Cloud Notation For Users Workshop Aug 26 2010 v2

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Cloud Notation for Users

A cloud modelling notation for business users to express requirements concepts Towards a business user driven view of cloud computing

Workshop to discuss idea and approach

August 26, 2010

Webex details

Meeting Date: Start Time:

AUG 26, 2010 5:00 PM Europe/London BST (British Summer Time) 0e2c70928189629c5061 UK Number: 01483 788788 International Number: +44 1483 788788 Meeting ID: 0127 Please, go to mute during the first part of the presentation - do not put your phone on hold during the meeting

Looking for active volunteers.


A walk through the Cloud Business Notation ideas and concepts - 30 minutes - by Mark Skilton A discuss on the ideas and concepts presented - all Identify advantages and any concerns that need to be addressed - all Identify ideas on how the Cloud Notation may fit with other architecture models - the intention is to work with other stack type models such as NIST, TOGAF for example - to generate different views of cloud models for different types of stakeholders , both technical and business oriented.


The following notes and diagrams are from the meeting attended by a range of participants at the Cloudcamp Boston July 21 The objective was to identify ideas and approaches to define a Cloud Computing Reference Architecture that better defined and represented the evolving nature of the Cloud and how it could be provided and used.

Scope of what Im focusing on..

I am just looking at one model view of Cloud Architecture for business users. But will talk about the scope of models for System of different stakeholders to put in context Systems
NIST, Google UCs ,UC-SB
Interoperability SOSi Levels of System interoperability LiSi


System of Systems

SOSI and LiSi stacks DoD, NATO, C-M Value Network Analysis..


A Cloud User Notation

Why do we need a Cloud Computing Reference Architecture CCRA?

A range of comments included: Current reference models are from a seller perspective and dont fit how cloud feels from a User perspective SOA and Web 2.0 have provided foundation message and payload standards but need to move to into describing how the service looks and feels Historically the tiers approach to describing architecture has originated from the Client -server era; examples seen in 4+1, Zachmann and other concepts have resulted in a perspective of a Provider oriented style tiers in Cloud which has limitations Syntax and semantics have been focused on by community and industry forums but other aspects of behavior interoperability and choreography modelling that could help describe cloud and cloud services is potentially a gap a present There are many discussions and standards forums on interoperability in the industry but little methodology evolving from an overview of how different parties might work across a cloud service There are Industry efforts to extend SOA and security standards but these come from a preexisting viewpoint rather than a clean start on cloud descriptions We are seeing academic research and evidence in Grid computing, agent based technology and some vendors providing examples of how to visualize and potentially represent cloud services more closely relating to the cloud experience. The nature of cloud is emerging continually and the CCRA could help narrate aspects of requirements and how to use Cloud

The need for a meaningful Cloud Computing Reference Architecture Methodology

We need to have a methodology that recognizes better how cloud computing experience looks and feels like in the real world Considering an analogy; we have seen examples such as virtual reality VR software standards that has attempted to represented a more realistic software representation of the real world the point is not the VR but that the aim is to create a language and approach that represents how business and technology are working together. Cloud computing is yet another environment / ecosystem combination of tools , assets, people, businesses and experiences that represent aspects of cloud

The current Provider oriented Cloud Computing reference models

While NIST is arguably the most well known , there are many examples of equally significant and influential models including the Cloud Computing taxonomy from the Google hosted Cloud Computing Use cases Group and the Towards a unified Ontology of Cloud Computing by Lamia Youseff, University of California, Santa Barbara and Maria Butrico and Dilma Da Silva of IBM T.J. Watson Research Center YorkTown, New York . All these examples also provide a technology tiered framework of implementation viewpoints for cloud computing.

Building advocacy for a Business User prospective of Cloud Computing

But, this has been predominantly from a provider viewpoint of cloud computing and less on how the consumer might see, experience or use the cloud service. These conceptual frameworks represent a description of a technology tiered architecture most meaningful to Enterprise technologies. While this is important it prevents a separation of the concerns most important from the consumer perspective of the service. The customer experience and the business user viewpoint of cloud is quite different from the discussions of design and run time choices for cloud services. A critical goal of cloud computing is to move towards a user ondemand perspective, to use the cloud as a service for business.

NIST Cloud Computing Reference

Google Hosted Cloud Computing Taxonomy

Towards a Unified Ontology of Cloud Computing University of California, Santa Barbara & IBM T.J. Watson Research center

Note: The T.J. Watson reference here see Tim OReilly & Clay Shirky Reference to Thomas J. Watson crica 2001 & 2009)

Balancing the Buyer and Seller perspective

We are not advocating a different cloud computing model but a set of models that take into account both the consumer and provider side , the buyer and seller and other intermediate roles that support the types of homogeneous and heterogeneous platforms and subclasses of data and user devices that are found in the real world of IT.

5 key Business Benefits of a User driven Cloud viewpoint

Defining a clear Cloud Computing Architecture Modelling approach will help further develop Cloud Computing adoption Defining a common set of standard terminology is key to any new emerging technology trend in helping to raise awareness and express requirements of that technology.

