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Time Frequency Analysis

By : Muhammad Fayyadh (111100005) Dias Y Wardhana (111100009) Mohammad Akram Ardi (111100012) Mohammad Iqbal (111100029) Johntala Tambunan (111100033)

Time-frequency analysis is an efficient tool for analyzing signals. It is extended from the classic Fourier approach. In this tutorial, it will introduce several kinds of time-frequency analysis and work them on musical signals.

Time Frequency Analysis methods

Short Time Fourier-Transform

STFTs as well as standard Fourier transforms and other tools are frequently used to analyze music. Audio engineers use this kind of visual to gain information about an audio sample, for example, to locate the frequencies of specific noises (especially when used with greater frequency resolution) or to find frequencies which may be more or less resonant in the space where the signal was recorded. The information can be used for equalization or tuning other audio effects.

Short Time Fourier-Transform

Invers STFT :

Short Time Fourier-Transform

Gabor Transform

The main application of the Gabor transform is used in time frequency analysis.

Wigner Distribution Function

The Wigner distribution function (WDF) was first proposed in physics to account for quantum corrections to classical statistical mechanics in 1932 by Eugene Wigner, cf. Wigner quasi-probability distribution. Given the shared algebraic structure between position-momentum and time-frequency pairs, it may also usefully serve in signal processing, as a transform in time-frequency analysis. Compared to a short-time Fourier transform, such as the Gabor transform, the Wigner distribution function can furnish higher clarity in some cases.

Winger Distribution Function

So for a single (mean-zero) time series, the Wigner function is simply given by :

Gabor-Wigner Transform
Pei and J. J. Ding proposed a new combination of the two transforms that has high clarity and no cross term problem.Since the cross term does not appear in the Gabor transform, the time frequency distribution of the Gabor transform can be used as a filter to filter out the cross term in the output of the Wigner distribution function.

Gabor-Wigner Transform
Gabor-Wigner Transform

S Transform
Signal filtering Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Power system disturbance recognition S transform has been proven to be able to identify a few types of disturbances, like voltage sag, voltage swell, momentary interruption, and oscillatory transients. S transform can also be applied for other types of disturbances such as notches, harmonics with sag and swells etc.

S Transform

Invers S Transform :

Cohens Class Operation

The Cohen's Class Distribution function was first proposed in 1966 in the context of quantum mechanics by L. Cohen. This distribution function is mathematically similar to a generalized timefrequency representation which utilizes bilinear transformations.

Cohens Class Operation

Hilbert Huang Transform

The HilbertHuang transform (HHT) is a way to decompose a signal into so-called intrinsic mode functions (IMF), and obtain instantaneous frequency data. It is designed to work well for data that are nonstationary and nonlinear. In contrast to other common transforms like the Fourier transform. the HHT is more like an algorithm (an empirical approach) that can be applied to a data set, rather than a theoretical tool.

Hilbert Huang Transform


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