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Trinidad Medical Aid

Delivering to your doorstep

Arundranath Mahase Kerry Wilson Nigel Garcia Cleve Chadee


PAINS Top 5 pain is the time wasted in accessing medications. Customers interested in costs of meds have to call for best prices. Some meds are difficult to locate. Some meds are not in stock. Majority of potential customers not willing to pay above $20 GAINS Lots of time being saved. Knowledge of when medications will be accessible. Stress relief. JOBS TO BE DONE Solving the problem of difficulties encountered in obtaining medication in a timely and efficient manner through a service that provides sourcing and delivery of medication. Ease frustrations of customers dependent on Public Healthcare and unable to afford medication that is not available at these Public Health facilities through a joint venture with the Ministry of Social Development/ Ministry of Health
Trinidad Medical Aid

Customer Workflow

Customer Archetype
Demographics Segment 1 Male or female No - Low income earner 30-55 Segment 2 Female Middle income earner 30-55 Segment 3 Male or Female Low-middle income Retired:- receives a pension May fall into 1 of the foll. categories: - infirmed - disabled - immobile

May have a family to care for Has a family to care for ( that may or may not be kids or parents that may disabled or infirmed. be disabled / infirmed)

Minimum employment


Hectic Lifestyle

Needs/ wants

Reliable acquisition of meds

Cost effective and convenient means of acquiring meds Not dependent on but may benefit from other aspects of Public Health e.g. CDAP

Reliable and convenient acquisition of meds Benefits from Free Public Healthcare

Behaviours/ Other characteristics

Dependent on free public healthcare/ Government Assistance

Economical Spender

Value Conscious

Economic Spender

Makes use of public transport

Has means of private transport

No Means of private transport

Current Solution of Problem

Time consuming process of calling around or making multiple visits to pharmacies to acquire medication.

Persons who cannot afford to purchase medication not available via Public Health are forced to either live without meds or take loans to purchase meds.

Trinidad Medical Aid

Value proposition solutions

Competitive sourcing and delivery of medication to persons for a fee so that the difficulties are handled by Trinidad Medical Aid and not the customer. Sourcing and delivery of meds to persons who cannot afford it, through subsidies by the Government.
Trinidad Medical Aid

Things that made customers interested. Excited.

Delivery of meds to their door. Choice of delivery fee.
Elimination of pains.

Trinidad Medical Aid

Customer Segment Hypothesis: Heres what we thought

All adults would interested in this service.

No clear distinction between male or females. Class of customer would never be a factor. Interest would be shown regardless of delivery area.

Trinidad Medical Aid

Customer Segment Experiments: So heres what we did

Created an experiment to target our Customer Segment Each group member conducted at least two interviews Interviewed guaranteed potential customers Collated our findings

Trinidad Medical Aid

Customer Segment Results: So heres what we found

Females care more about cost of services and were less generous in amount of money to be paid for service. Young adults were not too keen. Majority of people interested were employed. Lower to middle income earners were the key customers.

Trinidad Medical Aid

Next Steps
Adjust hypotheses to reflect results obtained from experiments Conduct additional experiments to test new hypotheses

Trinidad Medical Aid

Trinidad Medical Aid Delivering to your doorstep


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