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The colonial system was based on the economic principle of mercantilism. Adelantado (pedagang dengan kekuasaan) Bentuk pemerintahan selanjutnya adalah hasil ciptaan Charles III Tujuannya untuk memperkuat kedudukan raja Spanyol di Amerika, mempertahankan diri dari para pengacau, dan menggalang kesatuan.

Taat, Sejarah Amerika Latin, 2011

Cabildo (dewan kota) Audencia (kedudukannya dpt disamakan dg pengadilan negeri di Indonesia).mulamula didirikan di Santo Domingo 1511, Meksiko 1527, panama 1535, etc.Langsung diangkat oleh raja. Vice Roy (Vice Royalty).
Taat, Sejarah Amerika Latin, 2011

Adelantado was a military title held by some Spanish conquistadores of the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries. Adelantados were granted directly by the Monarch the right to become governors and justices of a specific region, which they charged with conquering, in exchange for funding and organizing the initial explorations, settlements and pacification of the target area on behalf of the Crown. These areas were usually outside of the jurisdiction of an audiencia or viceroy, and adelantados were authorized to communicate directly with the Council of the Indies

Taat, Sejarah Amerika Latin, 2011

(Spanish: one who goes before), representative of the kings of Castile (Spain) who in the early European Middle Ages headed military expeditions and, from the reign of Ferdinand III (121752) until the 16th century, held judicial and administrative powers over specific districts. Greater adelantados (adelantados mayores) served as appeal judges and in times of war were responsible for organizing their territories armies. Lesser adelantados (adelantados menores) held similar powers, but they were often stationed along the frontiers, becoming known as frontier adelantados (adelantados fronterizos), and figured prominently in the military conquest of the Americas. In the 16th century the office was replaced by that of alcalde (magistrate).
Taat, Sejarah Amerika Latin, 2011

The Royal Audiencia and Chancillera (in modern Spanish spelling: Real audiencia y cancillera, and Catalan: Reial audincia) was a court that functioned as an appellate court in Spain and its empire. The name of the institution has been sometimes translated as Royal Audience. The designation cancillera was applied to the courts of last resort in Early Modern Spain. Each audiencia had oidores (Spanish: judges, literally, "hearers"). The first audiencia was founded at Valladolid in the kingdom of Castile in 1371. The Valladolid Audiencia functioned as the highest court in Castile for the next two centuries. After the union of the crowns of Castile and Aragon to form the crown of Spain and the Spanish conquest of Granada in 1492, the audiencia was divided in two, with the Audiencia of Valladolid taking cases from north of the River Tagus (Tajo), and the Audiencia of Granada (1494) taking cases from south of the river.

Taat, Sejarah Amerika Latin, 2011


the Viceroyalty of the Ro de La Plata, in the southern part of South America, with its capital at Buenos Aires. The new viceroyalty was made up of territory formerly governed under the Viceroyalty of Peru and included the sparsely populated lands east of the Andes that now form Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay. It also took over the rich silver-mining area of Upper Peru (present-day Bolivia), which reduced Perus wealth and power as a trade center, shifting some of the empires economic focus to the Atlantic Coast. The other viceroyalties were New Granada, including what is now Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela, and New Spain, which encompassed Mexico, most of Central America, and Spanish territory in the Caribbean.
Taat, Sejarah Amerika Latin, 2011

To defend its empire, Spain created colonial armies and enlarged militia units in Spanish America as part of its reforms. Tens of thousands of Spanish American colonists were armed and trained in some kind of military service. Ironically, this measure to protect the Spanish Empire contributed to its downfall, as these militias later formed the base of the armies of independence.
Taat, Sejarah Amerika Latin, 2011

Dianggap wakil raja di tanah koloni Masa jabatan 3 tahun Mempunyai kebebasan yang luas Pejabat di koloni boleh saling melaporkan kepada raja, dalam rangka untuk mengontrol kondisi ditanah koloni

Taat, Sejarah Amerika Latin, 2011

Dikepalai oleh seorang Kapten Jenderal/Captain General. Meliputi Cuba, Santo Domingo, Guatemala, Panama, Chile, dan Phillipina A captaincy is a historical administrative division of the former Spanish and Portuguese colonial empires. Each was governed by a captain general.
Taat, Sejarah Amerika Latin, 2011

SISTEM PEMERINTAHAN PORTUGIS DI AMERIKA LATIN Dalam bidang agama dan ekonomi tidak jauh berbeda dengan orang Spanyol Dalam hal perbudakan, Portugis juga tidak sekeras orang Spanyol. Dalam hal pemerintahan Portugis agak berbeda dengan pem. Spanyol Dalam hal perdagangan sistem sama dg Spanyol. Portugis juga mendirikan lembaga-lembaga perdagangan
Taat, Sejarah Amerika Latin, 2011


Tahun 1649 ata inisiatif father vieira didirikan: 1. The Company of Brazil, hak monopoli atas perdagangan anggur, minyak, dan ikan laut. 2. Maranchao Company. Berkembang pesat tahun 1678-1684, memegang monopoli perdagangan budak dan mengawasi lalu lintas perdagangan budak. 3. The General Company of Para And In Maranchao.
Taat, Sejarah Amerika Latin, 2011

Pada permulaan diperintah oleh Gubernur, berkedudukan di Bahia. Tahun 1763 diganti oleh Wakil Raja. Kekuasaan tidak terlalu besar. Wewenang: memungut pajak, menjaga keamanan pantai thd bajak laut dan smuggle, serta memaksakan pemerintahan Portugis atas rakyat Brasilia
Taat, Sejarah Amerika Latin, 2011

Seluruh Brasilia dibagi dalam distrik yang dinamakan Captaincy. Diperintah oleh Donatorio, yg. Dalam abad ke-18 diganti dg jab. Gubernur. Tiap distrik dibagi kedalam Municipality/kotamadya, yang mpy. Dewan kota yang dinamakan Camara (sejenis Municipality Council). Anggota dipilih dari tuan tanah-tuan tanah besar, pedagang besar, dan aristokrat

Taat, Sejarah Amerika Latin, 2011

Ketika din. Barganza naik tahta di Portugal, tdp perubahan sikap atas koloninya di AL. Berbagai usaha dilakukan agar pengawasan thd Al lebih efektif: dg. Memperluas kekuasaan Dewan Masalah Seberang Lautan, lebih selektif memilih vice roy, melakukan perubahan dalam Captaincy

Taat, Sejarah Amerika Latin, 2011

Semua langkah pembaharuan ini ada kaitan dg ditemukan emas di Brazilia, apalagi ketika Yoseph I memerintah Portugal, wibawa kerajaan merosot.

Taat, Sejarah Amerika Latin, 2011

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