Rajiv Gandhi

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Great men, time conquerors die but their good deeds, their thoughts never die

Born on-20th August 1944

When this child was born a current of great happiness flowed through

his relatives hearts Pt. Nehru was in jail those days . Nehru conveyed a message to Mrs.Indira Gandhi that the baby be named on the basis of the chids maternal grandmother. So the baby was named Rajiv Ratan Gandhi Rajiv is the synonym of Kamal(lotus) Ratan is a synonym of Jawahar So Rajiv Ratan is deriviate of Kamla and Jawahar The baby was called Rajiv Ratan

It is said that the chids first teachers are the parents

and especially Mother Whatever virtues the child sees in his parents ,the same are transmitted to him. The baby Rajiv quietly observed the activities of the parents and got inspired.

Rajiv Gandhis nature was very pleasing but was a little

shy. Nehru Ji used to bring the children to the functions some times. Rajiv used to sit and talk along with foreign visitors in Teen Murti Bhawan So he got a blend of virtues of his maternal grandfather,his parents and of the foreign visitors in his personality.

Baby Rajiv grew up,he was sent to (Shiv Niketan

School, situated in Delhi. Rajiv used to be leader at all the dramas staged at that school. To take the side of the weak and to show kindness on creatures , their qualities had taken strong root in the mind of Rajiv. At many occasions, whenever the chance came he scolded the boys and taught them the lesson of affection and kindness.

Rajiv had knowledge of rule of the games.

Following rules strictly was used to be his only aim.

He did not mind defeat or victory While playing nobody was small or big in his eyes,

they were all equal. His sympathy for poor and servant employees was growing day by day.


We for further studies to England

He liked foreign life, but he also remembered his

motherland. He used to compare India with foreign In his imagination he used to think of making India self reliant and at the top of the world.


>He often used to recite the poem of Kabir: Sai itna dijiye jamein kutumb samaye Main bhi bhukha naa rahun,na Sadhu bhukha jaye >O God give me so much so that my family is covered and I also do not remain hungry,nor the saints go hungry. While explaining the meaning of Kutumb,he meant India as whole as his family and he meant foreign visitors as Sadhus

For Youths-

Rajiv Gandhi had become the youngest Prime Minister

of India >He was a youth Prime Minister, so he understood the mentality of the youths very well so he wanted that the Indian youths should work with heart and soul. >Youths should be the support of nation and society >While invoking the youth power in June 1985 Rajivji said The Nations greatest force is youth


New education policy

Preference to agriculture
Strength of Infrastructure National economic Policy

Comunication Revolution in India started by him.


1.Struggle Against Poverty

2. The rural development >Improvement in productivity >enhancement in production 3.Rain dependent Agriculture Development >technical improvement to preserve the moisture of soil and better movement of land water resources 4.Better Utilization of Irrigation Water


>5.Developed Agriculture Economic Production >6.Educated Nation >7.Justice for schedule castes and tribes >8.Equality to Women >9.Consumer Welfare >10.New oppurtunities for youths.




Sri Lankan Tamils were fighting for an autonomous

state. Sri Lankan army was harrasing the Tamils Rajiv Gandhi sent plane loads of food to the starving Tamils accompanied by Mirage Fighter Planes Later on he signed an agreement with Sri Lankan President Jayvardhane according to which Tamils were to get an autonomous region with the state of Sri Lanka


But LTTE did not sign this agreement and went to the

jungles to fight a gorilla war against Sri Lankan Army. On the request of Sri Lankan President Rajiv Gandhi sent Indian Army to Sri Lanka to fight LTTE in 1987 During the election campaign of 1991 general elections to the parliament Sri Rajiv Gandhi went to Sri Perumbadoor to address an election rally. He was killed their by an LTTE suicide bomber.


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