Regularized Boolean Set Operation On Solids in Computer Graphics

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Solid Modeling

Regularized Boolean Operations

Prepared by :- Hitesh H. Parmar [ MEFGI 1st PG-CE ] Contact :-

Topics that we will cover today.

Representation of Solid Model.
Definition of Solid Model Boolean set Operation
Ordinary Boolean Operation on Solids Regularized Boolean Operation on Solids Examples

Prepared by Hitesh H. Parmar (

Solid Representation

Prepared by Hitesh H. Parmar (

Definition of a Solid Model

A solid model of an object is a more complete representation than its surface (wireframe) model
Solid is bound by surfaces. So need to also define the polygons of vertices, which form the solid. It must also be a valid representation.

Wireframe Model
Prepared by Hitesh H. Parmar (

Solid Model

Ordinary Boolean Operation on Solids

One of the most popular methods for combining objects is by Boolean set operations, such as union, difference, and intersection Applying an ordinary Boolean set operation to two solid objects, however, does not necessarily yield a solid object. For example, the ordinary Boolean intersections of the cubes in Fig. 12.3(a) through (e) are a solid, a plane, a line, a point, and the null object, respectively.

Prepared by Hitesh H. Parmar (

Ordinary Boolean Set Operations on Solid Objects

Prepared by Hitesh H. Parmar (

Ordinary Boolean Set Operations on Solid Objects

Prepared by Hitesh H. Parmar (

Ordinary Boolean Set Operations on Solid Objects

Prepared by Hitesh H. Parmar (

Regularized Boolean Operation on Solids

Rather than using the ordinary Boolean set operators, we will instead use the regularized Boolean set operators, denoted *, *, and *, and defined such that operations on solids always yield solids. For example, the regularized Boolean intersection of the objects shown in Fig. 12.3 is the same as their ordinary Boolean intersection in cases (a) and (e), but is empty in (b) through (d).

Prepared by Hitesh H. Parmar (

Regularized Boolean Set Operations

Using regularized boolean operators: All 3 intersections = NULL Effectively, we throw away any results from an operation that is of lower dimensionality than the original solids.

Prepared by Hitesh H. Parmar (


Regularized Boolean Set Operations

boundary / interior points :
points whose distance from the object and the objects complement is zero / other points

closed set
a set contains all its boundary points

open set
a set contains none of its boundary points

Prepared by Hitesh H. Parmar (


Regularized Boolean Set Operations

Closure :
the union of a set with the set of its boundary points is a closed set

Boundary :
the set of closed sets boundary points

Interior :
the complement of the boundary with respect to the object

Prepared by Hitesh H. Parmar (


Regularized Boolean Set Operations

regularization :
the closure of a sets interior points

regularized Boolean set operator :

A op* B= closure (interior (A op B)) only produce the regular set when applied to regular sets




Regularized Object

Prepared by Hitesh H. Parmar (

Ordinary & Regularized Boolean Set Operations

[ O1]
[ Example 1 ]

[ O2] [ O2]

[ O1]

Prepared by Hitesh H. Parmar (


Ordinary Boolean Set Operations

Prepared by Hitesh H. Parmar (

[ Example 2 ]


Regularized Boolean Set Operations

[ Example 3 ]

Prepared by Hitesh H. Parmar (


Regularized Boolean Operations

Source : University of Manitoba

Prepared by Hitesh H. Parmar ( 17


Prepared by Hitesh H. Parmar (


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