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One Minute Managing

Three Secrets of One Minute Manager:

One Minute Goals. This involves a

meeting of the manager and the employee where goals are agreed on, written down in a brief statement, and occasionally reviewed to ensure that productivity is occurring.

One Minute Praisings. This involves

being open with people about their performance. When you catch someone doing something right, a goal of the one minute manager, you praise them immediately, telling them specifically what they did correctly. One Minute Reprimand. Being honest with those around you involves reprimanding when a wrong has occurred.

Quality Control Circle

Quality control is a process by which organizations

analyze the quality of all factors involved in the production process.

Quality control is carried out internally by a team or

officers, or externally by consultants or a government body to uncover defects in products. discuss ways of identifying, analyzing, solving, and selecting work related issues. .

Is a small group of workers who come together to

The purpose of a quality control circle is to identify the presence of a specific performance issue within the

company, determine the origins of the issue, and then develop a process that helps to correct or resolve the problems.

Job rotation is a management technique that assigns trainees to various jobs and departments over a period of a few years.
Is used in some companies to provide an opportunity for employees to become familiar with a variety of operations in the firm. It can increase job interest due to changes in environment, skill requirement and job content. It is advantageous from a managements point of view because it increase the employees skill and flexibility.

Positive Effects:

Employees are given the opportunity to learn

necessary skills which can help them to advance within a company. Used to alleviate the physical and mental stresses endured by employees when working the same position, year after year. Decrease the amount of boredom and monotony experienced by employees who work the same position for extended periods of time.

Negative Effects:

some positions within a company may not

be eligible for rotation possibility of having to pay incentives to workers for cooperation with the job rotation implementation which can lead to wage inequality may have the effect of reducing a workforce because of the cross-training involved

Job Enrichment
is an attempt to motivate employees by giving them the opportunity to use the range of their abilities. It is an idea that was developed by the American psychologist Frederick Herzberg in the 1950s.

Enriched Job should ideally contain:

A range of tasks and challenges of varying difficulties
(Physical or Mental) A complete unit of work - a meaningful task Feedback, encouragement and communication

Three Steps Technique in Job Enrichment:

1. Turn employees' effort into performance: Ensuring that objectives are well-defined and understood by everyone Providing adequate resources for each employee to perform well Free flow of information Provide enough freedom to facilitate job excellence Provide adequate recognition, appreciation, and other motivators. Provide skill improvement opportunities Provide job variety

2. Link employees performance directly to reward: Clear definition of the reward is a must Explanation of the link between performance and reward is important Make sure the employee gets the right reward if performs well If reward is not given, explanation is needed 3. Make sure the employee wants the reward. How to find out? Ask them Use surveys( checklist, listing, questions)

the exchange of information or services among

individuals, groups, or institutions; specifically : the cultivation of productive relationships for employment or business Is a managerial tool which involves getting people to talk each other through conferences, phone calls, books, papers, pamphlets, lectures, workshops, parties, mutual friends, newsletter. It exist to foster self-help, to exchange informaton, to change society, to improve productivity and work life, and to share resources.

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