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Lesson Outline
What Is a Group? Status of Group Members Conformity to Group Norms Minority Influence in Groups
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What is a Group?
A group is a social unit that consists of two or more persons and has the following attributes: 1. Membership 2. Interaction among members 3. Goals shared by members 4. Shared Norms

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Group Cohesion
A groups cohesion is the extent to which its members desire to remain in it, and resist leaving it.
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A highly cohesive group

will generally maintain a firm hold over its members time, energy, . loyalty, and commitment. Members of a cohesive group desire to belong and their interactions are typically positive, upbeat, and reflect a we feeling.
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Social Cohesion
A group has social cohesion if its members stay in the group primarily because they like one another as persons and desire to interact with one another. Social cohesion will be greater when group members have similar education, ethnicity, status, and attitudes.
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Task Cohesion
When a group has high task cohesion, its members remain together because they are heavily involved with the groups tasks. Task cohesion is greater if members find the groups tasks valuable, interesting, and challenging. Groups that succeed at achieving their goals often have higher task cohesion than groups that fail repeatedly.
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Consequences of Group Cohesion

Members of highly cohesive groups: Communicate more with one another Have friendly interactions and are more cooperative Have more influence on each other Conform more to expectations of their fellow members Use their influence to bring about coordination and consensus in the group. Click here to download this powerpoint template : Green Floral Free Powerpoint Template
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Group Goals and Individual Goals

Group goal = an outcome viewed by group members as desirable and important to attain. Individual and group goals can be related, but are not always the same. Most groups function best when there is substantial similarity (isomorphism) between group and individual goals.
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Roles in Groups
Role a set of functions that a member performs for the group. A cluster of rules or expectations indicating the set of duties to be performed by a member occupying a given position within a group.
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Status of Group Members

Group members differ in their rate of participation, their influence over group decisions, and the types of acts they contribute. Status Characteristics = Any social attribute of a person around which evaluations and beliefs about that person come to be organized. Status characteristics provide an indirect indication of a members ofTemplate ability on the Click here to download this powerpoint template : Green Floral level Free Powerpoint For more : Powerpoint Template Presentations groups task.
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Diffuse Status Characteristics

Attributes that provide an indirect indication of a members level of ability on the groups task. These attributes include: age gender race ethnicity education physical attractiveness
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Status Generalization
The tendency for members status characteristics to affect group structure and interaction. The members who hold higher status in society at large will tend to hold higher status in the group.
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Overcoming Status Generalization

Some researches have suggested that the best way to overcome status generalization is by direct methods- by raising the expectations of lower-status persons regarding their own performance on group tasks, so they can in turn force a change in other peoples expectation regarding their performance.
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status struggle To effectively overcome status generalization, one must change not only the expectations held by low-status group members but also those held by high-status group members.
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