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Syarat Diet


Many adults eat more fat than they should.
Saturated fats and trans fats

total fat diet

Heart disease




A low fat diet is one where 30% or less of the total daily calories come from fats A very low fat diet is one where 15% or less of the total daily calories come from fat. By comparison, in the average American diet about 3537% of calories come from fat

Low fat (with fiber, carb) Weight loss

Control lipid profile


Metabolic Syndrome

Syarat Diet Rendah Lemak

Energi, Protein, Karbohidrat, Vitamin & Mineral sesuai dengan kebutuhan
Lemak < 30% total Energi
< 10% Saturated FA

< 300 mg cholesterol, 200 mg if LDL , DM, CVD

Keep Trans FA as low as possible (2-3% of total E)

Weight loss Dislipidemia Penyakit Jantung Penyakit kandung empedu Penyakit hati

Guidelines for Lowering Fat Intake

Choose lower fat alternatives more often. Use lower fat cooking methods Eat smaller portions of high fat foods. Eat high fat foods less often. Balance foods higher in fat with foods lower in fat.

Total Fat
Claims Definition Fat Free, Zero Fat, No Fat, Without Fat, Trivial Less than 0.5g fat per Source of Fat, Negligible Source of Fat, Dietarily serving. Insignificant Source of Fat Low in Fat, Less Fat, Contains a Small Amount of Fat, Low Source of Fat Less than 3g fat per serving. At least 25% less fat per serving than the original food item. Original product may not be "low fat".
Light (fat) A minimum of 50% less fat than the comparison food

Reduced Fat, Less Fat

Saturated Fat
Claims Saturated Fat Free, Zero Saturated Fat, No Saturated Fat, Without Saturated Fat, Trivial Source of Saturated Fat, Negligible Source of Saturated Fat, Dietary Insignificant Source of Saturated Fat Low in Saturated Fat, Less Saturated Fat, Low Source of Saturated Fat, Contains a Small Amount of Saturated Fat Definition Less than 0.5g saturated fat and less than 0.5g trans fatty acids per serving. 1g saturated fat or less per serving and 15% or less calories from saturated fat. At least 25% less saturated fat per serving than the original item. Original product may not be "Low Saturated Fat".

Reduced Saturated Fat, Less Saturated Fat

Claims Definition
Cholesterol Free, Zero Cholesterol, No Cholesterol, Without Cholesterol, Trivial Source of Cholesterol, Less than 2mg cholesterol per Negligible Source of Cholesterol, Dietary serving. Insignificant Source of Cholesterol Low in Cholesterol, Less Cholesterol, Contains a Small Amount of Cholesterol, Low Source of Cholesterol 20mg cholesterol or less per serving. At least 25% less cholesterol per serving than the original item. Original product may not be "Low Cholesterol". ********** No claims can be made about cholesterol if the item contains more than 2g saturated fat.

Reduced Cholesterol, Less Cholesterol

Remove all visible fat from meat and skin from poultry before cooking. Bake or broil meats on a rack set in a pan, so that the fat can drip off. Refrigerate homemade soups and stews, then skim the solidified fat off the top before serving. If using canned soup or broth that contains fat, put the can in the refrigerator for a few hours, and skim the solid fat off the top before heating. Top pasta with vegetables instead of oil, butter, or cheese.

Choose items that are broiled, roasted or baked. Avoid fried foods. Select fish or chicken instead of beef or pork. Ask for salad dressing, butter, and gravy on the side. Fill up on salad with non-fat dressing at the salad bar.

Healthy Choices to Lower Fat through the USDA Daily Food Plan

Grain Group Vegetable and Fruit

Choose whole-grain breads, cereals, pastas and rice. Avoid high-fat snack foods, such as granola, cookies, pies, pastries, doughnuts and croissants.

Almost all vegetables and fruits are low in fat. Exceptions are avocados and coconut.

Protein Foods Group

Choose lean cuts of meat, poultry, and fish Trim visible fat from meat and remove the skin from poultry Use low fat preparation methods such as broiling, grilling, roasting, poaching, or steaming instead of deep fat frying or pan-frying Refrigerate meat drippings, stews, and soups and remove the solidified fat before serving Many types of fish are low in fat, but fish with white meat such as flounder, sole, and orange roughy tend to have less fat than fish with darker meat such as salmon or mackerel Two egg whites or a quarter-cup of egg substitute can be used for each whole egg in a recipe

Dairy Group Fats, Oils, and Sweets

Fat free milk (skim or non-fat) and low-fat (1%) milk have the least amount of fat Cheeses naturally lower in fat include part-skim mozzarella and ricotta cheese Choose low-fat and fat-free yogurts Lower the fat in recipes by substituting plain fat-free yogurt for sour cream or mayonnaise

Lard, shortening, coconut oil, and palm oil are high in saturated fats. Safflower, sunflower, corn, and soybean oils are high in polyunsaturated fats. Canola oil and olive oil are high in monounsaturated fat

Contoh Menu
Makan Siang
Nasi Ayam kecap Gadon tahu Bobor bayam (santan encer) Nasi Pepes tongkol Tempe bacem Sayur asem Jakarta

Makan Malam

Makan Pagi

Kentang rebus Steak daging (sirloin) saus BBQ Kacang merah rebus Wortel dan buncis rebus

Snack I: Puding Mangga (Susu skim)

Snack II: Pisang Bakar Strawberry

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