Assignment On Quantitative Technique in Business

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Submitted By:-

Name:- Chinmaya Kumar Parija

Section:- E
E-mail ID:-
Mob. No.:- 09999995415
Question:-1 Part 1
Part 2

Question:-2 Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Question:- 3 Part 1
Part 2

Thank you
1.What are some of the types of data that might be presented? What
variables might be important to the lending institution ?

As we are aware of the fact that Novoship is Russia’s largest

company & ranks seventh in the world in vessal tonnage.
When Novoship had 77 ships, their capacity was greater than
other eight companies & now company wants to add twelve new
ships for increase their capacity. If company will load more
than previous time then also will get more profit.
As we know other companies have more
ships but their capacity to carry liquid is lower than Novoship.
So we can say that the Novoship’s rank or category would be
high. If we are divides all companies into category then I think
Novoship’s category would be first.
If Novoship company wants to take loan from any bank for
add tankers they might be presented data which is given
(1) Working since 1967
(2) They had 77 ship which are largest
(3) Average age of per ship is 11.38 years
(4) 80% stock owned by Russian Govt.
(5) International trade is 54.89% & dead wt. tonnage is
33.26% which is highest among all of eight companies
(6)Ships-77, - Dead weight tonnage 3339(thousands) &
international trade 45.4(millions of tons
I think data which is given, is enough for get loan from
any bank or institutions.
2. Suppose the chief lending officers want to present the data
given above to demonstrate Novo ship’s strength in the
marketplace. How could these data be organized and depicted
graphically ?

Company No. of ships Dead wt. tonnage International trade

    (thousands) Millions of tonne
Novo ship 77 3339 45.4
Baltic 178 1921 11.3
Far Eastern 228 1846 10.1
Murmansk 78 929 5.6
Northern 135 673 5.2
Primorsk 53 598 2.1
Sakhalin 88 419 2.5

Kamchatka 53 220 0.3

Arctic 25 94 0.2
Company No. of ships No. of ships

1-Novoship 77 228
2-Baltic 178 200
Eastern 228 150

No. of Ships
4-Murmansk 78
5-Northern 135 77 78
6-Primorsk 53 50 53 53
7-Sakhalin 88
8-Kamchatka 53 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
9-Arctic 25 Company
Dead Weight tonnage (thousands)
Dead Weight tonnage
Company (thousands)
1-Novoship 3339 3339
2-Baltic 1921 3000
3-Far 2500
Eastern 1846

Dead weight tonnage

2000 1921 1846
Murmansk 929
5-Northern 673 1000 929
673 598
6-Primorsk 598 500 419
220 94
7-Sakhalin 419 0
8- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Kamchatka 220
9-Arctic 94
International Trade(million
International Trade(million of tons)
Company of tons)

1-Novoship 45.4 45.4
2-Baltic 11.3 40
3-Far 35
Eastern 10.1 30

International Trade(million of
4- 25

Murmansk 5.6 20
5-Northern 5.2 15
6-Primorsk 2.1 10 11.3 10.1
7-Sakhalin 2.5 5 5.6 5.2
2.1 2.5
0 0.3 0.2
Kamchatka 0.3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
9-Arctic 0.2 Company
In graphs you can see the international trade &
dead weight tonnage of Novoship is highest,
however they have only 77 ships. So we can
guess that the profitability of the company is
very high.
But here the earnings of
the company is not given, but I think this is very
important thing to show company’s progress.
As maintioned 80%of Novoship’s stock is
owned by the Russian Govt. So we can say that
the company is a part of Govt.
Q3: Novo ship is far & away the largest shipper by
tonnage of the Russian ocean carriers.
However, 4 other companies they have more ships.
Novo ship avg. more tonnage ship leading one to
believe that other companies have more smaller
ships. Is there a way to organize the ship for all nine
companies by size so that we can then determine
which categories the novo ship ships belong in?
No. of Dead wt. Dead wt. Ranking of the
Company ships tonnage tonnage/ companies
as per obtained in
(thousands) no. of ships(a) (a)
Novo ship 77 3339 43.36 1
Baltic 178 1921 10.79 4
Eastern 228 1846 8.09 5
Murmansk 78 929 11.91 2
Northern 135 673 4.98 6
Primorsk 53 598 11.28 3
Sakhalin 88 419 4.76 7
Kamchatka 53 220 4.15 8
Arctic 25 94 3.76 9
In this table you can see the highest rank of Novoship among all companies. So
we can determine the Novoship’s category is highest by size in all of compnies.
The Novoship holds a concept that the key to achieve organizational goals consists of
the company being more effective then competitors in creating delivering and
communicating superior customer value to its chosen target market.

Conclusions from the table shown above:

It implies that novo ship is amongst the top
companies which owe largest ships because it is
ranking first in the output showing in terms of
dead weight tonnage followed by Murmansk &
Kamchatka & Arctic are having lowest ships in
terms of dead weight tonnage & are positioned
last among all companies

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