5 key Business Benefits of a User driven Cloud viewpoint

Monetizing cloud services

It is currently an area of adoption question; how much do cloud services cost my business?. Defining a way to show individual services and their common shared service or incremental growth could help accelerate an adoption profile where users understand the cost of service better.

Visualizing the real cloud

Cloud is already here, we everyday see the email, video feeds, web sites and tweets. Business needs a way of describing this from that perspective so that we can accelerate the meaning full integration and adoption of cloud into everyday experience.
Probably the biggest affect on everyday lives has been the attention span and impact on people and business through on-demand and real-time exchange of messages and content enabled by an increasing social and dynamic network of services that can be described as the cloud. Showing this experience and how this changes in a mash-up, on-demand world would greatly improve the real world representation of consumer choice , the self-service menus and portfolios open to business. The greatest impediment to cloud is probably the risk and security aspects of the data, location and control of services. Defining a user location perspective of security protection points would greatly enhance the provider conditions to address those critical concerns. Overall how the service level performance monitoring and disaster recovery aspects of the cloud service needs to be shown in a heterogeneous context. Many enterprise level SLAs need OLAs that are representative of business level QoS standards, how multiple service monitoring and management systems need to be position on the provider side and the consumers side. A methodology that helps clarify this ownership of responsibility would be a great benefit in definition a clear boundary of service trading and exchange.

Defining a clear Customer experience

Describing who has ownership of Security Risk in the cloud

Defining how to monitoring Quality of Service QoS in the cloud

Why this helps monetize Cloud

Because it is a middle-out not a outward-in approach it drives the user journey through using the cloud You look at cloud from the viewpoint of using one to many cloud services which can be used and built on incrementally. This matches the incremental cashflow and elastic growth we so often see in cloud service use

Defining Models for Cloud Computing that considered the Business User viewpoint

At Cloudcamp we discussed

What a Cloud Computing Reference Architecture CCRA might contain ?

Cloud Computing Technology reference model

This is arguably already covered in the many technology stack reference models: NIST etal. They provide a provider technology perspective of the cloud solution

Cloud services model

A description of the types of services we see in cloud computing more from the perspective of the type of operations and services that cloud might support. Examples. This is not Web services or BPEL style protocols and workflow styles How the service meta data might be defined The types if actors that might participate in a cloud service from all perspectives How the overall flow of a Cloud service transaction might flow How the cloud service communities might look and interact How trading and marketplaces might interoperate How to design Cloud Components How to define a Cloud Service Lifecycle
How a catalog or catalogs of business and IT services might be represented in the cloud How the services might be visualized , discovered and used A description of the service exchange meta data model

Cloud Actor Model

Cloud network (Choreography) Model

Integrated Cloud Framework

Cloud catalog and user experience model

Cloud Meta data and Behavior (Cloud Contract) Model


Some of these relate to CCA, SOCCI etc

Why do we need Cloud Model Symbols ?

Reasons for using the Symbology:
Marketplace Visualization

Visualizing Behavior Cloud Network Nomenclature

What a Cloud Computing Reference Architecture CCRA might contain ?

Source : Vladimir Baranek

What a Cloud Computing Reference Architecture CCRA might contain ?

Cloud Computing Tier Reference Example Model Stack

Deployment channels

Channels / Devices

BPaaS Operating Services SaaS

Demand management Supply management Component library Provisioning management RIM tools Monitoring Management Configuration management Billing & reporting Usage, pricing & Payments Shopping basket Integration management Identity management Audit & compliance management SSO & authorization Service maintenance Recovery services Backup services

Common Shared Services

Resources Deployment Platforms

How might a Cloud Network model In the real world Cloud Services exist look like ? between Social and Business Collaborations
Ideas on what the Entities of this model might be: Service Marketplace Boundary Community Transactions Hub Aggregator Concentrator

Social Network

Business Network

Industry Network

Types of Cloud Module Symbols #1/3

Standard Service Actor Device Security Integration & Messaging Business


Service Container


Mobile Device

Security Service

Composite Service


Cloud Service Cart

Hub Service Hub Concentrator e.g. Queue

Intelligent Agent

Fat (Client) Device

Monitoring Service

Integration Service

Feed / Alert Cloud Shop Service

Other Search Service Industry Service Light (Client) Device


DR Service



Component Store

Self Service Catalog

Types of Cloud Module Symbols #2/3

Boundaries Connections Providers
Provider Name


Cloud Community Private Community

Standard Connection

Cloud Service Provider

Provider Name

Cloud Service Catalog

Social Network Sphere


Location Based

Business Provider

Self Service Catalog

Provider Name

Marketplace Boundary

Virtual Organization

Inter Component Connection

XaaS Service Provider

Component Catalog

Types of Cloud Module Symbols #3/3

Management Cloud Environments







Service Components







BaaS Assembly Factory ORG Report








Cloud Domains






Semantic Based

Re/Source Based

Business Based

My focus here is just on a Business Notation for describing Cloud requirements

The Cloud Notation is just one model view of a number of models

Cloud Business Artifacts Cloud Buyer/User Requirements Metadata Business Roles Business Processes Market Segments Financial and Lifecycle Terms Sell, Contract (including SLAs), and Deliver Terms QoS Aspects Non-functional Characteristics Functional Characteristics Workload Characterization Types of Cloud Stack services: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, etc Cloud User Notation

