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Stress Management


Study of Stress Management Historic evidences Contemporary studies

Historical foundations
Studies done by Walter Cannon and Hans Selye. Scientific studies done on animals for finding the effect of stress. Physiological responses of animals were measured to external pressures e.g. - Heat and cold - Prolonged restraint and - Surgical procedures etc. Results were extrapolated for studies on human beings.

Contemporary Studies
Studies of stress in humans by Richard Rahe and others Stress is caused by distinct, measureable life stressors,

Depending on the degree of stress conceptualized the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale.
Thus, stress was traditionally conceptualized to be a result of external insults beyond the control of those experiencing the stress.

Model of Stress Management

Transactional model by Richard Lazarus and Susan Folkman
Stress results from an imbalance between demands and resources or as occurring when pressure exceeds one's perceived ability to cope. Stress is not a direct response to a stressor but rather one's resources and ability to cope mediate the stress response and are amenable to change, thus allowing stress to be controllable.

What is stress
The gap between what you are and what you are supposed to be by yourself, as you think of yourself and as other think about is called stress. It is basically identity crisis.

Different kind of stresses

Under stress : When the stress energy that is created is leading a person to depression and guilt that situation is called under stress. Over stress : When the stress energy that is created is leading a person to hypertension and restlessness that situation is called over-stress. Stable stress : When the stress energy that is created is leading a person to be able to just manage a situation is called stable stress. Productive stress: When the stress energy that is created is leading a person to be more productive is called productive stress. Pleasurable stress: When the stress energy that is created is giving pleasure to a person it is called pleasurable stress.

Measuring stress
One way is through the use of the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale to rate stressful life events. Changes in blood pressure and galvanic skin response can also be measured to test stress levels, and changes in stress levels. A digital thermometer can be used to evaluate changes in skin temperature, which can indicate activation of the fight or flight response drawing blood away from the extremities. Stress management has physiological and immune benefit effects.

How to cope up with other people in an organization

Identify your relationship with a particular person and act accordingly. Distinguish between personal and professional relationship. Remember the person to whom you are talking to is also a person.

Stress Management Techniques

In addition, some more stress management techniques are as below:
Meditation Deep breathing Exercise Getting a hobby Spending time in nature Natural medicine Cognitive therapy Autogenic Training Conflict resolution

Artistic Expression Stress balls Time management Relaxation techniques Fractional relaxation Progressive relaxation Clinically validated alternative treatments Listening to certain types of relaxing music, particularly: - New Age music - Classical music - Psychedelic music

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