Creating The Remix

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To fulfil the aims we set out to do within our video, we decided that it would be best if we adapted the song

itself to something more fitting to the ideas that we have. For example we wanted to include a comical dance off within our video, so to do this would need a faster up beat version of the song for the scene not to seem out of place. I took the responsibility of creating the remix through the software Garage Band. This power point is going to explain how I did that and the process I took in creating it.

To prevent variation in dynamics and ensure the song still stays the same level, the main track is set to the highest volume

Master volume set to a appropriate level to prevent it being too loud in playback.

Firstly I researched via YouTube any beats/remixes that would be fitting to our dance scene and summarised it down to three. I then uploaded the original Cant hold us track to Garage Band and pin pointed the part in which we wanted to insert the track while still not affecting the story board or storyline.

After deciding where to insert the remix it then came down to practically picking the right moment and beat to cut the original as well as the remix so it is difficult to realise there is a change in music about to occur. To do this I had to first use the metronome tool so that both the tracks were aligned at the same tempo. I then selected the specific lyric to change the music (marching ourselves) and split the original track. After splitting the track and moving the part of the song further down the timeline to provide space for the remix, I was then able to add overlapping echo effects at a lower volume to make it sound like a naturalistic remixed song.

Song begins to come in along with the original fading out.

I Chose this specific part of the song to play alongside the bottom track as it was a faster tempo and got in to the main drop of the song very suddenly.

The extra echoes and effects were simply snippets of the song that I could layer over each other to make it sound natural. I also did this because at some points throughout the remix it sounds like a completely different song. To remind the audience what song it is, I inserted snippets from the original, to keep the songs original context.

As it concludes to the end of the break beat remixed section I then had the task of merging the remix back in to its original song so it stuck to the story board plan we originally set out. I simply chose a section of the remix that had what is called a build up and used this as an advantage to fade in to an instrumental part of the original song. To do this relied a lot on timing as if it was too sudden it would seem like an obvious change in music which is what we did not want. I encountered problems when doing this because of the different instruments used in each song.
Instrumental part of the original song, with no beat behind it.

So we put our hands up transition

To answer this problem, I took time again to create an acoustic snippet of one of the lyrics from the song. (so we put our hands up) then with the build up of the remix, layered with a broken down and so we repeating, it makes it sound like a drop is about to occur successfully exiting the remix section.

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