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1909 A political movement that celebrated the beauty of the new industrial age.

Fillipo Marinetti,

Montagna, 1915

The name Futurism, came from Marinetti and reflected his theories of discarding the art of the past and celebrating change, originality, and innovation in culture and society. Marinetti's manifesto glorified the new technology of the automobile and the beauty of its speed, power, and movement.

He exalted violence and conflict and called for the sweeping rejection of traditional cultural, social, and political values and the destruction of such cultural institutions as museums and libraries. The manifesto's was aggressive and inflammatory and was purposely intended to inspire public anger and amazement, to arouse controversy, and to attract widespread attention.

Futurism started when Marinetti and his fellow musicians, artists, and poets published the Futurist manifestos in various newspapers. Almost at the same time when Marinetti shocked the world in his "Le Figaro" manifesto Luigi Russolo was exploring Futurist music.

"Ancient life was all silence. In the nineteenth century, wlth the invention of the machine, noise was born. Today, noise triumphs and reigns supreme over the sensibilities of men" Luigi Russolo 'The Art of Noises' 1913

The Futurists loved speed, noise, machines, pollution, and cities. Politically the Russian Futurists differed a lot from their Italian colleagues, the latter sympathizing with Mussolini and promoting war and destruction. The Russian futurists however - though subscribing to a similar aesthetic line - had much less inclination towards death and decadence and promoted an aesthetical as well as political revolution.

Cubo-Futurism developed in Russia around 1910. It was essentially a reinterpretation of the second phase of Cubism (a synthetic style introduced by Picasso and Braque) ,combined with a strong Neo-primitivist belief in the dynamic possibilities of color and line. The Cubo-Futurist movement attracted such talented artists as Goncharova, Larionov, Popova, Malevich, Tatlin, and many others.

In the Russian interpretation, there is sometimes no significant difference between a Synthetic Cubist and Cubofuturist painting. Both feature bold colors, and the fragmentation of the objects on the canvas' surface. Perhaps Cubo-futurism places more emphasis on movement and action.


And lastly, the Guallart building in Wroclaw, Poland is one of the candidates for the World Expo in 2012. Influenced by the Futurists??

Next style to react to the insanity of the 1st World War


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