Some examples using the Cloud notation

The following uses examples from Kevin Jackson, Leading Cloud evangelist , CloudComputingJournal recent blog publications to illustrate the point. cloud-computing-training/

Animoto Video Shows

WWW Animoto uses Rightscale as their cloud infrastructure partner. Brad discusses their infamous week where Animoto went from 25k users to 700k users in 5 days and they had to scale from 50 to 5k servers.

blog sphere

Animoto Video Business


Apps Store Animoto Services

Types of Video Services

Monitor Service Rightscale Cloud IaaS partner


DR , Backup Services included

Integration & Mashup services



Nasdaq OMX has lots of stock and fund data, and it wanted to make extra revenue selling historic data for those stocks and funds. But for this offering, called Market Replay, the company didn't want to worry about optimizing its databases and servers to handle the new load. So it turned to Amazon's S3 service to host the data, and created a lightweight reader app using Adobe's AIR technology that let users pull in the required data.

Sell historical data From those stocks And funds (Marketplay)

The Adobe AIR app Courbois' team put together in just a couple days pulls in the flat files stored at and then creates the replay animations from them. The result: "We don't need a database constantly staging data on the server side. And the price is right."


Stock and fund data


Lightweight reader app using Adobes AIR technology that let users pull in required data
Amazon S3 service Host data

New York Times

New York Times

WWW blog sphere
using's EC2 computing platform, the Times ran a PDF conversion app that converted that 4TB of TIFF data into 1.5TB of PDF files. Using 100 Linux computers, the job took about 24 hours.

The New York Times also used S3 for a data-intensive project: converting 11 million articles published from the newspaper's founding in 1851 through 1989, to make them available through its Web site search engine. The Times scanned in the stories, cut up into columns to fit in the scanners (as TIFF files), then uploaded those to S3

Web search Subscribers too

TIFF files convert to PDF


Convert PDF app


Published articles archive search Amazon S3 and EC2

S3 Queue

Multiple Social Communities

Google Services


Multiple Enterprise Communities
Multiple Tenant Communities

Controlled Tenancy Environment

Amazon AWS

Amazon played a key role in the development of cloud computing by modernizing their data centers after the dot-com bubble, which, like most computer networks, were using as little as 10% of their capacity at any one time just to leave room for occasional spikes. Having found that the new cloud architecture resulted in significant internal efficiency improvements whereby small, fast-moving "two-pizza teams" could add new features faster and easier, Amazon started providing access to their systems through Amazon Web Services on a utility computing basis in 2005.

Multiple Social Communities

Amazon AWS Services

Multiple Location DCs Multiple Enterprise Communities

Cloud Environment Encapsulation Deployment & Orchestration Example

Social Cloud

Facebook API

Public Cloud
Hybrid Environment

Industry Cloud
Fedex UPS

iPhone iPhone API

Customer Advocacy Portal

Amazon Shop

B2B API Consumer

Hybrid Environment Enterprise Environment
B2C Portal eCommerce Payments Delivery B2B Integration Paypal

Shop API

Industry Cloud

Public Cloud

Business Cloud

Example of Cloud Domains

Leads 360


Leads API


Sales force

Force .com


Microsoft Dynamics


Force API

Local Company DC Dynamics API


This has been explored before but not in cloud..

Value network Analysis
Value Network visualization and analysis helps people negotiate their work, see new opportunities, build stronger relationships and increase that are vital for people working together as network ecosystems

System of Systems (circa 2003-4)

SOSi and LiSi stacks which DoD and NATO have worked on with Cargnie-Mellon University Different types of Interoperability
Levels of conceptual interoperability Layers of Coalition Interoperability

Tight and loose coupling within system of Systems

Network of interoperable services

Next steps

Is this notation something that The Open Group Cloud Work Group think has merit and should be carried forward ? Should this be a set up as a separate Project within the Cloud Work Group with new chairs and a Charter ? Should this be kept within the current CBA Project as it has links with the metadata work in CBA ? How should this be linked with the CCA and SOCCI project teams - the intention is to position CBAN as separate to other projects and to be business oriented notation

Cloud Catalog and marketplaces model

Developer Communities & marketplaces

Aggregator Self Service Catalog Service

Trading & Auctions

Apps Store

Cloud Catalog and User Experience Viewpoint Model

Business Networks Social Networks WWW Blogsphere

Cloud User Experience Viewpoint

How might a Cloud Service Meta data be described for static and behavioral interoperability ?
Conceptual Cloud Container
IaaS Cloud Contract Choreography Behavioral interoperability Interoperability Needs -------------


QoS Service Type Security


Semantics Integration Syntax

Behavioral Interoperability

Information Model

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