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Community Development

Community Study - Social Science

The study and application of scientific methods of intricate and complex network of human relationships and the forms of organization, desired to enable people to live together in societies.

Characteristics of Early Social Science

Concentration was towards whole social life and whole human history. Focused on evolution part of history. It was clubbed with biology, and was known as Positive science. Radical ideas made it controversial.

Emergence of Social Science

Industrial revolution (1750 - 1850)
Factory system of production and consequent mechanism and industrialization was a burning issue. Industrialization led to urbanization, caused many social evils.

Inspiration from growth of natural science

19th century was progressive for natural science; social scientist delved whether scientific progress can help find social behaviors.

Emergence of Social Science

Inspiration provided by radically diverse societies
Few questions roused in the mind of social scientists
Why there is difference between various societies? Why the rate of advancement is different in several societies?

Auguste Comte (1798 - 1857)

Considered as Father of Sociology. First time invented the word Sociology which is combination of 2 words Socius = companion / associate Logos = study He tried to classify all knowledge and methods to achieve them. He focused on society and laws/principles for its growth.

Comte divided sociology in 2 distinct parts:

i) Social Statics ii) Social Dynamics Statics examines how parts of societies are interrelated (family, economy) Dynamics studies how societies are developed and changed through time.

Subject Matter of Sociology

1. Sociological Analysis
It analyses the human society and culture and analyses the evolution in it. It examines the factors and forces underlying historical transformation of society.

Subject Matter of Sociology

2. Study of Primary Units of Social Life
Here sociology is concerned with social acts, social relationships, groups, communities, & organizations.

3. Development, Structure & Function of Social Institutions

Sociology focuses on primary institutions like family, religion, educational, recreational, welfare institutions.

Subject Matter of Sociology

4. Fundamental Social Process
Sociology also discusses fundamentals of societies as social integration, co-operation, competition, conflicts, war, revolution, communication, crimes, suicide.

5. Research
Sociology does not ignore the research part, whether empirical or conceptual, as there has been continuous process of evolution.

Branches of Sociology
Historical Sociology Sociology of Knowledge Sociology of Law Sociology of Human Ecology Sociology of Education Sociology of Politics Sociology of Economic life Sociology of Occupations

Branches of Sociology
Sociology of Religion Urban Sociology Rural Sociology Industrial Sociology Military Sociology Folk Sociology Criminology Sociology of Arts

Branches of Sociology
Sociology of Culture Sociology of Communication Sociology of Ethnic Relationships Sociology of Psychology

Intellectual Influences on Sociology

After Twin revolution (French revolution and industrial revolution) many ideologies were formed. Sociology was influenced by these ideologies. Positivism Humanitarianism Evolution

Positivism is a philosophy of science based on the view that in the social as well as natural sciences, data derived from sensory experience, and logical and mathematical treatments of such data, are together the exclusive source of all authoritative knowledge. Obtaining and verifying data that can be received from the senses is known as empirical evidence.

In its most general form, humanitarianism is an ethic of kindness, benevolence and sympathy extended universally and impartially to all human beings. Humanitarianism has been an evolving concept historically but universality is a common element in its evolution.

It effected everyone of the social sciences each of which was concerned with the idea of development.

Related Branches
Economics Political Science Anthropology (study of man and his work) Psychology History

Scope of Sociology
2 schools of thought describe the scope of sociology as: Specialistic School: Sociology is a pure science and is related to certain aspects of human relationships only. Further, it only focuses on social relationships and not their content.

Scope of Sociology
Synthetic School: It declares sociology as a general science, hence the scope gets broader. It says that all parts of social life are inter-related thus each and every aspect should be focused.

Uses of Sociology
Sociology studies society in scientific way

Scientific methods are used to gather, transform, analyze data scientifically.

It throws more light on social behavior of man Answers the questions like why man lives in groups, how societies are formed.

Uses of Sociology
It helps us to understand man as well as their motives, aspirations, traditions, customs etc. It studies social institutions and relations of individuals with each of them. Family, religion, industry, schools, marriage etc are the social institutions.

Uses of Sociology
1. It is useful in solving paramount social problems examples: crime, beggary, poverty, unemployment, family disorganization, racial problems, gambling, alcoholism, overpopulation, prostitution.

Sociology tells us How to become what we want to be.

Difference Between Positive Science(Sociology) & Natural Science

2. In natural science experiments are conducted to test and prove ideas; and it is possible to isolate causes in laboratory. In sociology it is difficult to isolate causes and human beings can not be tested in highly controlled environment.

3. In natural science accurate results can be judged and results can be predicted if the provided conditions are same. Human behavior can not be predicted with certainty.

4. In natural science the presence of scientist does not affect the results contrary to positive science. 5. Natural scientists does not have to persuade objects to cooperate; while in sociology people can refuse to cooperate or can lie, which can distort the results.

Some important points

Sociology is a social science, not natural science. It is independent social science and is not a branch of any study; since it has its own subject matter. Sociology discusses both Dynamics(development) and Statics(relationships) of society. Sociology is abstract (intangible), not concrete. Sociology is more analytical than descriptive.

Sociology is pure science (what is) not applied science (what should be). Sociology is general not specific.

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