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Nutrient Removal, Solids Removal, and Disinfection

Tertiary Treatment:

Treated Wastewater Effluent Contains


(biochemical oxygen demand) (total suspended solids) (ammonia)

Carbon matter, depletes O2, causes biomat growth

Depletes O2

Toxic to fish, depletes O2, a nutrient that promotes biol. growth



Toxic to babies, drinking water regulated, a nutrient

(total phosphorus)


A nutrient


Disease causing

Wastewater Assimilation

First, We Must Understand

A sites ability to handle the amount of liquid or the amount of pollutants without causing a public health or environmental health concern In-ground or In-stream discharge Sometimes, high-quality effluent is necessary
Low BOD Low fecal coliform Low nutrients (Nitrogen and Phosphorus)

Protection of sensitive waterbodies, nearby

Or drinking water supplies (groundwater & wells)

Discharge Permits

In-ground dispersal

ADEM for flows of 10,000 gpd +

UIC Permit (underground injection control) Specifies a certain effluent quantity and quality BOD, TSS and groundwater monitoring for NO3

ADPH for smaller systems

Surface dispersal

Stream Discharge

NPDES Permit (specifies BOD, TSS, NH3, NO3, TP, etc.) Disinfection Required NPDES Permit 7-10 day holding pond required Disinfection Required

Spray Irrigation

Why is tertiary treatment needed?

To better protect public health and environment To provide additional treatment when soils or receiving waters cannot

Biological Nitrogen Removal

Uptake into biological cell mass

Nitrification (conversion to Nitrate) Denitrification (conversion to N2 gas)

Biological Nitrification
Conversion of Ammonia to Nitrite (Nitrosomonas)
NH4+ + 2 O2 NO2- + 2 H+ + H2O

Conversion of Nitrite to Nitrate (Nitrobacter)

NO2- + 0.5 O2 NO3-

Nitrification (cont.)

For each mg of NH4+ converted

3.96 mg of O2 are utilized (Need Oxygen) 0.31 mg of new cells are formed 7.01 mg of alkalinity are removed

Nitrification (cont.)

Nitrifying bacteria are sensitive and susceptible to a variety of conditions. The following factors affect nitrification:
Conc of NH4+ and NO2BOD/TKN ratio (BOD should be gone/removed) Dissolved oxygen conc (need oxygen) Temperature pH (7.5 to 8.6)

Nitrification Processes

Suspended Growth Separate Stage Nitrification

Single State Nitrification

Nitrification Processes

Attached Growth

Attached Growth Nitrification following Act. Sludge

Biological Denitrification

A modification of aerobic pathways (no oxygen)

Same bacteria that consume carbon material aerobically

Denitrifying bacteria obtain energy from the conversion of NO3- to N2 gas, but require a carbon source
NO3- + CH3OH + H2CO3 C5H7O2N + N2 + H2O + HCO3Organic matter Cell mass


Need low (no) oxygen (< 1 mg/L) Need carbon source (BOD in Wastewater) Neutral pH (pH 7) Conc of nitrate

Denitrification (cont.)

Separate denitrification reactor or Combined Carbon Oxidationnitrification-denitrification reactor

A series of alternating aerobic and anoxic stages Reduces the amount of air needed No need for supplemental carbon source

Combined Nitrification/Denitrification
(note alternating regions of aerobic and anoxic)

Phosphorus Removal

Chemical Precipitation
Calcium (lime) addition at high pH (>10) Reacts with alkalinity

Alum (Aluminum Sulfate) precipitation Iron precipitation


Selective destruction of diseasecausing organisms

1. Chlorine

2. UV Light 3. Ozone (gas)

Chlorine Disinfection
Liquid chlorine 2. Sodium hypochlorite (tablets)

Note: not allowed to discharge chlorine

(it must be removed after disinfection) * chlorine removed with either a. sulfur dioxide b. sodium bisulfite

Tablet Chlorinator
(Calcium Hypochlorite)

Chlorine Disinfection

To be effective
Chlorine concentration Contact time Proper mixing Temperature Number and type of organisms

Chlorine Dose

UV Disinfection

UV Light
Specific wavelengths have biocidal properties (~254 nm) Quartz, mercury-vapor lamps Cleaning required No residual

a specific wavelength of light

UV Disinfection

UV Disinfection

Ozone Disinfection

O3 a gas, must be generated on-site Bubbled into a basin effluent Great disinfectant! No residualozone degrades to oxygen, O2
(or pipeline)

with treated

Costs More, Need equipment and electricity

Ozone Disinfection

Flow Diagram

Ozone Generation

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