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Cotton Trait Pipeline

Innovation is Essential for Agriculture To safeguard and increase yields from constant land area
Better resource management (targeted use of crop protection, irrigation technology, fertilizers and resistance management) Increase yields through innovative technologies (hybridization, plant biotechnology)
To expand agricultural product in marginal areas
Limited arable land coupled with rising demand

New crops with greater tolerance to drought and extreme temperatures

To increase tolerance of plants to climatic variability

Develop new varieties using state-of-the-art technologies Research Improve plant health and uptake and innovation are thenutrient key to mastering the
challenges of agriculture

Climate change

Cotton Market Challenges and Opportunities On-Farm Challenges Promising Approaches

Glyphosate-resistant weeds Other herbicide-resistant weeds Insect resistance management Nematode management Disease management Yield improvement and stability

Nitrogen utilization Yield Drought tolerance Other abiotic stresses

Next generation chemistry Complementary technologies (e.g.,

seed treatments) Novel agronomic traits (GM and non-GM) Novel plant health research

Cotton Trait Growth Opportunities

Stress Tolerance Drought tolerance Water-use efficiency Sap-sucking insect control Nematode control Disease resistance Lepidopteran control Yield Increase Harvest index Nitrogen-use efficiency Hybridization system Fiber Quality Length, strength,
micronaire Length uniformity Bioengineered fibers

Cotton Trait Pipeline Through 2016

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