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is rediscovery of the entire business philosophy. The Realization of transformation has to be at all levels including top-level management. Business transformation is a key management initiative that attempts to align the technology initiative of a company with its business strategy and vision. The degree to which a company can implement new initiatives to support changes in business strategy is known as business agility.

Business transformation involves a considerable

mix of skills, not all of which are required at the same time Transformation can touch every part of an enterprise and it is important to manage the process carefully and completely. It requires shared vision by all organizational members. All must share common purpose (goals), values (principles that guide human behavior) and results (outcomes goods, services, satisfaction, profits). Shared vision helps in moving the organization from where it is to where it wants to go.

Structural changes

Technological changes

Human resource changes

Elements of Transformation Business transformation is the process of altering the way in which an organization does business Business transformation is defined as the combination of structural, technological and human resource change focused around one clear vision, resulting in a significant change in the organization and substantial financial benefits.

Structural Changes:
The organization structure is dynamic in nature and

changes according to changes in internal and external organizational environment. Reorganization among various work groups may require the organization to change from functional to divisional structure or vice versa, change from centralization to decentralization or vice versa, change from wide span of control to narrow span and vice versa. A change may be required in the job design, work schedules, communication system or job responsibilities. The purpose of change in any organization is to improve the organizational performance in terms of production, employee morale and motivation and higher job satisfaction, both individual and Organizational.

Technological Changes :

refers to tools, equipments, processes, knowledge and techniques used for production of goods and services. Technological changes refer to change in any of these aspects of technology. Technological changes are necessary to face competition in the domestic and international market.

People or Human Resource Changes :

Human resource changes focus on changing the

human behavior, skills, knowledge, attitudes and beliefs to increase the organizational performance. Change in peoples attitudes can be brought in the following ways: 1. Training and development can enhance their behavioral skills and knowledge. 2. Recruitment and selection procedures can be changed to appoint people with desired skills and knowledge. 3. Organizational development techniques can be adapted to change peoples behavior and attitude towards the work environment

Transformation requires change. Change in the

overall business philosophy leads to transformation and transformation supports change. Change could be in one component of business structure but transformation changes the entire business philosophy and values. Change helps in organizations growth whereas transformation helps in organizations development and involves the whole organization but change takes place in some parts of the organization (technology, structure or people) or the whole organization.



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