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Cetak Plastik

Plastics Injection Molding

Sejarah Plastik

Jenis plastik: Thermoset

Sifat Umum: tahan lama, keras, tangguh, ringan.

Contoh: Polyester: lacquers, varnishes, perahu, furniture

Epoxy dan Resin: lem, coating untuk electrical circuits, composite: fiberglass baling-baling helicopter, perahu

Jenis plastik: Elastomer

Sifat Umum: thermoset, seperti sifat karet Contoh: Polyurethan: matras, cushion, insulation, mainan Silicon: sarung tangan medis, masker, seal

Jenis Plastik: Thermoplastik

Sifat Umum: suhu leleh rendah, lunak, flexible
Contoh: Polyethylene: packaging, electrical insulation, milk and water bottles, packaging film Polypropylene: carpet fibers, automotive bumpers, microwave containers, prosthetics Polyvinyl chloride (PVC): electrical cables cover, credit cards, car instrument panels Polystyrene: disposable spoons, forks, Styrofoam Acrylics (PMMA: polymethyl methacrylate): paints, fake fur, plexiglass Polyamide (nylon): textiles and fabrics, gears, bushing and washers, bearings PET (polyethylene terephthalate): bottles for acidic foods like juices, food trays PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene): non-stick coating, Gore-Tex (raincoats), dental floss

Pengolahan plastik: Compression and Transfer Molding

umumnya thermosetting polymer mold dipanaskan dan ditutup dengan tekanan Plastik mengalir kedalam rongga perlu finishing

Peralatan makan, handel ketel, ski, Casing untuk circuit breaker, sol sepatu, fiber-reinforced composite

Pengolahan plastik: Extrusion

Pengolahan plastik: Blow molding

(a ) T h e h o llo w p ie c e o f h e a te d g la s s ( p a ris o n ) is firs t c re a te d b y a b lo w m o ld (s e e te x t-b o o k F ig 1 7 .2 5 ) 3 -p ie c e m o ld h e a te d g la s s

(b ) T h e m o ld is p u t to g e th e r

(c ) P lu n g e r a n d h o t a ir p u s h th e g la s s u p

(d ) H o t a ir b lo w s th e g la s s o u t to w a rd s th e m o ld s u rfa c e

(e ) M o ld c o m e s a p a rt, b o ttle is re m o v e d

Pengolahan plastik: Thermoforming

Lembaran plastik Pemanasan (lunak) Dicetak sesuai bentuk

Vacuum thermoforming

Pengolahan plastik: Compression and Transfer Molding

compression molding

transfer molding
(bentuk lebih rumit)

Pengolahan plastik: Injection Molding - Paling banyak digunakan, penting, dan ekonomis.

Skematik Proses & Mesin


Skematik mesin Injection molding thermoplastik

* Source:

Pengaruh suhu mold dan tekanan terhadap penyusutan

0.030 0.025


PP Acetal Shrinkage

0.030 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005


PP with flow PP across flow



Nylon 6/6


Nylon 6/6

0.010 0.005

0.000 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 0.000 6000

10000 8000 12000 14000 16000 18000

Mold Temperature (F)

Pressure on injection plunger (psi)

Pengolahan Plastik: Injection Molding

Siklus operasi injection molding

AVI [source:]

Injection Molding: Bentuk/geometri Mold Komponen utama: mold pieces (menentukan bentuk/geometri produk), sprue, gates, runners, vents, ejection pins, cooling system

Injection Molding: 2-piece and 3-piece molds

Injection Molding: mold dengan core bergerak dan side-action cam - Bila bentuk/geometri ada undercuts

Komponen mold untuk produk cangkir plastik


Knob Runner


Part Stripper plate Core

Injection Molding: Perancangan injection mold

1. molding directions 2. parting lines 3. parting planes 4. gating design dg memperlebar parting line (keluar) dimana meletakkan gate menetapkan posisi dudukan komponenkomponen 6. runners: aliran plastik kedalam cavity 7. sprue located: 8. functional parts of the mold - ejection system: untuk melepas produk yg dicetak - systems to eject the solidified runners - alignment rods: untuk mempertahankan komponen mold tetap segaris
n o z z l e k n o b

jumlah insert/cam yg dibutuhkan (bila ada)


5. multiple cavity mold

parting line

gate parting plane

c a v i t y p a r t

c a v i t y e j e c t i o n p l a t e c a v i t y

r u n n e r c a v i t y

c o r e ( a )

c o r e ( b )

c o r e ( c )

c o r e ( d )

Perancangan injection mold : mold in action

N o z z l e N o z z l e R u n n e r C a v i t y R u n n e r P a r t C a v i t y C a v i t y K n o b

P a r t

P a r t
S t r i p p e r p l a t e

[source: Lec notes, Prof T. Gutosky, MIT]

Perancangan injection mold : fitur-fitur umum


Perancangan injection mold : fitur-fitur umum

(a) Shut-off hole: no side action required

(b) Latch: no side action required

(c) Angled Latch: Side action cam required

Dasar perancangan produk injection molding

Dasar utama: (i) aliran plastik ke seluruh bagian cavity sebelum mengeras (ii) penyusutan plastik dalam lubang penyusut

Panduan (1) Usahakan penampang/ketebalan seragam seluruh bagian produk

How: use of ribs/gussets

[source: GE plastics: Injection Molding Design Guidelines]

Dasar perancangan produk injection molding

Panduan (2) Hindari penampang yang tebal

[source: GE plastics: Injection Molding Design Guidelines]

Dasar perancangan produk injection molding

Panduan (3) Lokasi gate menunjukkan weld line

weld lines

* Source:

Weld line, Sink mark


Weld line

Aliran kedalam Mold

Produk yg sudah jadi

Sink mark
* Source:

Perancangan ribs untuk meminimalkan sink mark

The printer goes in the hopper

And comes out.

The problem with plastics is

Or remanufacture.

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