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College Shiksha Management

Team Members: Ms. Neha Gupta Mr. Sunil Kr. Jangir

College Shiksha Management

Compelling Circumstances Project Introduction Relevance with FP 3.0 Requirement Specifications Design Documentation Defect Tracking and Test Plan How it is based on ERP.

College Shiksha Management

Tools and technologies Architecture Deployment steps


College Shiksha Management

Compelling Circumstances
To remove all kind of manual work To get the information more accurate and fast To keep information more secure To handle large amount of data without loss

College Shiksha Management

A web based application that will run on intranet An ERP application Platform independent Covers major tasks including time table,attendance,registration,results,sending notices,etc...

College Shiksha Management

Relevance with FP 3.0

Based on Rapid Application Development (RAD) model Relational Database Management System Manual Testing

College Shiksha Management

FP -3.0 Course Linkage

Problem solving Techniques
Relevant for analysis and design phase of project

Programming and Testing

Relevant for coding and testing phase of project

Relational Database Management System

Relevant for designing database and connecting
backend RDBMS software

College Shiksha Management

Requirement Specifications
Requirements: Time Table Management Attendance Management Registration of Students and Faculty members Marks Analysis Convey Messages Debar List Generation Profile Maintenance View

College Shiksha Management

Design Documentation
Seven modules and separate design documentation for each module Assignment of various rights to perform different tasks given to a specific user Each user has its own home page Controlled and sequential link View

College Shiksha Management

Defect Tracking and Test Plan

Test plan for each web page to behave in certain conditions. View The variations in behavior is called defects in the system. View

College Shiksha Management

Tools and Technologies

Front end tool: Net Beans IDE 6.9 Back end tool: Oracle 10g Programming Languages: Server-side scripting language: JSP Software development component: Java Beans Client side scripting language: Java script Web based designing languages :HTML,CSS

College Shiksha Management

Based on two tier architecture

(Client Side)

(Server Side)

College Shiksha Management

Deployment Steps
Required tools : Net beans IDE6.9 and Oracle 10g Installation of tools is must Then connectivity between these two different tools is must

College Shiksha Management

Coding Standards
Platform independent technology JAVA JavaScript, CSS and HTML embedded in JSP Open source

College Shiksha Management

Testing Phases:

Component testing

Integration testing


College Shiksha Management

Component testing
Testing of individual program components Usually the responsibility of the component developer Tests are derived from the developers experience

Integration testing
Testing of groups of components integrated to create a system or sub-system The responsibility of an independent testing team Tests are based on a system specification

College Shiksha Management

Conclusion/Future Enhancement
Less time consuming and quick response No paper work and more accurate Automated Getting information through mobile phones Implementation of ERP solution

Thank you !!!





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