Fundamentals of IT: Prof. Muhammad Yousaf Samdani

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Fundamentals of IT

Prof. Muhammad Yousaf Samdani

Lecture # 1

What is IT? An abbreviation of Information Technology.

Definition: As it pertains to technology, Information Technology (IT) is the "technology" used for the study, understanding, planning, design, construction, testing, distribution, support and operations of software, computers and computer related systems (like communication system) that exist for the purpose of Data, Information and Knowledge processing.


When computer and communications technologies are combined, the result is information technology, sometimes called "infotech."Information technology is a general term that describes any technology that helps to produce, manipulate, store, communicate, and/or disseminate information.

Computer Tech + Communication Tech = InfoTech

Branches of information technology

refers to the application of computer science, that is, its use by mankind and ) IT deals with the use of [electronics | electronic] [computer]s and [computer software] to convert, store, protect, process, [Transmission (telecommunications)|transmit], and retrieve information.

Computer science or
computing science (sometimes abbreviated CS)
It is the study of the theoretical foundations

of and , and of practical techniques for their implementation and application in systems

Software and Hardware

Software Series of instructions that tells hardware how to perform tasks Hardware Physical Components of Computer

System software is designed to operate the and to provide and maintain a platform for running .[1][2] The most basic types of system software are: The computer and device which provide basic functionality to operate and control the hardware connected to or built into the computer. The

transferring output onto a

by performing tasks like between and or rendering

What is ICT ?
The term ICT might be still strange to some, confusing to others and yet misunderstood by an even larger number of well-intentioned colleagues. For many there may appear to be no difference between 'IT' and 'ICT' and in fact for those who have a good understanding of what teachers of IT were actually teaching some 20 years ago there is no difference - as the definitions on the next page may prove! The definition of ICT : The use of information in order to meet human need or purpose including reference to the use of contemporary devices such as the Internet. Why are we using ICT? Of all the possible applications, am I using the most appropriate? Who is my audience? What constraints must I recognise? What additional benefits can this application deliver? etc, etc.

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