from transactional to collaborative relationship requires a greater commitment between buyer and seller, because they will be working together much more closely The selling costs increases while serving accounts with higher level relationship The critical task is to balance the customers needs with the cost to serve the account.
SDM-Ch.3 13

Characteristics of Relationship Strategies

Transaction Goal Sell Products Time Short Frame Offering Standardized Number of Many Customers Solutions Partnership Collaborative Add Value



Module 3: Organizational Strategies and the Sales Function

Matching Selling and Relationship Strategies

High Collaborative Cost to Serve

Solutions Transaction


Module 3: Organizational Strategies and the Sales Function


Sales Strategy: Selling Strategy

A planned selling approach for each relationship strategy. Developing efficient and effective selling strategies is an important sales management task.



Components of Sales Strategy (Continued)

Selling Strategy
Is the planned selling approach for each relationship strategy. Five basic selling strategies (1) Stimulus response,

(2) mental state or formula, (3) need-satisfaction,

(4) Problem solving,

(5) consultative

Selection of appropriate selling strategy depends on relationship strategy



Sales Strategy: Sales Channel Strategy

Ensuring that accounts receive selling effort coverage in an effective and efficient manner. Sales channel options include:

The Internet Industrial Distributors Independent Representatives Team Selling


Components of Sales Strategy (Continued)

Sales Channel Strategy


There are many sales / marketing channels. For example:

Internet Distributors (Franchisees, Agents, Wholesalers & Retailers) Company sales-force Team Selling Telemarketing Trade Shows

Selection of a suitable channel depends on both the buyer and the seller, products / services, and markets


Sales Channel Strategy: The Internet

Used strategically to: Increase Reach Gather Information about Customers Showcase New Products Conduct Surveys Enhance Corporate Image Obtain Feedback Service Existing Customers



Sales Channel Strategy: Industrial Distributors

Essentially, channel intermediaries that: Have Their Own Sales Force May Represent One Manufacturer; Several Non-competing Manufacturers; Several Competing Manufacturers Take Title to the Goods and Normally Carry Inventory



Sales Channel Strategy: Independent or Manufacturers Reps

Outsourcing the selling effort to individuals or organizations that: Sell complimentary products from non-competing manufacturers. Do Not Take Title to the Goods or Carry Inventory Are Paid for Performance Have Control over the Selling Effort May Control Access to Customer Information



Sales Channel Strategy: Team Selling

Multiple individuals from the selling organization working together to develop and expand relationships with one or more accounts. The salesperson typically coordinates the teams selling efforts.



Sales Channel Strategy: Telemarketing

Using the telephone as a means of customer contact. This low-cost method of customer relationship management may replace field sales force for certain accounts. When integrated with field sales force, activities include: Prospecting, Qualifying Leads, Conducting Surveys Taking Orders, Checking on Order Status, Handling Order Problems Following Up for Repeat Business



Sales Channel Strategy: Trade Shows

Events at which the company exhibits its wares. Used by organizations to:
Generate Leads Test Market New Products Introduce New Products Close Sales Gather Competitive Information Service Existing Customers Enhance Corporate Image



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Second Outline Level

Third Outline Level

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