Magazine Analysis - TOTP 1

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Colour: Bright pinks yellows & blues are

used as they are eye-catching, they standout and the create a happy and girly atmosphere which connects with the target audience. They are inviting colours which make the reader want to see inside.

The use of words: The 1D UNLEASHED

suggests the interest of the readers because they want to know more about them. This is big enough to read from a distance so it is the first thing you notice therefore being the most important focus.

Design: The image is of One Direction which the

target audience (teenage girls) are completely obsessed with. The puff is linked to the image using the buzz word WIN, this will make the reader want to win the t-shirts because they are associated with One Direction. Also capital letters are used for cover lines to convey that that is the most important information on the cover. The word unleashed creates excitement making the readers want to find out more. They use informal lexis e.g. phew this is associated with the target audience and creates a humorous friendly inviting atmosphere.

Language: The word outrageous

associated with Union J has connotations that something bad has happened and there is gossip, the readers will want to read the magazine to find out what the boy band has done. I cannot see any language features, therefore to improve I would add an onomatopoeia word to grab the attention even more.

Impression: The cover gives a really good

impression of whats inside because theres stories with 1D etc. It is designed to appeal to the readers interests by using boy bands which girls appear to be obsessed with.

Images: The main image is of One Direction, these boys

attract the reader because they are seen as attractive and girls desperately want to meet them. This also links to the main story, you are getting to know them so the readers feel on a more personal level. There is also images of the poster which are included inside, therefore if the reader wants that poster they will buy the magazine.

Pose, style, hair, makeup: The poses of the models

are all happy and cheeky which creates a fun and happy mood. They are very fashionable, it is what the target audience would want boys their age to wear so therefore is appealing. In addition all of the hair is different, this could create an opinion where the reader chooses which one they prefer which again creates a more personal level. Their skin is clear which highlights their perfection.

Institution: Immediate Media Company

publish this magazine, they publish all BBC related magazines. This magazine would be distributed in most newsagents and big supermarkets.

I do not think they have made it very clear that it is the contents page because the word contents is in plain black and white contrasting to all the other colours going on around. They have added a picture of the front cover to analyse, this is a great skill because then if you only want to find one thing on the front cover then it gives you a direct page number to go to, therefore it makes it quick, simple and easy which is incredibly useful for the target audience. The images appeal to the reader, the magazine has images of what the reader might buy when they are out shopping, this conveys that they are representing the reader.

There is an editors note which addressed the readers, it is very informal by using the language hey and love also we know that the target audience is girls as it has now been said. This is accompanied by an image to create a more personal level. In addition, the language used is very personal with the word your it makes the reader feel special as it is theirs. A puff has been included in the contents page, about loving boys. This challenges conventions as these are normally only found on the front cover. However I think this is effective because it fits in with the style and design on the magazine.

The overall impression of this contents page is very fun and quirky, it would not appeal to boys because stereotypically they do not love all the gossip and boy information. In addition older people would not be interested either because it is all very new and upcoming modern information about teenagers themselves.

The spot colour theme for this double page spread is red, this is a bright friendly colours which attracts attention. It is mainly dominated by pictures, this is because the target audience doesnt want to read loads and load of writing, they would rather have illustrations to look at with quirky captions. Funny captions are used to add humour and create a light hearted atmosphere. This double page spread is mainly about mocking celebrities, this is very humorous and the reader feels on a personal level with them. It isnt a serious topic which portrays that this isnt a serious corporate magazine. The overall impression of this double page spread is that it is designed for people who are celebrity mad and like to keep up to date with that world, but not only the good news, the funny news too. This draws in readers because the artists and celebrities are representing them.

They have used a landscape picture rather than all portrait here, this is to make the magazine more interesting so not everything is the same. The gutter separating the image is all equal and quite large, I think this is good because it spaces everything out and makes it seem bigger and bolder therefore more eyecatching. They have obviously used a flat plan to work of the dimensions. AWKWARD grabs the attention of the reader, they are interested to find out what is so awkward? It makes them read on and become engaged in the magazine.

Colour: The red background connotes to blood which is associated with emos which is the target audience. The yellow connotes to dangerous which is possibly how they like to be perceived. The cover gives off a dark mysterious mood which reflects the target audience. The masthead is yellow which is harsh on the eyes but grabs your attention and stands out. Design: Bite is symbolised by the two Rottweiler's with their mouths open, these have connotations of danger which interests the reader. The capital letters grab the attention of the reader, it highlights the importance and interests the reader. Images: The Of mice and men band member has tattoos, this could represents what the reader would like to aspire to be like. Image: Again the Rottweilers symbolise risk and danger which is how emos like to be perceived. The main image is a long shot, this is challenging conventions because it is normally a medium close up, however it works as he is a slim, well groomed man. Pose, style, hair and makeup: The pose of the model is camp and he is protected by dogs which are seen as scary. One image is of a man screaming, this could be foreshadowing that the information inside the magazine is about screamo.

