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By Harsh and Isha


Vera (spoken about)

Nyusha Olenka Andrei (spoken about) Kolya

Marina Petrovna
Elizaveta Antonovna

In chapter 11, it begins with Elizaveta Antonovna in the middle of a very busy situation. The

advance of Germans towards Leningrad has caused a mass movement of children away from the city. There were rumours at first about Germans bombing railway routes that were used for evacuation. Eventually it is heard that this is actually true. The situation is too overwhelming to handle because there are more children than can be organised and sent out, so the sorting is chaotic. Also, some of the children had already been evacuated before.
Marina has been so loving towards the family that Anna has actually started feeling grateful to her

actions. She buys them the most expensive items that they would not be able to afford without her and she always refers to money not being relevant in the near future; she is also very helpful with the baby-sitting so overall comes across as a great ally considering that Anna has to work with an unpleasant woman. Anna lays awake at night thinking of a note about the defeat of Leningrad, Kolyas wellbeing and Andreis influence on her mind, she thinks she has made a mistake trusting him because he never returned, however he is a medic and they are in the middle of a crisis so it isnt easy for him to just come visit her. Towards the end of the chapter, thousands of Leningrads children are being evacuated and some die on the way to safety, so Anna begins to worry whether Kolya is safe with her in Leningrad or if he got sent away with the children. At one point Anna also feels jealous that Kolya is spending more time with Marina and enjoys more with her.

Page 94 second paragraph but Elizaveta Antanovna doesnt want to hear about that Last paragraph hundreds, thousands, hundreds of thousands of children Page 95 first paragraph It could be worse than the blitz in London Last paragraph bombing the railways the kids are going on Page 96 fourth paragraph were sending plenty of food Page 97 second paragraph many of these kids are experienced evacuees Towards the last parts of page 97 children, bags and mothers jam into the courtyard,

theres a smell of sausage, wool and armpits, mind the children, their getting crushed

Middle of page 98 there is a tang of autumn in the air First paragraph page 99 they give each other sideways looks, expressionless Second paragraph winters on its way

Third paragraph children should be bare-legged and rosy, wearing shorts or a cotton dress,

they should be running in a park

Page 100 first paragraph four or five faces show, pale, staring Second paragraph thousands and thousands of children Second paragraph bodies in ditches, and burning huts Third paragraph so many children, and so little time The railways are being bombed

food is pouring out of Leningrad, as well as children

Page 101 First paragraph train full of children was bombed Second paragraph required by a Party official in Hall Three Page 102 first paragraph and the system is completely overloaded now. There arent enough


the line was torn up by a bomb five kilometres ahead there are thirty two survivors

Third paragraph Anna lies awake, listening to Kolyas breathing

Kolya remains there

Marina has earned her right to a place in their lives Page 103 first paragraph prices have all shot sky high

Marina pays it. She has the money

We are not going to be able to eat money Third paragraph Anna crushes the jealousy that she feels

Vera wasnt attracted, she was repelled

I keep telling you money isnt going to mean anything soon Page 104 second paragraph waiting for the noise of aeroplane engines

And then theres Andrei. He never came back

Page 105 Leningrad is already defeated

3 men and 1 woman (have a short conversation Anna

Marina Petrovna

Chapter 12 shows the readers the tremendous value of thee golden, warm summers compared to

the dark and ominous rather dreadful winters. The world is calm and peaceful almost as if a veil is guarding it and is untouched from destruction. We observe people evacuating the city in search of safety sacrificing all of their worldly possessions. Security is surrounding the entire city, watching every route. The Germans are pacing and getting closer along with the winter. The helplessness and poverty of people is painted in this chapter when a woman is clueless to water, a necessity of life is.
The war has brought along irrational thoughts arising from fear In the peoples mind and we see

advances in friendship of Anna and Marina over time. Marina starts showing more concern on her newly found friend. We also see the two help the father while hes bound to his bed
The readers learn about the piercing pain the father is enduring making them feel a sense of

sympathy for the man. This chapter focusses on the relationships as there is a greater father daughter relationship created between Anna and Mikhail.
There is light shed on the growth of life in this dead world. The readers also observe Anna

treasuring the most important thing in the war, food. The chapter ends with rushing back to her home, beloved Leningrad.

Page 107: First paragraph: The city is not YET been bombed. First paragraph: Floating, lyrical, miraculous Petersburg Second paragraph: August wears... Fools nobody Third paragraph: No bombs YET, though... Them Fourth paragraph: The city... Not untouched Page 108: Second paragraph: She has retreated... She must make. Third paragraph: Strains under the German advance Third paragraph: Everything is organized confusion Page 109: First paragraph: news mixes with rumours Last paragraph: Whod have ever thought... Afraid of the moon?

Page 111: Middle of the page (3rd paragraph): In Kolyas mind, his father has... Storming a fort Page 112: First paragraph: Every inch of... City was gone Page 113:

Middle of the page: Anna, moya dusha... My soul. Last paragraph: He reaches... Can she be angry with him?
Page 114:

First paragraph: empty woods... Everyone has fled. First paragraph: each potato clings... Fibrous tendril. Second paragraph: Theres no one... Thered be no one. Fourth paragraph: Dear Leningrad... At this moment than its ever.

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