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From empirical study (literature/discussion etc) a researcher found a/some concepts. The concepts have systematic relationship among each other to explain phenomenon The structure of systematic relationship of the concepts called theoretic frame work

Definition of concept Types of concept

What is concepts ?
Concept express an abstraction formed by generalization from particulars (Kerlinger) Concept is an abstract awareness of the general attributes of a class (Tanck) Konsep: Buah pikiran umum mengenai sesuatu himpunan benda-benda atau hal-hal yang biasanya dibedakan dari penglihatan atau perasaan (The Liang Gie) Ungkapan abstrak yang bersifat umum dihasilkan dari sesuatu yang khusus (Kunto & Kunto)

Examples of the concept

Intelligence : Generalization from knowledge, skill, way of thinking etc. Nutritional status Generalization from body mass index, hemoglobin levels, etc Body composition Generalization from weight, tall, fat and non fat proportion Weight Generalization from the result of measurement light and heavy Labor Generalization from some profession: doctor, teacher, carpenter, driver etc

Types of Concept
Concrete concepts
Height, weight, volume

Abstract concepts
Freedom Wealthy Feeling Pain

What is conceptual frame work ?

The relationship among concepts which is formed base on empirical study and previous researches As a division of theoretic frame work Maximum and necessity
Maximum : Describe maximum concepts to be investigated by researches Necessity Dismiss irrelevant concepts that confounding research focus

Theoretic Framework

Nutrition Status Of Children

Economic Status Of The family

Education Back Ground Of the parents

Parent Care


Metabolic diseases

Conceptual Frame Work

Nutrition status Of Children

Type of Conceptual Framework

Graphic model Mathematic model Text model Combination model

Graphic model

Mathematic model
Describe quantitative relationship. Example: Concept prediction described by regression model F= a + (by x bx)/r

Text models
Level of properties will influence the level nutrition

Combination models

Concepts can be elaborated to become variable

What is variable
A concept that has variation in value, or.. Everything which vary Example
Concept: Variables: Muscle capacity muscle strength muscle endurance level of contraction Nutrition status body mass index body fat

Type of variables
Independent variable: or influence/ treatment
Variable that alter the variation of other variable

Dependent variable: or influenced/effect

Variable that will be altered caused by independent variable

Medium variable

Predecessor variable
Precondition variable

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