Words: PANIC makes you want to know what the problem is so the reader will turn the page and read the magazine to find out therefore this is a very effective technique. BITE connotes to snap, feisty, dangerous, this could be the image the target audience is trying to portray. The cover lines are very big, they would definitely be able to be read from a distance, you are then drawn into the smaller text. The colours of red and yellow makes the magazine stand on a shelf. Language techniques: This magazine contains alliteration: fights, fury and future this creates a fun and quirky feel. PANIC grabs attention, it seems like there is something cool and catching to read inside. Overall Impression: There is a good indication of what is inside because the cover lines are specific. All apart form panic which makes you think there is something exciting but it is just about a band. It is designed for punk rock people, the bands represent the readers interests. Stereotypically young girls and the elderly would not be interested because it is not their genre and nothing interests them. Institution: Bauer media group publishes this in London, they also publish Q.

Colour: The main colour theme of yellow and red is carried through to the contents page, the titles are yellow and page numbers red, I think this is a good consistency and creates a theme and house style. The background is white which could be perceived as boring however I think this works well because if it was a bright colour there would be too much going on, however if it was a pastel colour it wouldnt fit in with the overall impression of the magazine.

Words: I think if you know the magazine and regularly subscribe then you would know where the contents page is, also the use of the white writing on the black background contrasts and stands out. However I think it is on the wrong side of the page, it is not the first thing you look at.

Images: The theme of danger is continued through the picture of the Rottweiler, however there are glasses added on to add humour to it. All images are landscape or square, this is because it fits with the house style and fits to the flat plans dimensions.

Language: On the image of Kellin it has a caption Kellins nipple was a little cold this is mocking him but not in a nasty way because he is a favourite artist. However it would appeal to the humour of the readers. This is colloquial language which represents the target audience.

Pose, style, hair, make-up: The middle image conveys a singer (Kellin) performing, this is used to attract the readers because that is the sort of concert/gig they would go to. The main image at the top of the page has direct eye contact, this brings it down to a personal level to the reader. It gives the impression that they too want you to read the magazine.

Overall impression: The overall impression gives a good indication to what is inside because it includes the bands which have stories, articles, interviews and pictures inside. It appeals to the same target audience as the front cover. I would make the gradients a little smaller so it is not so spaced out to make it look a little more brought together. On the other hand I think the consistency of the colours, images and house style add to the overall feel.

Design: The words hearts and souls really stand out, they have connotations of desire, love and happiness. This could be the feeling which the band are trying to spread to the reader. These words fit with the images because they look passionate. The fact that the words heart and soul stand out so much shows that that is what it is all really about. Images & pose, style, hair, make-up: the band members are all pulling weird faces, this is to symbolise their individuality. In addition the image represents the ideal that the target reader would like to aspire too, especially young males who want tattoos, they could be inspired by this photo. The men are seen as attractive to the female audience so dressing them in tight clothing (far left) appeals to them. Language: Again the headline is the only thing which grabs the attention of the reader due to the colours and the boldness. In addition there is a puff which I think is situated in the correct place because it is related to the image and text. Overall impression: The font is the biggest attention seeking item on this page, the font type compliments the type of band that they are as well.

Colour: Again the colour is consistent, the reds and yellows and been transferred through to create this feel of a house style. Also the colours are effective on the page because the picture is all dull colours so you are instantly drawn to the bright colours which makes you read the headline.

This magazine has been published since marsh 1952, it was Britain's best selling music magazine during the seventies and it is still very popular. It mainly features on indie/rock bangs, for example Arctic Monkeys, the target audience is young adults and teens. The main image is relevant to the main cover line, he is dressed quite smartly which could represent that he is trying to look cool and trendy as it is his comeback and he wants to make a good impression. The colours are mainly simple and corporate except the origami birds, they are yellow and blue which draws attention to him, they could symbolise his success. The colours of the birds also link to the colour of the text which creates a good house style. The design is bold and clear so it can be easily understood, the important information is underlined. I think to improve the front cover they should have used bigger font for the cover stories to attract more attention.

The Contents page is not very good, it is very cluttered because you dont know what is going on or where to look. It does not appeal to young people because there is too much writing. I think the image on the double page spread is good because it appeal to the younger audience with humour (a person dressed as Elvis Presley), however I do not think this fits in with the addressed house style.

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