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Harbour Pilot

Eurocopter solutions


The mission
Why a Helicopter ?

Mandatory qualities
Our Range

Business model


The mission

A very proven mission (since 1976)!


The mission
Why a Helicopter ?

Because it is faster
Pilotine Speed 21 to 25 kts Distance : 20 Nm Return trip : about 1h 40 min

Helicopter Speed 125 to 150 kts Distance : 20 Nm Return trip : about 20 min
Helicopter is 5 time faster

Because it is easier
Directly on the bridge = Immediate reaction View from the sky = Situation awareness

Avoid freeboard climbing !

Because it is practical
No need to reduce speed
Full Ahead !

Save time with the biggest vessels Max speed = 10 kts

Because of the weather conditions

Almost no weather limitations when using Helicopter

Day and Night capable Up to 50 knts of wind

Because of the weather conditions

No limitation of sea state during operation

Because of the weather conditions

Even with low visibility conditions (Fog, sea mist)

Because of Harbor organization

A complementary tool to deal with geographical constraints


Carte SHOM


The mission
Why a Helicopter ?

Mandatory qualities

To be proven in over seas missions

EC135 T2e

AS365 N3e

EC145 T2 AS355 NP

Twin Engine Only !

To be corrosion proof

Composite Alluminium Alloy

A well adapted cabin

EC145 T2

Flat floor and wide open space

Equipped for the mission

Automatic Identification System

Emergency Floatation gear Hoist / Winch

And : maritime VHF radio, weather radar, external life raft, emergency locator

A versatile tool

Corporate transportation

Search And Rescue missions

Aerial Work


The mission
Why a Helicopter ?

Mandatory qualities
Our Range

The most affordable : AS355 NP

Up to 3 Sea pilots Up to 130 kts Range : 400 Nm T : - 40C to + 50C

The proven : EC135 T2

Up to 4 Sea pilots Up to 140 kts Range : 340 Nm T : - 35C to + 50C

The promising : EC145 T2

4 to 5 Sea pilots Up to 140 kts Range : 360 Nm T : - 45C to + 50C

The Reference : AS365 N3

5 Sea pilots Up to 150 kts Range : 440 Nm T : - 40C to + 50C


The mission
Why a Helicopter ?

Mandatory qualities
Our Range

Business model

Choose carefully your model

Contract a wet lease :

To start with helicopter operation To deal with temporary workload
increase or decrease

Purchase your own helicopter :

To simplify the regulation issue To increase the pilots association

Example : NHV in Belgium

To have a flexible organization To handle all operational aspect Example : Le Havre, Dunkerque
and Bordeaux pilots association

The Helicopter is the new complementary tool that brings you :

Flexibility Safety Versatility Modernity

Thank you for your Attention

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