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Retail store image

1. Retail store design-retailing image

Retailing image mix--- Needs differ c2c so each

retailer strategically plans a mix of elements to match the needs- both physical and emotional, of his customer mix. Example: 1-employee type and density-- specialty store like sari store requires high density of sales persons, approx1/100sft ,to cater women, also knowing local language, education no bar. Contrary large dept store requires approx 1/400 sft, Well educated and suitably dressed.

Retail store image

2.Merchandise type and density -super market is very dense,

average about 8000 pieces/100sft,wherras dept store stock 750/100sft,furniture outlet or designer wear have low density to make merchandise appear exclusive. 3-fixture type and density-fixtures compliment the value of merchandise. jewellery store uses expensive wood work and marbles-granites whereas sport outlet uses metal and plastics. Density of fixtures i.e. no of fixtures /100sft complimenting density of merchandise as it has big impact on convenience of shopping.

4. Store faade An imposing appearance concealing something

inferior. It is faade makes customer to decide whether to enter or not. lasting impression in customers mind. . Combination of elements- 1-design, 2-ambience, 3merchandise, 4- service offerings.5-security guards in uniforms if greeter not policing look. All together provides retail identity

Retailer ask himself Q-what Facade tell C ?, does it provides distinct identity? Does it have distinguishable features to set it apart from others in the category? Is the faade in tune with the understanding of the target profile of Cust. Helps in -1-invites silently, 2-makes it memorable, 3- creates TOM,awareness, 4-conveys what is in store, 5- E.g.-MacDonalds M emblem in yellow color, Bata shop sign boards, reliance petrol pumps in green. etc Problems in creating facades- tailor-made /exclusive creation of real estates for retail stores

5-Sound type and density- soft instrumentals for

jewellery and cosmetics ,contrary casuals /fashion wear complimented by contemporary sound tracks from new bands. 6-Odour type and density-like sound, odour also creates +/- impacts on store atmosphere. fresh coffee beans and flower add to shopping experience in department stores, contrary cigarette smoke can be repellent.

6-visual type and factors- overall store presentation

thru suitable designs, displays, and visual merchandising,yelow color shades compliment jewelry, impulse purchase of fmcg products r triggered thru warm bright colors like red /yellow colors ,daylight natural colors good for garments,

Space mix- staple + convenience + impulse merchandise.

Staple goods or core usp items of store, about 55% space occupied of total store offering, shirts and trousers form a staple merchandise of dept store, for supertmarket grains and sugar etc is staple ,Convnience goods-about 30% like thru ensuring conversions. Impulse constitute 15% ear entrance /exits. space mix provides merchandise promotion+profit+customer delight.

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