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July LEAD meeting

• Old business
• Survey review
– The good and the bad
– Committees
– Webinar ideas
– Assignments?
Old Business
• Motto/theme development - Group
• Drawing/logo development – Ashley
• List of office LDP heads and contacts
– Jen
• Johnny travels, calendar usage
What can we learn from our 1st
• Good job!
– Doodle polls for scheduling
– Advanced surveys to gather info, guide
– Free flow of ideas, brainstorming
What can we learn from our 1st
• Could do better:
– Each person announce self when
• Encourage all to speak
• Draw out the “I”s
– Facilitator to lead call
• Keep things moving, eliminate silent periods
– Agenda
• Eliminate off-topic conversations which eat
up time
What can we learn from our 1st
• Suggestions for the future???
– Float the agenda prior to the meeting
– Contribute questions for surveys and
agenda via blog
– Call for next meeting volunteer at end of
each meeting
• Set up Doodle poll, schedule meeting
• Create agenda
• Lead call
– Record meetings
• As long as someone in the group is performing
Month of Service sub-
• 2 “NOs”
• 1 “Maybe”
• General consensus
– Form a group of 4-5
– Flesh out ideas as a group first
– Input/Involvement from ALL in
– Regular reporting to entire group
About committees:
• “Too many committees will add
layers of inefficiency to our group.”
• “If we all work on it, we can be points
of contact in each of the regional
• “It can be hectic with a large group
to coordinate and get things done in
a timely fashion.”
• “By forming manageable chunks, we
can accomplish many wonderful
Marketing Committee?
• 2 “NOs”
• 2 “Maybes”
• General consensus
– Same as for M.O.S. committee
– Include someone with actual marketing
– Standard set-up for all webinars and
products we disseminate
• Common theme, design, background, etc
CD Committee?
• 27% think the marketing committee
should produce the CDs
• 45% think the CDs should be
produced by the entire group
Webinar ideas, general:
• 30 second pitch at end of each
– Johnny
– Blog
– 2010 program
– Promote next webinar topic
– Seek feedback

• Be catchy
– Open with a story each time
– Use clips/stories
– Avoid wordy slides
Webinar ideas, general:
• Address the doubters
• Strive to create lightbulb moments
• Remember the only person who can
change people is themselves
• Record them for office flexibility
Webinar ideas, general:
• Reconsider order of webinars to put
S.L. near end, right before M.O.S.
• Include resources for offices to use
with each webinar
– Worksheets
– Scenarios to act out
– what else?
– “proof of concept”
Ideas: S.L.
– Examples of leaders living this out
– Personal stories from our group
– Importance of it both inside and outside
of work
– Focus on agape love and crossing the
– Offer ideas for office to serve others
– Give a good explanation of it
– Use Johnny’s travels
– Stress that EVERYONE can lead by S.L.
Ideas: Core Values
• At the center of all decision-making
– Hiring
– Reactions
– Daily communication
• Emphasize how debilitating it is to
live with compromised core values
– Everyone’s are different, we can’t define
Ideas: Core Values
• Others-centered, instead of self-
centered core values
• Present LEAD Core Values
– Challenge offices and individuals to
create their own
Ideas: Power v. Authority
• May be redundant
• Show people that having influence is
the only way to get achieve loyalty
• Focus on fact that this aids in gaining
• Ask who’s been most influencial in
peoples lives, and then ask WHY
– Discussion
Ideas: Mentoring
• Hand in hand with empowerment
• Could yield a lot of open discussion
• Focus on
– follow-through (progress, allowing to
– marriage/kids, friends, relationships
outside work
• Most successful mentoring
relationships aren’t arranged, but
• Be open to and initiate conversation
• Get together with neighboring offices
for training
– Use gotomeeting
• Hold service projects with other offices
• Mentor another office in developing or
improving a leadership team
• Service challenge with another office
• Office Advocates – with contact to one
Month of Service
• Fall committee onset – Oct/Nov?
– Focus now on big picture
• Allow offices to choose own projects
– Rural difficulty
S.L. Team?
• High Interest • Moderate Interest
– Kelsey • Juiceman
– Jim • Derek
– Beth • Liz
– Jeff B.
– Jen
Core Values Team?
• High Interest • Moderate Interest
– none • Juiceman
• Lisa
• Todd
• Kelsey
• Stef
• Jeff B.
• Jen
P v. A Team?
• High Interest • Moderate Interest
– Lisa • Kelsey
– Katy • Jeff B.
– Jamie
– Kelly
– Stef
– Liz
– Ashley
Mentoring Team?
• High Interest • Moderate Interest
– Juiceman • Kelsey
– Lisa • Katy
– Todd • Jim
– Jamie • Beth
– Liz • Derek
– Ashley • jen
Marketing Committee?
• High Interest • Moderate Interest
– Lisa • Katy
– Kelsey • Jim
– Beth
– Derek • Juiceman
– Jeff B.
– Jamie
– Kelly
– Stef
– Liz
– Jen

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