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Can i suggest Can you let me have First of all How can I help you Id also like I look forward to My name is Thats right We can arrange What we need is Managing Aimed Forecast

Puedo sugerir Puedes dejarme En primer lugar Como puedo ayudar? Tambien me gustaria Espero Mi nombre es Eso es correcto Podemos organizar Lo que necesitamos es Gerente Dirigido Pronstico

Fill in the missing Words in the telephone dialogue below.choose from the box.

Can I Suggest How can I help you 2 My name is 1 Thats right Berg:

Can you let me have Id also like We can arrange

First of all I look forward to What we need is

Anders Berg. My name is Peretti: Hello(1)_____________ Ruth Peretti.Im Managing Director of Woodtech Ltd, a wood machinery manufacturer. Mi nombre es Ruth Peretti . Soy gerente general de Peretti : Hola ____________ WoodtechLtd, un fabricante de maquinaria de madera. Berg:


How can I help Oh.yes.(2)___________________? you Le puedo ayudar en Oh , s. ____________________________? algo

Can I Suggest Thats right 3

Id also like We can arrange

I look forward to What we need is

Can you let me have

First of all

Perreti: Well, an assoclate in the industry recommended you. You helped raise finance for Bill Wylde a few years ago. Peretti : Bueno, un asociado de la industria en la que recomend Usted ayud a recaudar fondos para Bill Wylde hace unos aos . Berg:

Thats right Yes.(3)________________.

Es cierto S , _______________

Berg :

Can I Suggest Can you let me have 6

Id also like We can arrange First of all 5

I look forward to What we need is 4

Perretti: Well, Woodtech Ltd now wants to expand into new markets with a new product. Up till now we have served specialists in the wood industry but What we need our new product is aimed at the small is manufacturer.(4)________________finance. Peretti : Bueno, WoodtechLtd ahora quiere expandirse a nuevos mercados con nuevos productos. Hasta ahora hemos servido a los especialistas en la industria de la madera pero nuestro nuevo producto est dirigido a los Lo que necesitamos pequeos fabricantes, ______________________financiacin . es First of Berg: Right!(5)________________ Ill need some backgronund all let me have Can you information,(6)____________________a copy of your balance sheet and profit and loss figures for the past three years? Berg : Muy bien! ________________voy En primer lugar a necesitar algo de informacin, Puedes ______________________una copia de su hoja de balance y estado de dejarme ganancias y prdidasde los ltimos tres aos?

Can I Suggest Id also like 7

We can arrange I look forward to

What we need is

Peretti: Of course Peretti : Claro Id also like Berg : (7)___________________a letter outlining you ideas and a cash flow forecast the new product.

Tambien me Berg: ___________________carta explicando sus ideas y un pronstico de gustaria flujo de caja para el nuevo producto .
Peretti: Fine

Peretti : Bien .

Can I suggest We can arrange

I look forward to What we need is


Berg: If you let me have these by the beginning of next week,(8)_________________a meeting for the week after .That will give me We can arrange enought time to look through the figures. Berg : Si usted me deja estos a documentos a principios de la prxima semana , __________________una reunin para la semana siguiente. Eso me dar Podemos tiempo suficiente para analizar. organizar Perretti:

Can I Suggest Good.(9)_________________a meeting on Monday 16th at 9 oclock?

Peretti : Good . _____________una Puedo reunin el lunes 16 a las 9:00 ? sugerir I look forward to Berg: Thats fine.(10)_________________ receiving you letter and accounts in the next few days.

Esper Berg : Me parece bien . _______________recibir su carta y las cuentas en o los prximos das

Perretti: Ill post them first thing tomorrow. I look forward to meeting you on Monday 16th. Peretti : Voy a enviar maana a primera hora . Espero con inters la reunin el lunes 16 . Berg: Goodbye.

Peretti: Goodbye.

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