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Leonard Dunn Shameka Jackson Brian Jackson Khushboo Kataria Group Project MGMT646-1004B-01: Managing Service Operations Professor Dr. Barbara Desaultes December 10, 2010

Medical Equipment Leasing Company (ME)

ME: Who are We?

Medical Equipment Leasing Company (ME)

MEs Mission
Company History ME Today

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Defined Principals of CSR (Importance according to ISO 26000) Accountability Transparency Ethical Behavior Importance of CSR Rewards of CSR

Corporate Social Responsibility

ME will be a Responsible Global Citizen

Social Principles

MEs Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy

A Sustainable and Competitively Advantaged Business Model Based On:

Medical Equipment Leasing Companys CSR Framework Environment Minimize impact while maintaining functionality Sustainable Product Design Efficient Business Operations Conserving Entergy and Reducing Emissions Workplace Foster a desirable work environment Employee Safety and Wellness First Openness and Inclusiveness Community Positive social impact on society Corporate Philanthropy Employee Volunteerism Contribution of Expertise

Marketplace Fair and Ethical Business Dealings Customer Well Being Integrity of Supply

The Green Footprint

A step in The Right Direction

Going Green Defined

Broader Than Simply Global Warming Going Green A Negative Connotation Cost for Small and Large Businesses

The Green Footprint

Transparency Measuring Footprints Engaging Customers Green Buildings Managing E-waste

(Spors, 2010)

The Green Footprint

Product Life Cycle

Use of Raw Materials

Reduction of Waste Produced

Doing Business in California

Great Economy

Government money for upgrades Saving money going green Customer preferences Tax benefits

Healthier homes & communities Reduces spread of infectious diseases Breathing improvements Healthy heart

Concerns and Answers

Communitys Concerns

Pollution(s) Toxic Waste Environmental Laws and Regulations ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Registrations Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) Certification


Question, Comments and Concerns??

References (2010) Waste Minimization and recycling. Retrieved from, Waste.html Bowyer, J. L. (2008). The green movement. Forests Products Journal. 58(7), 6-13. Retrieved from, Benefit Of. (2010). Benefits of Going Green. Retrieved from, Carroll, A.B., and A.K. Buchholtz. (2003). Business and society: ethics and stakeholder management. 5th ed. Thomson South-Western, Chevrolet .com,. (2010) Electricity a sensible primary fuel retrieved from, Doing Business in California. (2010) Retrieved December 7, 2010 from Economic Benefits of California Clean Energy Policies. (2009) Retrieved from,

References Contd (2010) Raw Materials Retrieved from, eHow. (2010). Advantages and Disadvantages of Corporations Going Green. Retrieved December 9, 2010 from Foote, J., Gaffney, N. and Evans, J.R. (2010). Corporate social responsibility: implications for performance excellence. Journal of Total Quality Management. 21(8), 799-812. doi: 10.1080/14783363.2010.487660 Fitzsimmons, J.A, & Fitzsimmons, M.J. (2011). Service management: operationsstrategy, nformation technology. Seventh Edition. McGraw-Hill Irwin. New York New York. Green Profit Solutions. (2010, September 20). Corporate Social Responsibility Good for Business. Retrieved from, ness/259/47/interior.php

References Contd
Johnson, A, Gazettee, K. (2010) Has going green become more of trend than a solution? Retrieved from, ml Kanji, G.K. and Chopra, P,K. (2010). Corporate social responsibility in a global economy. Total Quality Management. 21(2), 119-143. doi: 10.1080/14783360903549808 Spors, Kelly. (2010, February 14). Five Green Business Trends for 2010. Retrieved from, Task List. (2010). CTU Online. Class: MGMT646-1004B-01 : Managing service operations. Retrieved, Warner,M. (2002). Services. In International Encyclopedia of Business and Management (Vol. 6, pp. 5813-5832). New York: Routledge (2010) Waste-to-energy Retrieved from,,.(2010) Social responsibility Retrieved from,

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