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The Man Who Changed Our Views of the Heavens and Earth

Galileo Galilei
The way that we view and study the world changed the day that Galileo looked up at the stars.
Information provided by The Galileo Project
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Galileo Galileis Life

Galileo was born into nobility; however, his family was not rich. The fact that Galileo was not rich was the catalyst that would enrich the world.
Information provided by The Galileo Project
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Galileo Galileis Life

On February 15, 1564 Giulia degli Ammannati gives birth to Galileo Galilei, son of Vincenzo Galilei of Florence.

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Galileo Galileis Life

1579 Galileo who was studying at the monastery of Santa Maria di Vallombrosa, considers joining the order.
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Galileo Galileis Life

1585 Galileo completes his fourth year of studies and returns to Florence without a degree.
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Galileo Galileis Life

1592 Galileo appointed the chair of mathematics at the university of Padua.
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Galileo Galileis Life

1593 Invents a horse driven pump for raising water In 1594 a patent is granted to Galileo from the Venetian Senate.
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Galileo Galileis Life

1597 Galileo gives private lessons to students on Euclid, arithmetic, fortification, surveying, cosmography, optics, and the use of the sector.
Information provided by The Galileo Project
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Galileo Galileis Life

1599 Begins a relationship with Marina Gamba, a woman he never marries.
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Galileo Galileis Life

1600 Marina Gamba gives birth to a daughter who is baptized Virginia, who later takes the name Maria Celeste.
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Galileo Galileis Life

1601 Marina Gamba gives birth to a second daughter who is baptized Livia, who later takes the name Arcangela.
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Galileo Galileis Life

1607 Marina Gamba gives birth to Galileos only son Vinzenzio
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Galileo Galileis Life

1606/7 Invents the first thermometer. Which is not very accurate.
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Galileo Galileis Life

1608/9 Galileo constructs/improves a hydrostatic balance device.
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Galileo Galileis Life

1609 Galileo duplicates the Hanss invention and makes a three powered telescope.
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Galileo Galileis Life

1610 On 7 January Galileo observes three fixed stars near Jupiter; by 15 January he has figured out that there are four moons of Jupiter.
Information provided by The Galileo Project
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Galileo Galileis Life

1613 Galileos letters are published by the Lincean Academy in Rome in the paper History and Demonstrations about Sunspots and their Properties.
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Galileo Galileis Life

1615 Galileo goes to Rome to defend the Copernican postion.
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Galileo Galileis Life

1616 Cardinal Bellarmine gives a warning not to hold or defend the Copernican theory.
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Galileo Galileis Life

1623 Galileos friend, Cardinal Maffeo Barberini is elected Pope and takes the name Urban VIII.
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Galileo Galileis Life

1624 Pope Urban VIII assured Galileo that he could write about the Copernican theory as long as he treated it as a mathematical hypothesis.
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Galileo Galileis Life

1630 Galileos Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems is finished.
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Galileo Galileis Life

1632 Pope Urban VIII sends him notification that if he does not come to Rome voluntarily he will be arrested and brought to Rome in chains.
Information provided by The Galileo Project
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Galileo Galileis Life

1633 Urban VIII decides that Galileo will be placed under house arrest, which lasts the rest of his life.
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Galileo Galileis Life

1634 Galileo's daughter, Maria Celeste, dies.

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Galileo Galileis Life

1637 Galileo writes to his friend Elia Diodati that he has lost vision in his right eye.
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Galileo Galileis Life

1638 By this point Galileo has lost vision in his left eye and is now totally blind.
Information provided by The Galileo Project
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Galileo Galileis Life

1641 Galileo conceives of the pendulum clock.

Information provided by The Galileo Project

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Galileo Galileis Life

1642 Galileo dies in Arcetri on 8 January.

Information provided by The Galileo Project

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Van Helden, Al. The Galileo Project. 1995. 27 Nov. 2005.>.

Information provided by The Galileo Project

Images Provided by The Galileo Project and Yahoo Images

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LinkedIn: Anthony Lovato Twitter: @nmfourwheeler Facebook: Anthony Lovato Blog: This Is My Life In New Mexico

Anthony Lovato

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