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Unit 2

Planet Earth

1. What do we call the gaseous layer that surrounds the earth?

A. Ionosphere B. Atmoshpere C. Carbon Dioxide D. Geosphere

B. Atmosphere

2. Which layer of the atmosphere reflects radio waves?

A. The core B. The geosphere C. The troposphere D. The ionosphere

D. Ionosphere

3. Which layer of the geosphere is mostly made of iron?

A. The mantle. B. The crust. C. All three layers are equal. D. The core.

D. The core.

4. Where can we find water in a liquid state on the Earth?

A. oceans and seas B. lakes and rivers C. underground D. all of the above

D. all of the above

5. What type of lustre have gold and copper got?

A. Metallic B. Non-Metallic C. Shiny Lustre D. None of the Above

A. Metallic Lustre

6. What does the process of erosion do to rocks?

A. Makes them stronger. B. Makes them Shinier. C. Breaks them down. D. Changes their color.

C. Breaks them down.

7. What type of rock is basalt?

A. igneous B. sedimentary C. granite D. metamorphic

A. Igneous

8. How does sedimentary rock become metamorphic rock?

A. Through erosion. B. Through the passing of time. C. Through heat. D. Through heat and pressure.

D. Through heat and pressure.

9. What do we call magma when it flows out of a volcano?

A. Conduit B. Fire C. Magma chamber D. Lava

D. Lava

10. What is special about the Teide?

A. It is the longest river in Spain. B. It is the highest volcano in Spain. C. It is the highest volcano in Europe.

C. It is the highest volcano in Europe.

11. What type of water do we

get from rivers and lakes?

A. Fresh water. B. Clean water. C. Salt water. D. Cold water.

A. Fresh water.

12. What is most of our freshwater used for?

A. For drinking. B. For having showers and baths. C. For our homes in general. D. For agriculture.

D. For agriculture.

13. Why are areas and distances distorted on a map?

A. Because maps are threedimensional representations of the Earths surface. B. Because maps are not very accurate. C. Because maps are two-dimensional representations of the Earths surface. D. Because maps do not show the real distance.

C. Because maps of are two-dimensional representations of the Earths surface.

14. What is another name for the Prime Meridian?

A. The Greenwhich Meridian. B. The Green Meridian. C. The Primary Meridian. D. The Greenwhich

A. The Greenwhich Meridian.

15. What is the latitude of the equator?

A. Latitude 100 degrees. B. Latitude 360 degrees. C. Latitude 0 degrees. D. None of the Above.

C. Latitude 0 degrees.

16. Are meridians circular or semicircular?

A. Semicircular B. Circular C. Neither. D. Both

A. Semicircular

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