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The DC-8 Data System

David Van Gilst

The System Now

The current DC-8 Data system was created in
2007, as a replacement for the previous ICATS
data system.
− Ethernet replaced RS-232 and coaxial video
− Redundant fiberoptic gigabit ethernet network
for transmission of most data.

Access points throughout the aircraft, under the
overhead bins.

REVEAL is one of the most important
components of the data system.
− Provides a standard interface between flight-
critical systems on the aircraft and the
experimenters and the rest of the data
− Sends Telemetry to the ground via Iridium
− Provides a 1Hz UDP packet in the IWG1 Data
− Being replaced by the next generation
NASDAT from the Airborne Science
IWG1 Data Format

A series of comma separated values provided
in a 1Hz UDP packet.

A product of the Interagency Working Group for
Airborne Data and Telementry Standards

Standard values include aircraft position and
attitude data, cabin pressure, temperature,
humidity, etc.

Instruments frequently need accurate timing
information, for which the DC-8 provides two
− IRIG-B is 100 Pulse per second, BCD
encoded signal that operates over a dedicated
coaxial cable.
− NTP is a network-based protocol running over

Both are served from a GPS based time server.
Iridium Communications

The Iridium Satellite constellation was launched
in the late 90's to provide worldwide phone
− 66 Satellites
− 11 Orbits

The DC-8 features a multichannel Iridium
system for worldwide data communications.
− 4+ modems at 2400 bps.
Iridium Communications 2

4-6 channels, 9600 bps to 14.4 bps.

Provides limited weather data and chat
INMARSAT Communications

In addition to the Iridium communications, the
DC-8 will soon get an INMARSAT Swift
Broadband system.
− Delivers up to 432kbps.
− Only works between 70 and 70.
− 3 Satellite constellation

Requires a pointable or phased array antenna.

DC-8 features 4 facility video cameras.
− 1 Nadir camera, running at 1600x1200 at
− 1 Forward camera, running at 640x480 at
− 2 Cameras in the cargo pits for safety
purposes. These are not recorded.
Situational Awareness Web App

The DC-8 data system provides a Web
application for in-flight situational awareness
and decision support.
− Tables of parameters, strip charts, displays of
navigation software, video cameras.
− Live data display from instruments.
− Google Earth based displays.

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